Small surprise

On new year day, Mr and Mrs Feng went to the Richardson place with Alan and Michelle while the rest went back home to S city. They came back on on the second day after visiting the temple where the ashes of Alan deceased parent kept.

" We are agree to have Alan and Michelle marriage to be register here in February 15th. It's friday and also chinese new year eve. We will talk about the wedding party after the baby born. Alice, please help be to prepare dress for Michelle" Mrs Feng told the whole family after dinner.

Alice cheerfully took Michelle upstair to plan the wedding dress for Michelle

Alan and Michelle left the next day "Alan, becareful ok ?! Don't speeding !" Mrs Feng reminded her son. "I know Mum. I'll see you again soon".

After Alan and Michelle left, They all went to Nick and Sean office. They cleaned up and made final arrangement as Wednesday this two man would start new page in their life.

The next day, Alice and Nrs Feng were disappeared together, They told everyone that they need to do some shopping and when they were back, they were busy in the kitchen. Sean and Nick sat together with Cacha to go through her duty as their receptionist.

5th of January, Nick put his tie on and get ready for his first day as a boss. "Wait" Alice stopped him before he stepped out from his room. She fixed his tie them gave him a french kiss "Good luck my Darling. I love you". Nick had a busy day, he held a brain storming meeting with his team from the morning. He and his team were stunned when they ended their meeting before lunch. A pretty lady smilled sweetly at them "Lunch is ready out side" .

"Thank you Missus" Nick smiled politely

"You are welcome" Alice winked her eye.

"This ?" One of the guy pointed at Alice.

"My Wife" Nick leaded the way while holding Alice hand left behind the rest of them team dumpfounded. he really wanted to give his wife a kiss but he had to refain him self to do it in front of his team.

"I didn't know he married. Do you know?"

"Damn, How come this nerd has beautiful wife"

"No wonder, he never pay attention on any woman in the office. he has damn pretty hot wife"

His team members muttered in low voice.

Outside, They saw a table full of delicious food had been prepared. Their lady boss and another young girl were chatting happily. "I love woking here, our receptionist is also cute" one of Nick team who were on his last year on uni stared at Cacha foolishly.

"Guys, This is my sister. she is helping me for while here. She is also helping the lawyer next door. Just FYI, that lawyer is my brother" Nick grinned, he warned them not to flirth with his sister.

"Lets Enjoy our lunch" The food aroma teased his belly.

"Wait ! wait for Mum, dad and sean" Alice stopped Nick to take any food.

Mrs Feng and her husband were still inside Sean office. Nick knocking Sean Office door "Hey, lunch time". Not long after, Mr feng came out followep by his wife who waa dragging Sean with them. Nick clapped his hands to get everyone attention.

"Everyone, this is My father, My Mother and My brother" he introduced them to his subordinates. Sean nodded to them and smiled gently.

"Hello everyone. Today is important day for both of My sons. I wish you all can get along and work well together, please enjoy the food that my wife and my daughter in law personally cook for today" Mr Feng made an opening speech.

" I wish both of you will have brighter future" Mrs Feng held Sean hand with her right hand and Nick in her left the put Nich on top of Sean "I wish you too have even brighter future. You guys are my son. so You are brothers until you are died. You have to love and support each other, Understand ?" Nick and Sean looked at each other then they just hugged their mother together and kissed her "we know mum" Nick whispered. Mr Feng sobbed while patting her sons back. "Dad" Nick and Sean also hugged their father. "Good luck boys" Mr Feng eyes were waterly.

"Can we eat now ? I am hungry" Cacha asked innocently.

"Sure" Sean messed his sister hair.

"Hey, Don't do that" Sasha pouted.

"Come on, eat now. You need to help me with my paperwork after this" Sean hugged Cacha shoulder and walked to get their food.

Nick took his portion and pulled Alice away from the crowd and went to Nick office. Nick put this plate on his desk then lock the door .

"So you like our small surprise ?" Alice sneaked her hands on his waist.

"Thank you honey. But I prefer your surprice on my birthday before" He kissed her passionately.

Alice pushed him away when he started teasing her tounge " Boss, Please watch your action ! This is not in our room". Alice went out from her husband office in rush to rejoin the rest.