Soul mate

"What time is your flight tomorrow ?" Sean asked Nick at saturday night 8 of January. "6 O'clock" as both of them and Lana were on the family living room.

"I'll drop you two to airport. I need to go around that area too".

Upstairs, Mrs Feng and Cacha were helping Sasha to pack up. While Alice also packed up her husband clothes and necessities.

"Send the monthly salary for my team first on 15. Just send mine after we got the next fund, got it ?" Nick ended his business conversation with Lana. She was Nick and Sean accountant.

"See you tomorrow, I am packing up first" Nick when upstairs and let Sean and Lana had their own conversation.

Alice smiled when she saw her husband enter their room "Darling, I've packed extra coat here. I just need to put your razor and shaving cream".

"No need. I won't shave until I am back" He came closer and nodded, he was satisfied with what his wife packed for him.

"But you won't look good with stubbles". Nick smiled, he closed the suitcases and put it away from his bed to the corner.

"What if any girl here fancies me ?" He teased her as he hugged her.

"Mike and Hans will help me to protect you from those girls for me" Alice lifted her chin and stared at him with arrogant look. But in notice her eyes were dimmed,

"I'll miss you" She rested her head on his chest and close her eyes.

It would be their first seperation after his departure from country U.

"14 days. It's short but long. Honey, is it ok to give 1 week in advanced and I'll give the rest once I am back ?" Nick caressed her earlobe and started kissing her cheek.

"Give what ?" Alice looked at nick in confused. But she knew what he meant as he started kissing her passionately while undressing her.

Alice woke up the next morning, she peeped naked body then giggled when she remembered last night event. He did gave her many time to over up halve what they would miss. She couldn't remember how many time and what time they finished. "You are up" Nick entered his room and removed the blanket that covered her "Today will be a hot day. No need for blanket". It was indeed no blanket was needed as it was one of the hottest summer day in S city for that year. On top of that, the hot exercise really made the temperature raised.

Alice was deadly tired after that morning exercise but She still managed to get up and took a hot shower. She came down after 11 o'clock to help her mother in law in the kitchen. At 3 O'clock Sean was ready on his car waiting for his two siblings to get in, Nick had put his and Sasha suitcases inside in the morning.

"I'll call you once We arrive there" Nick kissed his wife before got in to the the front passager seat.

"Hey, you guys only seperated for 2 weeks" Sasha chuckled.

"If you guys jealous with us, plea s e find you soul mate soon" Nick grinned

Nearly every night since he went to country K, Nick made a long Video call to his wife. If He was very busy he would sent them text message and just had a quick good night call.

A week after their departured day

"where is Sasha ? Mum said she hasn't give her any call" Alice asked

"She is busy, I guessed. I personally hasn't seen here since we are here"

"But you stay on the same hotel, right ?"

"Yes. but different room"

"Is she spend her time with him ?"

"Definitely no. He is not here. Mike said uncle Jung sent him somewhere since new year. How is every one at home" Nick giggled

"We are good . It just mum who is very concern about Mr Lawyer"

"What happen ?" Nick frowned

" Sean is hardly seen either, Cacha said is preparing his case and accept another case. He he often forgets to have lunch " Mrs Feng were very consent with his health, nearly every day she came yo delivery lunch for him She wish he found his soul mate that able to look after him like his brothers.

"Honey, every night I also miss my night meal. Can I have special menu when I am back ?"

"Do you not have dinner every night ? How come ? you can not skip meal, it's cold there you may sick" Alice was unhappy at all.

"Oh Honey, we have been married for months. why do you still not get it ? what I mean is my breast feeding milk" Nick chuckled. His soul mate was still as naive as before.