Michelle and Alan

On the dinning table the next morning

"Lets have this cake" Sasha showed off her valentine suprised that kept on the fridge from yesterday. It was a heart shape mudcake cover with pink icing and all cheeky valentine decoration.

Nick sneered as he read the card sticked on the box. Once he finished reading he, let Alan read it.

"Bro, we should teach your annoying friend a hard lesson for this" Alan smiled slyly. He had a hard night as his pregnant wife nagging all night.

"Definitely !" Nick played with his coffee mug. His mood was degraded even more as he didn't manage to get what he expected last night as his wife begged his mercy to give her an easy night due to heavy schedule that day.

Sean picked the card after Alan threw it on the table. He peeped at Sasha before read it out of loud "This is my heart. I give it to you, please eat me ! your oppa love you".

"Oppa !!" Josh made a girlish gestured.

"That's enough" Mrs Feng cried before they went further to ruin Sasha mood.

"We need to clean up the house as no one allowed to do any clean up tomorrow. By two O'clock everyone have to be ready. Michelle dear, Just stay in the living room and relax. ok?" Mrs glared to others but smiled at Michelle.

The elfs at the Feng house worked magically. They made their house clean as well as the garden. At 2 O'clock everyone was ready on the leaving room. The double happiness sign was alreay hanging on the wall behind Where the old feng couple sat.The ladies were wearing bright colour while The gentlemen were on their informal suit expected Mr Feng and Alan. They were both on their formal suit and Michelle wore a red dress in chinese wedding dress style.

"Come on groom and bride, Lets over your three bow" Josh was impatient as he was the emcee for today ceremony.

Alan held Michelle hand and they came forward

"First bow to the earth and heaven, I mean heaven and earth" Everyone gigled

"Second bow to the parents"

" Third bow, groom and bride bow to each other".

After Alan and Michelle had done three bows, Cacha came with a tray. Michelle and Alan knew what to do as they saw it in Nick and Alice wedding day

"Dad please have a tea. Mum, please have a tea" Michelle overed the tea. The Feng couple drank it and they gave her red envelope and jewellery just liked what they did on their biological son wedding.

"Wait there !" The emcee warned the groom and the bride went they wanted to leave. Alan confused as their was no other elders presented.

"Hey, I am your elder now" Nick and Alice came forward and sat where The old Feng couple were.

"Eldest brother, eldest sister in law please have a tea" Michelle smiled.

Afer they drank their tea, Nick gave them red envelope while Alice put a nice diamond bracelet on Michelle wrist.

"Pay back time" Alan teased his eldest brother who acted reluctantly handed out his red envelope.

"My turn" Sean sat and grinned happily.

"You are not married yet !" Sasha was shocked. She knew the rule was only married couple could be overed tea by the bride.

"Grands asked me to be their representatives. right grands ?" Sean waved at Lana who held Mrs feng phone. She incharged to look after the video call.

"We are sorry we can be ne there. It's too short notice. But we promise to be there when the baby is due" Grandma and grand aunty waived as Lana gave the phone to Alan and Michelle.

"Son in law, congratulations ! You have 2 daughters in law in less than six months and grandkid soon" The elders didn't forget to tease Mr Feng who grinned with joy.

"Thank you grands" Alan was so touched by the elders kindness. They treated him like their own grandson.

"Come on. Let me drink" Sean was so exicted. He took two drink and gave Michelle the elders gift.

"They sent them via courier two days ago"

"Why are you crying ?" Cacha patted Alan

" Thank you all. Thank you for everything"

Alan kneeled in front of his adoptive parent and cryed "Mum, dad. Thank you. I love you dearly. What can I do to repay your love ? ".

Mrs and Mr Feng held Alan hands and let him stood up. "Live well and happily with dignity. That's enough for us" Mr Feng patted Alan back.

"Don't cry on your happy day" Mrs Feng wept Alan tears away. Then she spoke to Alice "Now, you are senior. Please teach your junior well".

"Yes, Empress" Alice bent her knee slightly to her mother in law.

"Please sister in law kindly guide me" Michelle followed by bending her knee to Alice.

"Are you worry how to act in front of mum ?" Alice asked Michelle after the ceremony had been completed

Alice smiled and held Michelle hands "Mum is very gentle and nice woman, not like those mother in law in the drama. She is more to a loving but demanding mother than mother in law to me".

Michelle nodded "I need to know her more. Alan said he wish to look after them when they are older".

"My husband said the same. I guest we have to share them"

Both of Feng daughters in law giggled.

"We need to go now. So we won't be late" Mr Feng peeped his watch.

"do the need to those 12 bowls ?" Josh asked.

"Later on" Alan said.

"When ?" Lana was also curious.

"On our wedding party. Her parents requested" Alan said.

"when will it be ?" Cacha asked.

"After the baby born. But if you want to see constable Young soon. He will be here in May for some training" Michelle giggled.

Ahh, ohh sound were echoing, before the room turned silence.

They went to the marriage registry office in three cars, Seans', Nicks' and Josh's.