Alan wedding

They arrived at that the registration office 10 minutes earlier. The Richardsons were already there. Michelle parents came with her paternal and maternal grandparent as well as her two brothers and their girlfriends. In country A, the marriage registry office offered a standard ceremony for wedding registration.

They went to in side a small room where a marriage celebrant had been waiting for them. "Can we start now ? Please the bride and the groom to come forward" He asked politely.

Once Alan and Michelle were standing in front of him "Alan Feng,do you currently legally married or has defacto relation with others than Michelle?"

"I don't"

"Miss Michelle Richardsons, do you currently legally married or has defacto relation with others than Alan?"

"No I don't"

"here, in the presence of your family, Alan Feng will you take Michelle to be your lawful wife, will you love her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health, happy and sorrow. Only keep your faith to her so long as you both shall live ?"

"I do"

"Michelle Richardsons will you take Alan to be your lawful husband, will you love him, honor and keep him in sickness and in health, happy and sorrow. Only keep your faith to him so long as you both shall live ?"

"I do"

"Do you have wedding ring ?" The celebrant asked the groom. Cacha came forward with a cute mini heart shape cushion. The rings were tied between two red ribbon roses. She also gave a paper to him and another to Michelle to read

"Michelle, please accept this ring as simbol of our love, pure and no ending. I'll be with you forever as My name has been engrave here. I will show you my love through my action, speech and in my tought. I will support you in bad time, cheer you up when you are in sorrow, Love and care you. I promise that I'll be a good and gentle husband as well as good father for our kids. May we blessed to have a happy relationship" Then he put the ring on her left hand.

"Alan, please accept this ring as simbol of our love. Pure and no ending. I'll be with you forever as My name has been engrave here. I will show you my love through my action, speech and in my tought. I will support you in bad time, cheer you up when you are in sorrow, Love and care you. I promise that I'll be a good and gentle wife as well as good mother for our kids. May we blessed to have a happy relationship" before she put the ring on his left hand.

Alan and Michelle then signed the wedding certificate with Nick as Alan witness and Michelle eldest brother as her witness

"I announce that according to country A law, Mr Alan Feng is now legally married to Mrs Michelle Richardson. Congratulations"

He congratulated the couple then the parents.

"Congratulations Mr and Mrs Feng"

"Don't call that, we are family now. Call My name Nedy and My wife Tya" Mr Feng laughed while shaking hands with Michelle parents

"Definitely. Just call me John and my wife Linda" Mr Richardsons laughed was well.

"Lets go the the restaurant. It's nearly peak hours, we need to hurry up otherwise we will be sitting on traffic jam" Sean reminded the happy parents who could chat nonstop for hours.

At 6 o'clock they finally arrived at a chinese restaurant. It was already packed with people who celebrated chinese new year eve dinner. They were directed to a private room with 3 tables were ready for them.

Alan stunned when he saw nother faces in that room who looked familiar.

"Alan, we invite uncle Nguyen. do you remember him ? she was your father friend" Mr Feng said. Alan nodded as remember him, he was the person that took him to Mr Feng house 15 or 16 years ago.

"Alan, you are gown up. Congratulations for your wedding" Uncle Nguyen and his wife greeted him.

"In law, this is the brother of Alan biological mother. He live in other city" Mrs Feng introduced a couple with their two grown up daughters. The couples greet every one and they were crying when they saw Alan "Your parents must be happy in the heaven. Congratulations".

Alan smiled he didn't have any bad felling towards the family, he met them when hr was 6 or 7 years old. Nonetheless he introduced them to Michelle. But His happyness was evaporated when he saw another family of 6 came. It had been ages he didn't see them but he remembered them clearly in his mind and his heart, he wouldn't able to forget those people until He died.

He sneered and said coldly "Why are they here ?".

"I asked them to come" Mrs Feng tapped Alan shoulder.

"Nephew, congratulations" the lady on that group shook Alan hands and acted very sweet. While Auncle Nguyen and Alan's uncle smirked at them with disgusting face.

"Nephew? me ? Father in law, let me introduce you to these couple. He is my father deceased brother who kindly kicked me out from their home after they took my parents and little brother death insurance" Alan clenched his hands.

"Lets sit. Baby is hungry" Michelle spoke softly to Alan as She tried to calm her husband down.

"You guys enjoyed the food. But bear in mind, I only do it because Mum and Dad invite you. Don't ever try to come and find me again after today" Alan warned his paternal uncle and his family.

The bouquet started very soon and ended after 10 o'clock. They had a nice dinner with a lot of laugh and teasing. Alan mood was lifted due to his siblings and his borther in laws effort. However until the end of the banquet he gave his fraternal uncle a cold shoulder. Don't mention a word, Alan didn't even spare a glance to them.