Wonderful Lunar New Year

"Darling, wake up" Alice shook her husband

"Let me sleep more" Nick turned his body and pulled the blanket up. He wanted to sleep more as he and his brothers continued to dink last night after they arrived home.

"Darling, wake up ! It's lunar new year day, we have to greet our parents".

"We can do it in the afternoon. We do that way every year" Nick covered his head with blanket.

Alice moved to the other side, she grinned as she found a way to wake him up. She removed the blanket from his head and planned kisses on his lips. Alice way of waking him up worked very well as he responded. She pushed her husband as their kiss was getting intense. Nick protested and tried to grab her waist "Give me more" red dressed that she wore made him remembered their wedding night and arose him.

"Only after you wash up and we greet our parents" Alice opened the wardrobe and took new redish T-shirt for Nick.

"Go, have shower first" She gave to T-shirts and pushed Nick out of their room.

"Hurry up ! I am waiting downstairs" Alice knocked the bathroom door once her husband was inside.

"Bro, wake up. New year" Nick knocked Sean door and wait for him to get ready before they went down stair together.

Alan was the last one to sit on dinning table as Michelle dragged him.

"I am sorry we are late. He slept like a corpse" Michell glared at her husband.

"She is too excited, it's her first lunar new yeat" Alan shook his head.

"Mine is the same" Nick said.

The Feng couple were very delighted. It was the first time in the last four or five years for their family got together on new year. this year was even better as they had two new daughter in law with one of them had their first grandkid.

After the breakfast, They were gathered on the living room.

"Mum, Dad, Happy new Lunar new year" Nick and Alice was the first one as he was the eldest.

"I wish you two have a blissful year. Here for you, Alice" Mrs Feng gave Alice a red envelope.

"Me ? really for me ?" Alice stunned. It took her a minutes to calm her self before took it with twinkled eyes and beaming smile. It was her first time getting red envelope on lunar New year.

"Thank you Mum, dad" Alice bowed and took red envelope from Nick poket and gave it to Mrs Feng.

The Feng old couple was surprised "this ?"

"We are married couple, so we need to give one for our parents. Right ?"

"Hubby, look ! They give us this" Mrs Feng beamed with happiness.

Sean was next, he also received red envelope from his parent.

Alan and Michelle had they turned after Sean. Michelle got her first red envelop as well while Mr and Mrs Feng had their second one from this couple.

Sasha, Cacha, Lana were the next batch, while Josh and fred were the last.

All of them but Sean received additional red envelop from Nick and Alan as they need to give the youngsters one after they got married.

"Second brother. When will you get married ?" Cacha hugged Sean arm.

"Why ? do you want more of those" Sean pointed at the red envelope.

Cacha smiled and nodded.

"Asked mum to find one for me. Or ask certain oppa to make our sister pregnant" Sean glanced cheekily at Sasha.

"Hey !" Sasha was about to argue when her phone rang.

"Oppa..!!!" Lana cried playfully as she saw caller Id on Sashe phone.

They were cheering who Sasha ran upstair to have a peaceful date by phone.

"Does he suppose to wish us happy new year ? Well, at least to his future parents in law" Alan shook his head.

"This guy is getting worse by day. We should teach him a lesson for sure" Nick sneered.

"We need to show him who the boss are" Sean chuckled. Lana and Josh put their thumb up, they were on the same boat with those three.

"Mum, Why did you gave both sister in law red envelope as well ?" Cacha asked.

"Because it's their first time" Mrs Feng smiled.

"I wish all of you have a great and better year. Nick and Alice business to bloom, Our Family lawyer will shine, Our newly wed couple have a healthy baby, Michelle has a smooth labour and My girls have fabulous year. Also, Josh and Fred have a great year. Happy new year. I love you all" Mr Feng gave his lunar new year blessing after Sasha was back to the room.

"Dad, Mum. We wish you stay healthy and happy. Love you" Nick said.

"Lets have toast" Sean raised his beer followed by the gentlemen, while the ladies raised their fruit juice.

"Happy lunar new year" They all cheered.

The calebration continued as they made video call to greet the elders.

It didn't stop there as The Richardsons family arrived shortly. Alice leaded the girls team to prepare for lunch while the gentlemen were in the backyard. Nick, Sean and Alan grilled five whole fishes, where as the rest of the gentlemen prepared the dinning table as they had their lunch outside to accommodate the arrival of their in law and the family.

In the afternoon, after the Richardsons left, some of the Feng couple old friends turned up as well as their staff from the fruitshop, they stayed there until late. At the end of the day, their inital plan to go to temple was only happened the next day.

"Darling, Thank you" Alice was on her husband embraced at night after they did their night exercise.

"Why do you thank me ? is my performance today very outstanding ?" Nick teased his wife.

Alice twitched , she just wondered whafter they married he always thought about that thing.

"Thanks for giving me a beautiful family. It's the first time in my memory , I celebrate new year with people that I can call as family. It is a wonderful Lunar new year"

"My pleasure, honey" Nick kissed her forehead before they both felt on deep slumber.