Sasha departure

one afternoon, the female in tge Feng household gathered on Sasha bedrooom. Alice held Sasha hands, she was very sad that her sister in law would leave her soon. "Sasha, you have to look after your self. Don't trust others to much, you need to be carefull they may have hidden intention, understand ?" Alice sobbed as she gave Sasha advice based on her experience.

"If some one bully you, you have to tell us. Got it ? including your oppa " Michelle who sat on the left side said. She had been staying in the Feng house since her wedding day while Alan had been back to the rural area two weeks ago.

"Can you two please look after mum and Cacha ?" Sasha wept.

"Definitely" Alice hugged Sasha.

"I'll come to visit them often" Michelle said. Her mutation was sped up due to her pregnancy, so she would move to W city . It was only an hour drive to S Sity and one and half hour drive to her parents.

"Thank you" Sasha tears flew as she hugged her seniors.

"Come on, we need to go now" Mrs Feng come inside. it was the day Sasha left for country K as she would work there for the next one and half year. She decided to fly on friday so she would have time to adjust her body from jetlag. She didn't know why her mood turned gloomy that day, dispite the fact that she was so exciting and could not wait to come to country K due to certain someone.

Nick and Sean had placed Sasha two suitcases on the car half an hour ago. She just took important stuff with her, and the rest would be sent by courier after she found her own place. The company only arranged her apartment for the first 4 weeks, so It would be very inconvenient for her to send her stuff now .

"Mum" Sasha hugged her mum.

"Lets go" Mrs Feng patted her daughter back.

Mr and Mr Feng was in Sean car with Cacha. Nick drove his car with Alice, Michelle and Sasha. Josh was not able to come to airport as He still had his night time job. But Sasha and him already had a nice cuddle and cried together the whole afternoon. Alan called Michelle who hand in her phone to Sasha "Your brother". Sasha spoke to Alan for 15 minutes before hang up.

When they arrived in the airport, Sean and Nick helped Sasha to check in. Their sister could do it my her self but they had an urge to do it for her. Sasha didn't refuse either, she loved to be spoil by her brothers.

After they had done the check in, they were back to their parents. when She saw Cacha was weeping on her father embraced, Sasha could not gelp but cuddle her little baby sisters.

"Why are you crying ? you suppose to be happy because no one will argue and fight with you ?" Nick teased Cacha. Well, it was funny side of siblings. They would argue and fight when they were together but missed each other badly when they were away from each other.

Nick and Sean knew really well how hard it was to get seperated with familuy, They came forward and hugged their little sisters together.

"Don't make trouble. Look after mum and dad for me, ok ? Also Don't forget to relay all gossip to me ok ?" She wiped her baby sister tears after they had enough cuddle.

"But, don't be too busy with him ! Don't be like him, he ignored us when he was in country U" Cacha pouted and glared at Nick who was speechless.

"We will see you soon" Mr Feng hugged his daughter, his tears were falling down as well. He was strong when he sent his son away for their future but not this time. Mrs Feng couldn't hold her tears, She sobbed badly.

"Mum, I am going to miss your nagging" Sasha hugged her mum after her father and cried in her mother embraced .

"You are still here" Lana Panted, she run as fast as could from her work place to send her sister away.

"I will miss you" Lana and Sasha hugged each other. They had been a good companion for the last few years.

"Go now !" Sean urged Sasha to go after she gave all of them cuddle. They waived their hand to send their princess away.

"Bye all, I'll call when I arrive there" Sasha waived her hand to her beautiful family.

"It's ok, she will be ok" Mr feng coaxed his wife. He understood her concern to their daughter. Mrs Feng had a feeling, her daughter would be taken away from their house and kept in country K from that day onwards.

Alice just waived her hand to Sasha until she vanished behind the wall. She didn't know why but she remembered when her father sent her away to country U, No one sent said good bye to her.

"What happen ?" Nick saw his wife was in daze. Alice shook her head to hide her sentiment from her husband.

"She will be ok. Hans and his family will look after her" Nick said. He reassured every one including his self.

"She will be protected well. right ? He will protect her like you did to me. Am I right ? Alice stared at her husband.

"He should" Michelle said.

"If he didn't do it properly and make our princess sad. I'll make him miserable" Sean let a devilish grin.

"Lets go back. There is no use for us to stay here any longer" Mr Feng held his wife by his shoulder and walked to the parking direction. The Feng family went back home , They wished foe luck and hapiness for one of their family princess who went abroad to find her future.