Beginning of her success

Sunday morning, Nick was still fast a sleep when his phone rang. "Hello" He just anwered casually without checking the caller ID.

"Darling, are you still asleep as this time ? What time did you sleep last night ? Did you do overtime again ?" Alice was on her hotel room. She also just woke up.

"I have no wife with me. What I can do just dating with my computer and caresses my faithfull keyboard" His mood was lifted when he heard his wife voice. They had been seperated for a week, Alice went to country M on monday for Lisa and Mike enggagement Party. Nick didn't come with Alice who went there with Josh, he wished to finish his project for the Jung company before Mike wedding.

"How was last night engagement party ?" He asked.

"Good" Alice giggled. She and Josh decided to keep a secret until they were back home.

"Hans didn't come. They said he is busy. Mike reckoned he just made an excuse not to separate from our princess" Alice giggled. Nick chuckled.

"I gave Sasha things to aunty Jung on friday. Darling, I have altered the ticket. We will be back home tomorrow night. We'll arrive tuesday morning"

"I know you miss me. You miss my gentleness. am I right ?" Nick could imagined his wife face would turned red my now.

"Can you pick me up ?"

"Unfortunately no. I have meeting on tuesday morning that I can not rescheduled. But I promise you, I'll be home earlier. Sorry Hon"

"Fine. I'll punish you" Alice said playfully.

"I can not wait for my punishment Milady" Nick laughed.

"Can I speak with Mum ?"

"No. She is not at home. She and dad are visiting Michelle. Honey, I miss you" Nick started to have a dirty converstion which made Alice face as red as ripe tomato.

They ended up their call as Sean knocking Nick doors non stop as they supposed to play tennis today.

"Go ! Have exercise to make you stronger" Alice desperately wanted to ended their embarrassing talk.

"I am already strong, you know it very well"

"Shameless" Alice hung up the call first.

On Tuesday, Alice And Josh flight arrived at 9 o'clock. Josh was back to his place first but he promised to come to the Feng house before dinner. "Mum. I miss you" Alice hugged Mrs Feng who was preheated her lunch.

"You are home ?!" Mrs Feng was startled.

"Didn't he tell you ?" Alice asked.

"He may forgot. He came home late every day. Why do you come home earlier ? You should stay longer and have a nice break there. By the way how do you get home ?" Mrs Feng observed her daughter in law.

"I hired a taxi. I don't have anything there so I prefer to come home earlier" Alice giggled.

Mrs Feng twitched "You miss your husband. Do you ?".

"Mum" Alice bushed.

"Come. Have lunch with me then have a rest after this".

Alice still wanted to have a chat with her mother in law. However, Mrs Feng forced her to have a nap. Mrs Feng was fully aware that her son missed his wife so she had to make sure her daughter in law had enough rest so she would me able to accommodate her son needed in the evening. She and her daughter in law had plenty time to catch up.

Alice napped was distributed. She was awoken by tingling sensation on her lips and pressure on her waist. She met a pair of familiar eyes as soon as she opened her eyes. Before any words could escape from her lips, her lips had been capture roughly by her husband lips.

"What time is it ?" Alice pushed her husband away.

"6" Nick captured his wife waist.

"Lets have dinner first, ok ?" Alice touched his stubble and smiled.

"Fine. But I'll double the interest".

Alice wondered if her husband was actually a loan shark, he loved to charge high interest.

After dinner, The family gathered in the living room. "How was your trip ?" Mr Feng asked Alice.

"Well, We have good news to share" Josh was to excite, he could not keep the secret any more "Sister in law design was praised by everyone on the party. She also got another 6 dress for Mike and Lisa wedding. The dress that Lisa ordered are for her mothers side, now her aunties and cousins from her father side will be wearing sister in law design as well".

"Congratulations" Mrs Feng was the first one hugged Alice followed by Cacha.

"Well done, girl" Mr Feng praised his daughter on law.

"Thank you all. This is all because of you. without your support I can not do it" Alice eyes were waterly.

"It's your hard work. You underestimate your own self. You need to have more self confidence" Mr Feng caressed Alice head. He always did that to encourage his kids.

Alice nodded, she loved her father in law gestured.

"I need to go home now. My little baby miss me" Josh laughed and left the Feng house. He needed to be home soon to fed the little puppy that Fred bought.

"Alice, I reckon you need someone to help you with your online shop. Otherwise it will be hard for you to juggle between two job" Mrs Feng said after Josh left.

"I know, mum" Alice said.

"Let her think about it" Mr Feng tried to slowdown his wife enthusiastic.

"The most important thing now is what do we get from country k" Cacha grinned.

Alice laughed, She put the suit case that she had left on the living room since the morning on the table and opened it

"Gosh ! are you mad ? Why did you buy so much" Cacha was dumfounded when she saw Alice suitcase was full of food and souvenir from country M

"I could not control my self when I shopped with Josh" Last time when they were in Country T, Nick was the one who didn't let her buy too much.

Alice and Nick were back to their room after She cleaned her suitcases.

"Congrats My dear" Nick held her waist as soon as they closed the door.

"Darling, thank you. I really can not do it without you" She kissed him passionately.

Nick was really her guardian angel who was sent to make her felt safe and stronger. Without him, she would never taste her first achievement in fashion world. She never expected this was just the beginning of her successful carreer in that industry

"Lets celebrate it"

Nick celebrated his wife big day in his own way. He made sure she was happy and satisfied as much as he did.

Even Alice had a weird dream that night, she could felt her husband warm and sensation as well as heard her own moam.