Over time

It was mid of May, Alice was getting bussier. She had to working on the extra dresses for Mike and Lisa wedding as well as preparing for the FeNila first collection. She was lucky that Her father in law introduced her to Leo who was able tp manage her online shop every well. Liz, the girl that Alan introduced to her was another angel. Beside her work was very outstanding, she was also able to give Alice more input to her design. Alicewas very satisfies with them.

Not only Alice, Nick and Sean were also preoccupied with their work. Nick project was in the right track and also tried to get more poject to his company. He really wished to expand his company. Sean was no different, He had more cases to do.

Mr and Mrs Feng were abit lonely. Those three were busy, Sasha only called oncr a week, and Cacha juggled with work and her study.

"are not coming with us ?" Alice kissed her husband cheek.

"Sorry. I need to finish my work. Say hello to Alan and Michelle for me" Nick kissed his wife back.

That weekend, only The old Feng couple and Alice visited the youngest Feng couple. Sean and Nick had to deal with their job while Cacha had to finish her assignment that due in the next few days

"Look ! they are too busy for family now" Mrs Feng signed. It was lucky Alice was still able to accompany her.

"They will be able to come next time, mum" Alice coaxed her mother in law.

Mr Feng was glad that her wife and her daughter in law had a close relationship.

in W city, Alan had locked him self in his room preparing material for his conference for days. Michelle was thrilled to see her mother in law and Alice came, she was lonely as Alan could not be distrube at all.

"ensure you pay more attention to your wife wellbeing, understand?" Mr and Mrs Feng reminded their youngest son before they left.

By the time they came home it was already 6 o'clock. Alice went upstair to her room. "What did you have for lunch" Alice Hugged Nick who was still in front of his laptop.

"Oh you are back" Nick kissed her cheek and back to his work.

Alice shook her head then frowned as she saw empty instant noddle cup next to her husband laptop.

She took the rubbish with her tgen went out from her room. She wanted to make dinner, while Mrs Feng was out from Sean room at the same time.

"Did he had instant noddle as well ?" Mrs Feng asked Alice. Alice nodded and showed her mother in law the empty cup.

"Why are they so lazy. They just need to preheat their lunch" Mrs Feng shook her head helplessly.

"Darling, Lets have dinner" Alice went back to her room nearly an hour later.

Nick took off his glasses and pinched his nose bridge before he went downtairs with his wife to have dinner.

On monday, Mr and Mrs Feng only saw their sons during breakfast. Nick and Sean were not at home for dinner.

Alice was half asleep when Nick was home.

"Why are you so late ? have you had your dinner yet ?" Alice rubbed her eyes.

"Just sleep. I'll take shower first" Nick finished his shower quickly and back to his room. He must be very tired as he felt into deep slumber in no time.

On Tuesday, The Feng old couple didn't talk much which their sons either. Nick and Sean woke up late so they just geabbed their breakfast sandwich and rushed to go to their office.

"What time was your husband back last night ?" Mrs Feng asked Alice as sion as he left.

"Nearly mid night" Alice said. She was still texting Sasha and Tara at 10 o'clock so she predicted that her husband was home around midnight while Mrs Feng shook her head helplessly.

"Nick called me he won't be home for dinner" Alice informed her parents in law before dinner.

"Cacha, are they so busy ?" Mrs Feng asked her youngest. she more ir less knew her brother activity at work.

"Eldest brother have meeting with other company during daytime. So, he has to stay back to do his work. Second brother just has a new case, the previous lawyer who looked after the case just withdraw last minutes before the court start.So he needs to put extra effort".

Wednesday afternoon, Alice was preparing for her husband dinner on take away container.

"What are you doing ?" Mrs Feng asked.

"Oh, I'm preparing for Nicks' dinner. He called me half an hour ago. He said he can not be home before dinner. So, I'll just delivery his dinner. I am afraid he will be sick if he often skip his dinner"

"You right. Let me ask Cacha if Sean is at his office. So you can give him his dinner as well" Mrs Feng called Cacha. Unfortunately Sean was not in his office that night.

Alice left home at 5.45 PM driving Mrs Fengs' car. She went againts the afternoon peak hour traffic so she managed to arrive at Nick very soin. She just parked her car when She was Nick locked his office and went to his car. Since Alice saw her husband left his office, she didn't get off for her car. But she was frowned as her husband turned left from the exit gate. To go home, he needed to turn right instead of left. She was so curious about it so she followed his car.