Give My daughter justice

Alice who followed her husband was stunned as she saw her parked his car in front of restaurant. She parked her car not far from his. From inside her car, She saw him get off from the car and entered the restaurant. She got off from her car and walked closer to the restaurant.

She was shocked as she saw he sat in front of a woman. the woman was a beauty with make up and quiet revealing clothes. It seemed they had a nice chat as she could he smiled to her alk the time0. Alice pulled her phone and took a picture of those twobeforeShe dialed his number.

Nick heard his phone rang. He excused him self to take the call after he saw the caller ID. He didn't want to anwer the phone in front of that woman.

"Hi Hon" He greeted

"Darling, where are you ?" Alice said. Her voiced were trembled.

"In the office. I'll be back around 9"

Alice shocked. she could not believe her husband lied to her.

"Honey ?" Nick felt abit strange but that woman called him, so he hang up the call as he didn't want his wife to hear that woman voice.

Alice went to her car and was in daze for while before she went home. She couldn't believe what she saw, the sweet voice for the womsn called her husband name kept ringing in her ears non stop.

Mrs feng felt something not right as when Alice was back home, she didn't greet them. She just went to her room and didn't come fir dinner

Nick went home after 10 O'clock, He was stunned as he saw his wife was sitting on their bed in daze.

"Hon, why are you still awake ?" He hugged his wife.

"Don't touch me" Alice slapped his hands hardly and gave him disgusting glared.

"What happen ?" Nick was confused.

Alice sneered and left their room.

Nick took showers and Alice was not in their room. He was very exhausted so he felt asleep as soon as he touched his pillow.

He woke up late the next day and wondered why his wife didn't wake him up. He tried to give her kiss before left for work but Alice gave him a cold shoulder. He was wonder why his wife behave like that. " She must be close to her periode" he assumed.

After Nick left, Alice went back to her room to calm her self but a lot of scary scenario came up in her mind. So She decided to go to the granny flat to do her work. She didn't realise that she was sobbing and weeping the whole day.

"Mama Feng. What happen to sister in law ?" Josh asked before he left him at the end of the day.

"Why ?" Mrs Feng spent her day in their shop as one of their staff didn't come due to illness.

"She is crying all day. Leo also told me that she didn't even answer his question" Josh was very concern.

"I'll talk with her"

That night Mrs Feng didn't have time to speak with Alice as she had call from her old friend until late.

Nick was again at home around 10 o'clock. He could not find his wife. But He didn't take it seriously as he tought that she was with Cacha or with his mother.

Next morning, He didn't see her in for breakfast either. He was about to find her but he ran late again.

After every one left, Mrs Feng went to the granny flat where Alice was. She knew her daughter in law was there the whole night because the light were on.

"Alice, What happen ?" She held Alice hands. She saw her eyes were red and puffy.

"Mum, even if he divorce me. Are you still treat me like your family right ? Alice cried as she hugged Mrs Feng.

"What do you mean ? why will he divorce you ?" Mrs Feng startled.

"He has another woman. He lied to me sbout the over time" Alice sobbed

"it's immposibbe. You may miss understand him"

Alice unclock her phone and show Mrs Feng the picture. "Where did you get it from ?" Mrs feng paled.

"I took it on Wednesday when I delivered the dinner" Alice smiled bitterly.

"He won't do it. I forbid him to left you" .

"If he doesn't want me, no use to keep him with me"

Mrs Feng hugged her and caressed her head "I won't let him. I promise you".

Mrs Feng left the granny flat with anger then She called her husband "Hubby, please come home now. You need to give our daughter in law justice"

After that She called Nick with no success, at the end she called Cacha to ask him to come home as soon as posible.

Nick finished his team meetind at lunch time.

"Bro, Mum asked you to come home now" Cacha relied her mum message. But Nick ignored it. he wanted to finish his work as he had appointment for dinner.

At 2.30 , his phone rang. It was his father "Come back Now or you are no longer my son" Mr Feng roared on the phone.

Nick was dumpstruck. He had no idea why his dad was so angry at him.

Cacha was also shocked, she was next to her brother " what happen ? "

" No idea" Nick was dumpfounded.

Nick arrived at home at just after 3 O'clock. He was startled when he saw his mother sobbed and his father was trembled with anger.

"Kneel down !" Mr feng roared.

"Why ?"

"kneel down ! I'll give my daughter justice" Mr Feng hit Nick few time with a stick.

"Dad" Sean came home in time. Cacha called him and told him their father was very angry to Nick. So he went home to check what was happening.

"Lets talk nicely , Dad. Ok ?"

"Why did you hit me ? I don't do anything wrong" Nick was angry as well.

Nothing wrong ?" Mrs Feng laughed bitterly. She gave Alice phone to Sean "Sean, look at this".

Sean took the phone and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath before opened his eyes and handed the phone to his brother.

"What is it?" Nick took it impatiently