Wife most important.

"What is it?" Nick took it impatiently and bewildered. It was his and Nia picture when they had dinner on Wednesday "Mum,Where did you get it from ?"

"What do you think ?" Mrs Feng asked him back.

Nick took a closer look and he realised it was his wife phone "who did send it to her ?" He asked but the question was more to him self.

"Send it ? She took it by her self. She was very worry that you skipped your dinner so she went to your office to deliver your dinner and what did you do ? had a marital affair" Mrs Feng said in one breath.

"Mum. it wasn't as you think. I never cheat on her" Nick tried to explain.

"Your mum just called your grandma. They are very unhappy as well. Her family told you uncle that you and her are back together again, they showed him your picture having dinner with her. They claimed you two had a date. How come you do that to your wife ? to us ? She is married woman well and you are a married man" Mr feng laughed bitterly.

Nick closed his eyes, he felt down to the sofa. He clutched his hair, he didn't know what to say. His mind was in a mess. He tried to figure out if he need to explain to his parent first or to his wife first.

"She hasn't sleep for two nights, she didn't eat anything even no sip of water today. You didn't even care about her. You said you love and care about her. Why "?Mrs Feng also collapsed to the sofa.

Nick phone rang again, It was Nia his ex girlfriend. Nick took the call and left. "Don't do and meet her" Sean prevented his brother. He trusted Nick was faithful to his wife but he didn't want his brother to do reckless thing.

Nick ignored Sean, he started his car and left. He was really angry to that woman as she played trick on him. It was friday at 4.30 the traffic was already built up.

Nick mind was getting clearer as he was there stuck on traffic behind the wheel.

His heart was ache as he remember what his mum said before, she didn't eat for 2 days and he imagined how angry his wife that night. He saw a cake shop and stopped there to buy chocolate mousse cake and some maccarons, his wife favourite dessert. He decided to go back back coax his wife first then his parents and he would deal with that fox later.

His wife was the most important.

Due to heavy traffic, it was nearly 7 o'clock when he arrived back at home.He went straight to the kitchen as it was dinner time then went upstair as Alice was not on dinning table. He could not find her in her room either, so he checked her old room and Sasha room but she was no where to see.

"She was in granny flat. She works there non stop. No one can stop her" Mrs Feng said with cold attitude.

Nick rushed to the granny flat. He was relief to see her there was sewing dress manually with her hands.

Nick felt sharp pain in his heart when he saw her red puffy eyes and trace of tears on her cheek.

"It's late. Lets have dinner" Nick held her hands

"don't touch me" Alice shook her hands to make it free from his.

He ignored her yell and took her to his embraced. "let me go, let me go!" Alice moved violently but he make held her even tighter.

"I am sorry. I really sorry. I didn't mean to lie really"

"Lier ! you are lier" She yelled.

"I am sorry, I lied to you. Please honey!" He kept her on his embraced and let her cry on his chest until she calmed down.

Nick let het sit on the chair once she calm down and kneeled in front of her. He held her face and wept her tears away with his thumb

"Honey, I only love you. I just have one wife in my life and it's you. Trust me ok ?" Nick kissed her lips but Alice moved her face slightly so his kiss the courner of her lips instead. Nick understood that he had to give her proper explaination

"Honey, She is Nia, My ex. She came to S city fee days ago. She called me few time to meet me but I refused her until wednesday. She begged me to meet her as she said she needed a friend to talk. That night, we just had a quick dinner. "

Alice smirked bit didn't said anything.

"she and me is same like you and Andrew. I am wrong, I was infatiated with her" Nick paused for few second before he used his final method.

"Fine, you don't believe me. Dad is angry to me, he wants to hit me until I cripple. I just let him to do it to prove I have no intention to cheat behind you" Nick got and turned his body around.

He smiled as Alices' hand clutched his before he could go.

He kneeled down again "Honey, please. please trust me ok ?" He held her hands and kissed them. He was frowned when he saw a lot of fresh red scar on her finger "Did you hurt your self ?" .

"A bit cut and from the needles" Alice said.

"Honey, I love you. Just you" Nick caressed her cheek before he kissed her forehead then her puffy eyes then her lips lightly. Nick smiled was wider as she didn't refused him. Then he tried his luck to kiss her deeper, Nick was please eventhough she didn't respond, she didn't refuse either.

Nick took her back home. As They didn't see anyone in the living room, he brought her upstair. He grabbed his bathrobe and her as well before they went to have shower together then he help her to

dried up hee hair. It was their first time had shower together after their moved to the main house, it was purely shower as she was still upset. He let her went to their room by him self.

After Alice were inside, Nick knocked sean room. "Please help me to tell mum and Dad. I'm going to explain it to them tomorrow. I need to coax my wife first". They both when downstair but then seperated. Nick headed to the kitchen while Sean to their parents room.