End her show

Alice sat on the bed in daze when Nick entered his room. He brought a tray that containted of a plate of stirfry rice noodle with beef and vegie that their mum left for them and big slice of chocolate mousse also some macaroons that he bought.

"Honey, I am hungry. Lets have dinner here" he ate a spoonfull first then fed her one as well "Come, open your mouth baby. Mum said if you don't eat, she would not sleep".

He knew magic word for his wife. It was 'mum'. After, they finished their noodle, he continued to fee her with the dessert. Once nothing left on the tray but empty plates, he wiped her mouth using facial tissue.

He put the tray on the dresser then he hugged her "Honey. I love you. I am sorry with what I have done. That night I just didn't want you to meet her. Sory" he kissed her on her forehead. She didn't said anything, she just sobbed quietly on his chest. After a long day with a lot of emotion, they felt asleep while hugging each other.

Nick woke up at 8 o'clock the next day. He smiled and kissed his wife who was still slept soundly on his embrace. He washed her face and brushed his teath before going downstair to clean his mess, he was sure his parents was waiting for him impatiently.

"Sit !" Mr Feng said coldly as soon as he popped on living room.

Nick rolled his eyes 'Dad, am I a dog ?' He protested silently.

"I am sorry Dad, Mum. I'm wrong. But it was really not as what you think. She called me since weekend to see me but I rejected her. I just met her in wednesday because she begged and cried, she said she need a friend to talk. I really have no feeling toward her at all, you all know I love my wife. I did everything to be with her" Nick stared at his mother.

"That woman has bad intention. Don't you remember how she left you ? She is going to divorce her rich but good for nothing husband and be with you again" Mrs Feng didn't sleep whole night. She used all her recourses back on her hometown in country I to find out what was happened to that woman there.

"I didn't think she would be that dispicable" Nick blurted.

"Eldest brother. Please, Don't involve with her anymore. She is no good at all. Don't let eldest sister sad and unhappy. ok ?" Cacha sat next to Nick and held his hands. She was really upsad to witnesses how sad and vulnerable Alice was.

Sean tapped Nick shoulder "You have to be tough to that kind of woman otherwise she will use you". he knew Nick had a soft personality especially facing a teary woman.

"I know" Nick hugged his little sister and patted his brother shoulder.

"I warn you. I only allow all of my sons to marry once in his life time. Draw a clear line with other woman otherthan your wife !" Mr Feng was still angry.

"I understand" at that very moment, Nick phone on his pijama pocket rang. He pulled it out and sneered before answer the call.

"Hey. Sorry Nia I had urgent matter last night. Lets have lunch at AAA grill restaurant at BBB buliding at 12. See ya" Nick ended his call.

"You are still meet her !" Mrs Feng flared up.

"I'll end her show today. I'll bring my wife to meet her" Nick got up.

"where are you going ?" Mr Feng yelled.

"Breakfast. I am hungry. My wife need breakfast too" Nick smiled as he spelled his magic word, wife was his magic word for his mother. Sometime he was jealos that his mother was more to his wife than him.

Mrs Feng got up and went to the kitchen, while Nick followed her. He finished his breakfast then made a mug of hot mocha for his wife before went upstairs.

"Hon, Wake up" He kissed her softly before gradually turned to be a passionate one.

"what time is it ?" Alice opened her eyes.

"10. Here, drink this mocha ! It's warm" Nick handed the mug.

" Is it nice ?" he asked as she took a sip.

"Did you make it ?" Alice asked.

"Of course. Come on finish it then get ready, I want her to meet my beautiful and cute wife" Nick grinned. He opened their wardrobe and picked a bright yellow knee length sleeveless dress and put it on their bed

"Wear this. I'll be back after put that tray to the kitchen. Be good" Nick kissed her wife and went down stair.

Alice went to the the bathroom to brush her teeth and was her face to freshen her self.

"Dear" Mrs Feng came inside her room just after she changed her dress.


"Go with your husband. show to that woman that he is belong to you and only you. got it ?" She smiled with satisfaction as Alice nodded.

"Good. show her your charm. ok ?" Mrs Feng left the room soon with grinned .

"Mum. Have a rest ok ? Dad said you didn't even close your eyes for second. I don't want you to get sick" Nick hugged his mum as soon as Mrs Feng was out from his room. Mrs Feng just made m sound and let her son to escort her downstairs.

Alice put a light make up touch on her face. She put a light eyeshadow and modest rossy pink blush on and peach colour lips gloss.

"Wow, My wife is so pretty !" Nick could help but hugged her from behind as he saw her reflection on the dresser mirror.

He gave her a light peck before change his pijama to a shirt with similar colour as her. As the autumn, weather was getting cooler, Alice chose a black knee length blazer that match with her informal black suit. "Honey, Lets go" He clutched Alice hand.

Nick arrived at his meeting place late. He parked his car and before they left his car, he leaned to his wife to kiss her and sucked and bit her neck a little bit.

"What are you doing?" Alice galred at him while rubbing tingling spot on her neck.

"Nothing" Nick smirked before heading to the restaurant .

"Sorry, We are late" He smiled and pulled a chair to let his wife sit.

"Hon, This is Nia an old friend. Nia, this is my wife. She is cute, isn't she ?" Nick said in loud voice.

Alice was indeed very cute, she was very young and more attractive with her light make-up compared with Nia who put heavy make up.