Does he hurt you ?

Nick drived his car and stopped in front of a convenient store. He bought a bottle of water and he had Half of the bottle in one go "Hon, drink it". Alice also drank a lot she was also thirsty, her throat was very dry after cried for non stop for a long time.

Nick smiled and asked her "Are you hungry ?".

Alice nodded. Of course she was hungry, all the food had been burned in to energy to fuel their extreme exercise. But She really had no energy to scold him.

Nick stopped in front of noodle bar, he smiled and kissed the sleeping beauty next to him before got off from the car. He came back in 20 minutes with two take away bowl of egg noodle with wonton.

"Honey, wake up. Have dinner first" They had dinner inside their car before drove home.

When they arrived home, the whole family was chatting happily in the living room, including Michelle and Alan. The couple arrived not long after Nick and Alice left.

Nick and Alice joined them to have a chat eventough she was still very exhausted. However, 30 minutes nap and bowl of noodle were very helpful for her .

After less half an hour chat, Mrs Feng who observed her eldest daughter in law since they were home could not help but worried "Alice, you are very exhausted. Go upstair and have good sleep".

"Go, have hot shower first" Nick rubbed his wife head. He knew she was very unconfortable with dirty clothes and sore body. Alice greeted every one good night and dragged her weary body to the second floor.

Nick also excused his self to take shower after 10 minutes. The sound of running water was still on when he past the girls' bathroom. they had two bathrooms upstair, one used by the female and the other for male. Nick took shower as well, when he finished and came to his room Alice was nearly asleep, "Good night Honey. Have a nice dream" Nick kissed her.

"Good night, Darling" She mumbled with her last bit of her enery before fell in to dream world.

He went downstair again, there eee only Alan and Sean left. Nick dropped his self to the sofa "Sean, Can I sue person who put aphrodite to other people drink ?".

Sean and Alan dumpfounded. "Who ?" Alan asked.

"Nia put it on the wine. Damn" Nick swore.

"Did you drink it ?" Sean face was darker as Nick nodded.

"Are you ok now ?" Alan held Nick wrist to check his pulse.

"I am ok" Nick said as Alan nodded, his pulse was indeed normal.

"But Alice is not ok and your apartment is in a mess as well" He grinned happily as he remembered how satisfied they were.

"what ?" Alan startled

"I took her to your old place and did it there. I threw your linen away"

"Bro, the agency will come to inspect it in Tuesday to take photo" Alan was helpless

"I'll call cleaner to clean it on monday" Nick winked

"How many time did you do it until she is half dead ?" Sean was amazed.

"You will know when the time come" Alan giggled.

"How to sue her ? that damn woman is really peace me off" Nick face turned serious.

"Let me think about it first. From now on, please avoid her. Don't seek trouble" Sean advised.

"Sure thing. Well, I need to sleep now. I am so exhausted" Nick went back upstair leaving the other two laughed, mocking him.

Alice woke up at 6.30. She felt much better after 8 hour sleep. She turned her body then stared at Nick who was fast sleep. She blushed and gigled as she remembered his performance yesterday. She patted her her on cheek to get rid of her dirty mind and pecked his lips before heading downstair to help preparing breakfast.

"Morning Mum" Alice saw Mrs Feng was busy in the kitchen.

"How do you feel ?" Mrs Feng smiled.

"Mum, thank you. I really didn't know how to tell you about that" Alice hung her head as she remembered her mother adviced when they had thier fight before their wedding.

"It's ok. Please just never hurt your self again. Ok ?" Mrs Feng patted Alice cheek lightly.

"Are you alright ?" Michelle pulled Alice and examined her from head to toe while

Alice nodded.

"Did you hurt some where ? I have witnessess many woman suffered under man with Aphrodite influence" Michelle examined Alice once more time.

Mrs Feng and Alice was shocked

"What do you mean ?" Mr Feng question startled everyone.

"He won't kill me, right ?" Alan wishpered to Sean. "Very unlikely as long as you are under Mum and Dad shadows" Sean wishpered back.

"That woman did yesterday. She put it on his wine" Alan revealed the truth.

'No wonder he was out of his character yesterday' Alice said in her mind.

" oh" Cacha exclaimed as she pointed her finger at Alice. She was more mature on adult deed.

"Ah" Lana said on the same time.

Mrs Feng finally found out the reason why her daughter in law was so weary last night.

"are you really ok ? Does he hurt you ?" Mrs Feng stared at her lower region. Alice shook her head frantically.

"Is he still a sleep ?" Sean asked. Alice nodded.

"Morning every one" Nick arrived at the dinning table shortly. He was very fresh and full of spirit because he had nothing to worry anymore. He didn't realised that all eyes were on him.

"What do you want cheese and ham croissant or chocolate one ?" Alice asked Nick once he seated next to her.

"Ham and cheese, please. Also hot coffee"

"for someone who just consumed Aphrodite, He need to avoid caffeine until it was clear from his blood stain. It normally take 24 hours at least" Alan blurted.

Alice froze as she remember how fierce he was yesterday.

"You just have orange juice" She said it out of loud as she didn't want him to worn her out again. Her reaction made Nick realised that she knew about his matter.

Nick gave Alan a deathly glared before message his temple while other giggled. He just wonder why his wife was still so naive. Could not she pretend to calm ?

"Eldest sister, what did he do to make you scare like that ?" Lana asked seriously.

"Nothing. I just made her too happy" Nick grinned shamelessly