shine with pride and happiness

"lets have lunch outside today, it's on me" Nick said after the whole family finished their breakfast.

"what occasion ? celebrating a moron that had been drugged?" Mr Feng shook his head.

"Dad ! it's yours and Cacha early birthday lunch. Lets do it today since all My brothers are Fee. Lana, call Josh yo go to KKK japenese restaurant in city" Nick said.

Mr Feng grinned with satisfaction, he never thought his son would remember his birthday. Monday was his birthday and Cacha birthday was 2 days apart from him.

"Can we try the new dessert bar in the city as well ?" Cacha hugged Nick.

"Of course" Alice answered it.

"Yay" Cacha cheered

Mr Feng called his three son with him to the study room while the ladies had a nice ha ha, tee hee in the living room.

"Nick, are you still going home late this week ?" Mr Feng asked his eldest.

"May be. I just finished and submitted two proporsal lastweek for new tender. This week will be good unless they asked for urgent meeting for further discussion"

"Even if you are bussy, come home before dinner and just do your work at home. It's make us and your wife feel more secure.

It's apply for three of you"

"Ok Dad" Three of his boys chorus.

"Sean. Bella is getting married next week. Your mother and me will attent her wedding, you come with us to bless her"

"No problem" Sean was calm. he showed no emotion at all.

"Alan, did you really not find out thr baby gender ? Your mum is very anxious, she can not wait to buy baby stuff. she is sure it's a boy. I really don't want her to buy boys colour but ended up with girls"

Three men giggled, they could understood their father helplessness facing their mother.

"Well, It most likely boy. But, please don't tell others" Alan finally revealed the baby gender. Actually, Michelle didn't want to find out but he did because he had predicted his mother would assumed the gender based on her own feeling.

"Good" Mr Feng was pleased.

"One more, We are going to visit Sasha in July. We will be back end of August approximately 2 weeks before Michelle due. Tell our grandkid to wait for us. Grandpa will buy alot of toy from country K" Mr Feng laughed happily.

They set off for lunch at 11 o'clock. When They arrived in the restaurant, Josh and Fred had been waiting for them. Nick let them order what ever food they wanted, He had enought budget . Mike just transfer him the second installment of the payment so he had enough fund to pay his staff as well as him self.

While waiting for the order to arrive, He checked his email. Due to the commotion on friday, he hadn't had time to do it.

Nick was nervous when he saw there was an email from director for his old company . He took a deep breath before clicked and read the email. His lips curved upward then he checked the next email nervousely and froze.

"Darling, what has happening ? some thing wrong ?" Alice tapped Nick shoulder as he stared blankly on his phone.

He hugged his wife and kissed her.

"does the Aphrodite still work ?" Josh asked Alan. Thanks to the gossip queens Lana and Cacha, the whole family members knew that incident.

"Shouldn't be" Alan shook his head.

"Hey ! What happen with you ?" Mr Feng shouted at Nick. He had a same fear as Josh.

Nick grinned happily as his eyes swept across the room "I got one of the tender that I submitted last week. Plus"

He pecked his wife lips on more time "My old company sent contract to me on friday. I am going to look after their IT start from next month"

"Oh.. My !" Mrs Feng eyes were tearly do to happiness.

"Congrats Darling" Alice kissed her husband cheek. Nick kissed her back and rushed hugged his parent neck from behind. Apparently? Mr and Mrs Feng sat next to each other.

"What a great year. In early sept I'll see my first grandkid as well" Mrs Feng wiped her tears.

"And Late sept, FeFam will release it's first collections then sister in law firsy debut will be in October" Josh winked.

"Is everything ready ?" Mr Feng asked.

"We have new staff this week to help us and another 2 next month " Alice said

"Liz has been full timer for a week now. She love to come to work. She is exellent" Mrs Feng said.

" Sister in law, If they work is not good, you have to give them warning. Or even replace them if they didn't follow you" Lana said. She knew Alice had soft personality.

"Don't worry girl. I am going to do that" Josh very determined to be the bad guy to protect their fashion business.

"Plus, our lawyer just have his first high profile case. He present one of small local company here against big international company. His first court will be on wednesday" Cacha gave Sean an admired looked

"Lets have a toast. My birthday wish is My kids to have happy life. Gods, Please let them shine with pride and happiness"

Mr Feng was very happy. He had the best birthday gift ever, his children happiness was the most priceless things in the world.