Uncle Chin and Chairman NG

Chairman NG sat on his desk stroking a red blanket with two mandarin duck emboirdered beautifully on it. The Chin family eldest son delivered to his personally this morning. The young mam had benn waiting for him since the morning to fullfil his mother wish. He said his mother made those needlecraft with her own hand, it was their present to eldest miss of NG Family.

Abouy two weeks ago, Chairman NG when to small village in southern part of the country with his devoted chauffeur. They went there as to inspect the land for company new project. There were going to built resort there to boast tourism since the area was surrounded by beautiful sea and warmer weather. They went to local food stall in the mid day to have their lunch. It was unusual for rich and powerful man like Chairman NG to have meal on small shabby place. but what else they could do there was high class restaurant in the remote area and they had to satisfied their grumbling tummy.

"Boss, table for 2 please" Chauffeur Wang said.

"Coming , Please have a seat" Uncle Chin came and cleanes the table.

"Chauffeur Wang ? Chairman, Chairman NG?" Uncle Chin voice was trembled due to shock and excitement . He could not believe his former boss was right in front of him.

"You are driver chin !?" Chauffeur Wang asked while Uncle Chin nodded. They met and had few talked ages ago when Miss Xinxin attented NG family party.

Once Chairman NG sat down, uncle chin kneeled in front of him "Chairman. I had been trying to meet you but with no success. I want to atone my sins".

Uncle Chin came to Chairman NG company asking if he could see him for many time. And for sure, He was rejected. He just a small unknown man, no way he was allowed to see one of powerfull businessman in the country.

Chairman NG frowned, he had no impression about this man at all "You ? what is your relation with me ? do we know each other ?"

"Sir. You hired me before as Miss Xinxin driver. I worked for you since she was 6 years old until she went to country U. I replaced uncle Xie when he retired" Uncle Chin sobbed.

"Just sit first" Chairman NG was not confortable as all eyes stared on his directions, many customer were there.

Uncle chin sat then he smiled before continuing "When The first time I met Miss, I remembered she smiled sweetly to me with her twinkled almond shape eye. She was very cute little girl and very friendly. But her smile faded not long after. I didn't know what happen, She turned to be a gloomy child sincr I picked her up from hospital, Aunty Liu said Madam Lin did something terrible to her few nights before. But no one cared about her at all, every one who were on that mansion bullied her, including me.

I came late to drive her to school and picked her up late as well. I did it not for one or twoday but countless times. I made her wet on stromy days and shivering on cold days as she waited for me outside her school. Like others, I blamed her, we always made up story that she was naughty and irresponsible.

we bullied her because no one would spoke up for her. The most vulnerable person was the best one to get blame" Uncle chin wiped his tears.

"Miss Xinxin is a good girl, but I treated her very bad. I really felt guilty when shr left this country with her sorrow and broken heart. I am so bless that God of mercy showed her mercy to me, I saw her about one and half years ago, I met her. I saw her beautiful smile again after long time. Gods sent that man to protect her well" Uncle Chin smiled.

"You said you saw my daughter ?" Chairman NG asked

"Yes. At that time I was still working for Madam Lin, Miss came home to find her mother. I was intentionally eavesdropping their conversation, Madam asked a lot of money to let Miss to be with her boyfriend.

I really don't undestand Madam at all. Miss Xinxin is her flesh and blood, who come she treat her foster daughter very well but cruel to her own"

"What do mean that ?" Chauffeur Wang asked subconsciously.

"Her second daughter is not hers. She is secretary Huang daughter with his wife. Since they were kids, Madam always buy luxury and branded stuff for her foster kid but not for Miss. Miss Xinxin used that girl second hand clothes since her body was much smaller.

Madam never paid any attention to Miss Xinxin at all, she even gave her disgusting look. She and secretary Huang tricked Miss to sign document before Miss turned 18. it was authority to access her bank account. Miss Xinxin didn't have any idea that she had bank account here until I showed her the bank statememt. I had the copy before but I gave to Miss when I saw her last time. I also heard Madam and secretary Huang talked about hundred thousand dollar compensation money but I am not clear what money it was. They also took over Miss Xinxin property. They left her withnothing but still asked big money" Uncle chin signed while Chairman NG clenched his hands to control his anger.

"Miss Xinxin really has an angle heart. Dispite all my wrong doing, She was still polite to me even gave me alot of money so I can start this business. I am a very bad person, I didn't even beg for her forgiveness but it was my wife instead who begged her"

he paused and smiled " I am glaed she has found a good young master who loves her dearly. Those guys are not worth for her. They bullied her before, but they are after her now"

"They ?" Chauffeur Wang asked.

"Lawyer Lie's son, young master Han, Young master Xia and Young master Meng.

Chairman NG, please send me to prison. I am really bad person. I didn't do my job properly as Miss Xinxin chauffeur, I was me that always made her late to every occasions from school to party. It was my work. I also ruin her image. I was one of those who spreaded the rumour she was not well behave. also Did you remember when I told every one on your party that Miss xinxin and Young master Han friend had relationship ? It was a lie" Uncle Chin hung his head.

"Mrs Han threatened me to make a false confession. If I didn't say it, she would exposed my wrong doing. I needed a job to feed my kids, so I chose the wrong path. That family is good at all. Chairman, please be carefull with them. That Meng family is also not good. Aunty Liu said they schemed Miss Xinxin since their son fancied her"

Chairman NG closed his eyes. He could not stomach those informations at all. "That incident, what do you know about is ?" Chairman Ng asked.