Twin little cry baby

After spending their sunday shopping everyone were back to their activity on monday. Alan and michelle plan to stay in Feng house was cancelled due to unforseen reason. Alan had urgent call from hospital on Sunday night and had to come back, so Michelle had to go with him. However, They stayed over night on wednesday and took a day off on Thurdays so they could send the couple to airport.

On Wednesday night, Alice and Michelle helped Mrs Feng to pack.

"Mum, I put all Sasha things in this suitcase" Michelle said.

"Alice, do you want me to take some of the gowns for you ?" Mrs Feng asked.

"I should be fine Mum. Just take Sasha stuff and tell her to let me knowif she needs more" Alice said.

The next morning,

"Don't forget to come back by Lunch time" Alice pecked her husband lips before they went to their work place.

Before lunch time, alice was back home and had lunch with her parents in law and Michelle and Alan. While Nick came home at 2 o'clock with Cacha.

At 4 o'clock, Nick and Alan loaded the suitcases to their cars before heading to the airport. Nick and Alice were with Cacha. while The old Feng couple were in Alan's car.

Alan arrived first, when Nick arrived Mr and Mrs feng were lining to check in. After finished check in, the old feng couple huddle together with their kids.

"why are you crying ?" Nick frowned when he saw Alice and Cacha eyes were red.

Mrs and Mr Feng chuckled, they amazed with these two 'little kids'.

"Mum, I'll miss you" Cacha hugged her mum.

"Be good. Listen to your brothers and sisters in law. Ok ?" Mrs Feng kisses her baby forehead while Cacha nodding.

Mrs Feng turned to another baby "Why are you crying ? are you Cacha twin or her eldest sister ?" Mrs Feng caressed Alice cheek.

"I miss you, mum" Alice tears flew dispite she did her best to hold it.

"Should you be happy since you can use the car now" Mr Feng teased Alice. she had been using Mrs Feng car to go to work since they moved the clothes production to the new place.

"Dad !?" Alice tried to smile.

"Look after Cacha for me, ok ? don't forget to look after your self" Mrs Feng hugged Alice.

"Little baby Be good. Wait for nainai and yeye to come home !" Mrs Feng rubbed Michelle belly. Mrs Feng loved to talk to the fetus inside Michelle's womb.

"Look after your self. don't work to hard" Mrs feng kissed Michelle.

"Ok mum".

Lana and Josh didn't came, they gave the couple a call earlier.

"Boys, look after your respective wife and your sister. understood ?" Mrs Feng kissed Nick and Alan.

Sean was running faster towards his parents "Mum, dad. Have a nice trip. I'll miss you".

"You are here" Mrs Feng hugged her bulky boy and kissed his cheek

"How is your court today ?" Mr Feng asked. Sean had another court appearance that morning. he rushed to the airport as soon as he could to send his parents.

"Good dad. that's why I managed to come here on time" Sean grinned.

"It's time. Lets go" Michelle said.

Sean took one of the hand carry and led the way. he walked toward the departure gates while hugging his mother shoulder. Mr Feng followed while coaxing his little baby. Nick took the other hand carry and walked holding hand with His wife. Alan walked at the last row supporting his wife.

They waved their hands until their parents disappeared from the Airport wall. Then Nick unlocked his phone and texted Sasha via their family group chat 'Mum and dad is few step closer to your place. Don't forget to pick them up tomorrow".

Sean smiled on his phone then typed "ask new son in law to hire limo tomorrow".

Alan chuckled "Make sure, he take them to fancy place".

"You three, stop it" Mr Feng replied.

"Thanks Dad. I can not wait to see you and Mum xoxoxo" Sasha reply and sent kiss emoji.

the brothers twitched and laughed. Nick put his phone on his pocket and dumstruck when he saw his wife face.

"stop crying" Nick hugged her shoulder.

"I can't stop my tears. I don't know why" Alice sobbed and wriggled out from nick embrace

"Me too" Cacha wept. Then Both alice and Cacha cuddled each other.

Nick, Sean, Alan and Michelle giggled at those two adult who looked like twin little cry baby.

Sean tapped Nick shoulder who shook his head helplessly.

" I'm here honey. we will see them in month time" Nick hugged her and kissed her forehead then wiped her tears away. While Sean conforted his favourite baby sister "Come here baby. Let your brother cuddle our little baby".

They walked away from the departure terminal and went to seperate way. Alan and Michelle were back to their home. While the rest decided to have dinner outside first before heading home.

Nick phone rang, "Yo bro" nick answered using his Bluetooth.

"Bro, I change plan. I'll go to somewhere else to cheer our little baby" Sean said.

"Sure. don't come back too late. she has morning class tomorrow"

Alice giggled "You sound like mum. do you know that you were like that when the first time we met ? you scolded me like mum did" she pecked his cheek.

"Hey, I am driving. Wait until we are home" He didn't tease her, he really meant it. He would teach his wife how to be a grown up lady.