New IT industry celebrity.

Nicks' days were occupied by hectic task, he did the final testing of his sofware as well as the stared his new project. While Alice also preoccupied with her job to ensure all dresses were ready. On weekend Alice mostly spent her time with Cacha. No one knew that she called her mother in law to have a chat very often, she called at least once a day.

It was at nearly at the end of the month when Nick suddenly received an unexpected call from Mike. Mike asked to him to bring the release date forward as the system failed again.

Lucky he had planned everything well. He had choose two of this staff to go with him and delegated other task to the other three senior members according to their ability.

"Honey, I need to go to country K in as soon as posible. The system in Mike company is down, he wants to implement the new system soon" Nick told his wife as soon as he got home the day he got the phone call.

"When are you going to go ?" Alice asked.

"This weekend" Nick hugged his wife.

Alice pouted as they would seperated for more than two weeks.

Weekend was just a blink of eye.

"Don't work too hard ok ?" Alice kissed her husband as she sent him away.

"You too. please look after our little baby sister. I'll call you every day" Nick kissed her. He was abit unsettle to leave those two girls at home eventhough he had asked Sean to come home earlier. He knew Sean schedule was also packed.

Since Nick left, Alice made her self preoccupied with her work. She still went home earlier to cook dinner for Cacha, but she brought her work home to kill her boring time since Cacha was mostly inside her room to study. Only one weekend, She managed to take Cacha to go with her to visit Michelle.

Meanwhile, Nicks' times flied so fast in country K. There was a lot of work to be done. The software integration of the software went very smooth with no major hiccup inspite it was a major software migration to the whole division of the company.

"I love the new sofware" HRD divion commented as they were the first one to use the update.

"we will have it in next two days" Accounting team said.

"Gosh it's really awesome" They accounting team was very happy.

"can not wait" Marketing team s full of anticipation. but they had to wait a little bit longer as Nick and his team had to integrate the data first.

In short periode of time, he gained respect for staff and management in Jungs company. The employee there finally understood why their boss abandoned their long time software vendor.

After 10 days of battling with limited sleep and limited lovey dovey chat with his wife, Nicks was able to smile with relief. His software was up and run across the whole division.

"Well done Mate" Mike gave him hugged.

"Thanks for your trust as well. I'll focus of training for the next five day as well as monitoring the software stability. Make sure your IT division is ready tomorrow morning"

"Where are you going ? My dad asked you to have dinner" Mike yelled.

"Back. My mum and Dad complaining that I haven't had dinner with them. and Need to call my wife as well" Nick waved his hands.

Mike shook his head and grinned with satisfaction. Not only him, his dad the Chairman and highest management team were very impressed. Not to mention the operational staffs, they found out the new software was much easy to use and made they work better. IT team was also happy as the system was very stable.

The news about the system escalated to the all business unit, since for the last few days the middle management came to see the new system.

"Finally you are here" Mrs Feng hit her son. She was happy that he joined them for dinner.

"Bro, every one are happy with your software. We are talking to use your one to the rest of the business unit in the company group" Hans put his hat off.

"hey, take your hand off from My sister" Nick frowned as he saw Hans holding Sasha hand

"Why can't I ? Mother in law and father in law don't mind. also there is no one in this world who isunable to hold his darling hand" Hans provoked his best friend by kissing Sasha hand and cheek.

"Since when do you guys together" Nick asked coldly.

"Few months ago but we just announced to my parents today after we had mother and father in law approval few days ago" Hans grinned cheerfully.

"Please don't tell anybody yet. Let me give Cacha and eldest sister suprise" Sasha begged. But, Nick didn't say anything to his sister.

Later at night, he could help but tell his wife that secret "Honey, Hans was unbelievable. He courted our sister secretly. Damn !" he complained.

"Let them be together" Alice was very happy with the news.

"Bro, Lets made his life miserable. I overheard your phone call. next time please don't be so loud. Please have mercy to us single fighter" Sean called his brother as soon as Nick ended his call to his wife.

Nick chuckled when he heard what Sean said. "cover your ears then" he yelled and hung up.

After that, he felt a sleep the next minutes as his physically and mentally was exhausted. He dreamed about his pretty and sexy wife without knowing he had become new IT industry celebrity in country K.

As celebrity, He had number of fans from both genders. Both of gender admired him in different way. Male adored his brain, talent and professionalim. However the female idolized his physical appearance more than his other quality.