First grandkid.

Nick was the last one to arrive. He went to pick up Cacha first before went to hospital. As soon as Alice saw him, she cuddled on his chest and cried silently. Alan was no longer clinging to Mrs. Feng but he stood up with his back leaning on the wall and his eyes fixed on the operating room door. Nick and Sean stared and each other while Nick patted his wife head. Alice understood that he wanted to go to alan so She wrinkled out from his embrace andwalked toward Mrs Feng who sat next to Cacha. Nick and Sean walked together to Alan side then they both stood next Alan and patted his shoulders before three of them squated. It was their old way to confort each other.

"She will be fine" Nick said

"The baby will be ok" Sean said.

"I Know" Alan nodded.

Richardson couple came in rush, They stunned when They saw all their in law family were there. Before They could asked any question, the theather room door was opened.

"Who is Mrs Feng family" The old doctor said.

"I am her husband" Alan stood up and walked to the front as soon as he saw the door opened

"Alan ?" The female doctor asked.

"Do you know Dr Feng ?" Other doctor asked. 4 doctors did the surgery for Michelle.

"Yes, he was one of my apprentice" The old doctor smiled while the female doctor nodded.

"How is my wife prof ?" That was the only thing he cared

"She is doing well. Your Baby is also good.

A baby boy, even he is 3 weeks early but very healthy, we will observe him for one more day before you can take him home. Your wife is still unconscious, Lucky bullet didn't hit her vital" The old doctor explained.

"Bullet ? Gun shot ?" Mr Richardson eyes were darker.

"Oh thanks God. She is fine" Two mothers hugged each other and cried together.

"Can I be with her ?" Alan asked

"Let him. He is a doctor as well" one of the doctors told the nurse.

"Please let my mother and my mother in law to see my baby" Alan nodded politely.

"Sir, Can I talk to you please ?" A detective spoke with Mrs Richardson.

Mr Richardson went with the detective while Mrs Feng and Mrs Richardson went to Neo Natal intensive Care unit.

"Lets find some thing to eat. We are going to be here until late" Sean said.

Nick peeped his watch " It's over lunch time. Lets go and buy some for mum and Mrs Richardson".

"Miss Ye" Alice just realised the lady stood in the corner was Jasmine Ye.

Sean startled to Jasmine but nonetheless he was still acknowledge her "Come with us for lunch". Jasmine smiled then walked next to Sean.

"Michelle has been moved to normal ward It's ward 438" Nick said after he read Alan messaged. Alan just randomly chose on of this brother to inform the family.

"Me and Cacha will check the mum first. Neo natal unit is in level 2" Alice said.

She and Cacha stopped in level two. They followed the sign and saw thetwo mothers sat on the bench outside the Unit.

"Mum, Aunty. Please have some thing to eat first" Alice said

"I am no hungry"

"Me too"

"But you need to eat. You have to look after third elder sister and my little nephew" Cacha pouted.

Alice gave each of them a box of take away meal.

"I am full", "Me too" Both stopped after 3 spoon. They really had no appetite.

Alice and Cacha coaxed tge to eat more but they did not bother.

Mr Feng and Mrs Richardson came and frowned.

"Michelle has been moved to normal ward. we can take the baby home tomorrow. we need both of you" Mr Feng said.

"You are soldier wife. how come you are so weak" Mr Richardson said.

those woman ate more after their husband encouragement.

"Honey, how do you feel ?" Alan asked as Michelle opened her eyes few hours later.

"Baby ?"

"He is fine"

Michelle smiled and she just notice all Feng family members were there as well as her parents and the eldest brother.

Doctor came to check her "Good. What she need is just good rest".

"you guys go back home. I'll stay here with her" Alan asked them to go back.

"I am staying here with her" Mrs Richardson said.

"Please go home and have some rest. You can come back tomorrow to replace me. She is not stable yet, there is a change of internal bleeding" Alan said.

Finally they were all back home and only Alan stayed to look after her.

Mr and Mrs Richardson stayed in the Feng house for few day. They asked son went to Alan and Michelle place to take the bags that had been prepared for the baby as well as some of Michelle clothes. They didn't expect their first grandkid would arrived to this world in chaotic way.

Michelle was discard from hospital a week later and stayed with Feng family until she was fully recover. it was bery inconvenient for Alan as he had to travel back and forth, but it was better choice since Michelle had to get her wound check every few days.