Opening Day

Two weeks after Michelle and the baby was back to The Feng house, the three bothers had a nice chat on the lounge upstair.

"A lot of think are going on in this family. I am really need a break. Lets have a nice family holiday" Sean said.

"How about a week in Hokkaido. I don't want to do anything. Just have a rest and enjoy the snow while soaking on the Onsen" Nick said.

"My baby is too young" Alan was unwilling.

"He will be fine. Michelle need a break as well. Lets go" Sean was agree

"I'll cover the accomodation and tickets for our parents and Cacha" Nick said.

"Nope. Let me and Sean pay for Mum and dads ticket" Alan rebuked.

" That's true. Cacha is on me as well. I haven't given her anything but she gives me alot since she was 2 years old" Sean loved Cacha so much. She was the first one that opened his frozen heart with.

"Hans said he will pat for food. He's coming as well" Nick added

"It's gonna be fun" Sean smirked

"Of course. we are going to mutilate him with Josh and Lana help" Alan laughed.

"a deal then" they laughed slyly.

"What are you laughing at ?" Alice asked. She came upstair after Hugh Was asleep.

"We are going to have Christmas break in Hokkaido, the whole family will join" Nick said.

"Yay ! But can you not move out Alan ? I'll miss Hugh" Alice loved the baby so much. She spent the whole evening and weeked with the baby.

"Hey, make your own one. Not good to snatch someone else baby" Sean teased.

"We are coming here every second week. if you miss him, come to our place" Alan giggled.

Michelle left the house a week later after the doctor declared she was fine and no further check up was required. They were confident with her health, anyway her husband was a famous surgeon who was more then capable to look after her.

The house turned very quiet with out any baby cried.

Alice, Nick and Sean were back to their routine. Alice particularly was very busy since their Fefam shop would be opened in a week time. She left home very early and was back late, Nick didn't complain at all as long as he still had his daily spiritual and physical needed from his wife.

Alice was very good wife, didn't matter how busy she was she still fulfil her duty, never neglected him

After their activity, Nick kissed his wife. He noticed that she was very tired but her libido was up "Don't exhausted your self. If you are very tired, We can have a day off". Alice didn't answer, she didn't know why but the last few weeks she was very sensitive to her husband. She just noticed that they did the exercise nearly every night since they came back from country K.

"Morning everyone" Alice greeted during the breakfast.

"Have your breakfast. I am going to deliver your lunch" Mrs Feng smiled.

"I'll drive you and pick you up" Nick was aware that his wife was exhausted.

It was indeed the most hectic day in her life, because ths next day was the opening day for her and Josh shop, so she prepared everything. It was lucky that her mother in law came with her lunch otherwise she would not be able to have one. Alice and Josh were very delighted as they received flower pots, they were from Nick, Mr and Mrs Feng, Sean and one from Sasha and Hans.

"They are so sweet. Are they ?" Josh was so touched.

"they are. I am lucky to be part of their family" Alice wiped her tears of happiness.

"We are indeed very lucky" Josh leaned to Alice.

Saturday was the opening days. All Fengs family members and Fred parents were coming to the shop. later in the afternoon, Josh sat on the chair and hung his head.

"Why are you so dispirit ?" Sean asked Josh.

"We only sold 5 today" Josh was displeased.

"here, I buy one" Cacha chosed one purple dress.

"Me too" Lana chosed a green one.

"2 for me. So it made 9" Jasmine grinned

"Don't worry, It's only first day. You crawl from the bottom, so you need time to reach the top" Mrs Feng laughed.

"Look, we have 7 online order. It's make 16" Alice giggled. She experienced it before when the first time she sold her goods online back in country U. At that time Nick said to her the same as Mrs Feng said to Josh. She finally knew where his wisdom came from

"I guess it must me Sasha and her friends" Josh saw the address were country K and country M.

"It's better than nothing. Michelle loves that red blouse" Alan smiled.

Alice who was sitting stood up to get some file but all of sudden her world spinned. she felt very cold and gradually her vision become blur and she lost her consciousness.