Adventure in Hokkaido

"Please have faith on him. My grandson is actually nice boy, he is cold because of his childhood. My daughter and her husband didn't pay attention to him when he was young. Us as the grandparent didn't do well either. That's why he is very distance with us" Grandpa Yamaguchi felt guilty.

Those who went to The Yamaguchi place felt a bit miserable. They gave him a bad judgement before.

"Are you ok ? are you concern about Cacha ?" Alice asked before their bed time.

"I know she is fine but I am only relief after she is here"

"Don't think to much. She is fine" Alice tried to sooth her husband.

The next day, The Feng family was dispirit until Cacha were back around 4. She was very cheerful.

"Hello, How was your day guys ? Did you do some where?" Cacha sat next to her mum.

"Just walk around here.Very boring" Sasha said.

"Ah poor you. I had a nice day of skiing, Oniisan took me to blue pond. It's very beautiful" Cacha grinned happily.

"how about we go to sapporo tomorrow ? oniisan said there is a snow festival there. we should have seen Sounkyo Hyobaku festival yesterday"

"Deal. we go there" Sasha decided. she was supported by all the ladies.

"Sure, We had early breakfast tomorrow. a minibus for sixteen people is ready" Grandma Yamaguchi was more than happy.

"but it will be 17 of us" Josh counted.

"Oniisan, please go with us ok ?" Cacha held Keinichi hands. After under Cacha pressured for long time, he said yes at the end.

"Just stay here tonight. don't stay alone also take them to local night market. It's clear night" Grandma Yamaguchi said.

"So no onsen today ?" Fred was abit disappointed.

"No" the girls chorused.

6.30 they started their dinner. But They didn't eat much as they had a same menu like the day before yesterday. By 7.15 they marched along the road with Keinichi walked in the front by him self. Cacha smiled then she dashed and walked next to him, she tried her best to engage conversation with him

"Our baby started showing her charm" Nick chuckled. Sean and Alan twitched.

"They look good together" Alice said. But no one said anything.

About 15 mintes later, they arrived at the night market. Alice was over excited, shr pulled Nick and looked around. More than half an hout later, Alice chewed her finger food. She nearly tried every single food there

" Where are they ?" She started panicking as they were seperated from the rest of the group.

Nick chuckled "Next time, please don't be too over excited. there are Alan and Michelle"

"Gosh we found you" Alan was relief. In fact, They all got seperated the moment they entered the market.

It didn't take long time for all of them to be reunited. They finished their food before they headed back to cottage. Each of them had takeaway food for their parents and Yamaguchi elders who stayed to look after Hugh.

Alice was veru tired when she was back. She did not have a good test the night before, she was also worry about Cacha. So, She asked Nick to go back to her room and felt asleep as soon as she touched the futton. Nick watched his wife helplessly and had no choice but to join his brothers to have a drink. Alan was also there as Michelle and Hugh were also already in dreamworld.

"Hey Keinichi, come here! Have drink with us" Alan called as soon as they saw him came. Keinichi bowed his head and sat together with them. The male was had a drink while the ladies had dozed off.

"Thanks so much for look after our sister" Nick held up his sake cup, followed by Sean and Alan. Then Keinichi gulped his sake quietly.

"Hey, sleep with me tonight, the futton is ready. I am glad that I have friend those two always argue" Sean said to Keinichi.

"should I be in the other room as only 2 were there ?" Keinichi opened his mouth for the first time.

Then, the three brothers laughed and dried their cup.

"are you straight ? Do you want to be third wheel ? "Alan asked playfully.

"They are gay. Please don't make a bloodbath here. We had enought headache with that free loader" Nick smirked.

"I am not interested in man" Keinichi sneered.

"Sleep time now. My wife will kill me of I couldn't get up tomorrow morning" Nick stood up and walked to his room.

"Me too. My wife is even scarier than him" Alan giggled.

"Lets sleep. My little sister can turn from little kitten to be a lioness when she is unhappy" Sean patted Keinichi shoulder

They all went to their room together.

7.30 they finished their breakfast. They got on to the minibus as it had been waiting since 15 minutes ago. " I am going with Oniican" Cacha said.

"I am going with him" Sean said.

"No, you are all couples whole only me the single one" Cacha sprinted to Keinichi car with out delay.

The snow festival was very amazing. it was a new things for the family. Despite the freezing temperature, they relly enjoyed it.

"Ah Thanks to Keinichi. Finally we can enjoy our trip" Alice were very thank full.

"True, can you imagine it we just eat, sleep and go to onsen ?" Sasha sneered.

"We are going to be cooked prawn" Lana said.

The next morning after breakfast, they had another onsen time then went back to Sapporo. It was midday so they decided to have lunch first in random restaurant, then they went to Tokyo.

The Yamaguchis did not come together with them to Tokyo. However, They would see each other again on new year day. The elders promised to take them to do New year pray. Keinichi went with them to sapporo and seperated there. He said he had urgent thing to there, but he reassured Cacha that he was going to fetch her on 31.