New year firework.

They arrived in Tokyo in the afternoon and when straigh to the hotel and proceed with the check in.

"Lets Go to Harajuku, I heard it as a clothing paradise" Josh opened his google map to find out how to get there.


"Nighy is still young, lets go to the famous shibuya crossing" Sasha said.

"yes. I want to see hachiko statue, Oniichan told me about the story" Cacha said.

The family was foodie so they spent so much time exploring the food market near to the shibuya station.

"Where are we going after this ?" Cacha asked.

"I need to go back, Hugh is very tire" Michelle glance at her baby on Alan cuddle.

"I am going back as well. Your mum wS not young any more" Mr Feng said.

"I am going back too" Alice was tired.

"Ok, I am back as well. I am going to disney tomorrow"

Finally the family were back to the hotel and had a rest.

"This room is very small" Alice complained.

"Honey, Last time were president suit. This time is double room but it's enough for us" He liked smaller bed because there was little space for her to get away from him.

Just after 7 o'clock, Nick was woken up by the sound his phone. It was Cacha "eldest brother, you are the only one answer my phone. Anyway, I just let you know that I'm going to Disneh now. Bye.." She hung up before he could say anything.

9 O'clock, They went to the to the park and tokyo tower and back to have a rest. At 7 o'clock in the evening, they went for dinner before enjoying the Christmas illumination in Roppongi.

"Darling, it's beautiful" Alice was hugging her husband arm. She had to walk carefully as the road was abit icy that night.

"Very romantic. isn't it ?" Josh said. Alice, Sasha and Michelle nodded with agreement.

"Even Hugh is very excited" Mrs Feng laughed to see her grandson twinkle eyes.

Alan and Michelle went back around 10 as they were afraid the baby might get sick if they joined the rest to see the firework in Tokyo harbour.

"Can I go to see fire work ? I have enough sleep" Alice begged to her husband. Nick reluctantly said yes.

at 12 O'clock midnight the fire work started. Hugging his pregnant wife from behind, Nick enjoyed the spectacular view.

"Darling, I used to dislike firework on New Year Eve. But I startes to like it 3 years ago when my ex boyfriend took me to see fhe firework together. Two years ago, the firework was even better. Last year, we didn't see firewaork but there was one in my heart"

Before Alice could say anyfurther, Nick sealed her lips with his. "Happy new year, Honey" then continued their kisses under colourful sky without taking any consideration their surrounding.

Mean while, in the lower income area in country T, they sky was aslo red. However instead of fire work, the bright sky was caused by fire that destroy the area. The fire fighters were battling with the win and the fire so prevent more damage. Chairman NG attended his company end of year gala, he felt very uneasy for few reason. First was because he felt sick of the fake faces around him who tricked him and harmed his daughter for manu times. The other reason was unclear to him but he kept thinking about his new lover which was his old woman and mother of his only daughter, Lin xi.

Just before his time to give speech, his phone rang. He was stunned as it was his private phone that was special for his sworn brother and Lin xi to contact him.

Cobra named appeared on the screen "Bro, sister Lin neighbourhood was on fire. We managed to safe her and take her to our place. but.."

"I'll be there soon" chairman NG hung up.

"Dad, you can not go now. it's very important moment" Patrick NG blocked his way.

"Who are you to block me ?" He glared angrily.

"Hubby, he just"

"Get out of my way" Chairman pushed the woman who was addressed Madam NG for 27 years.

People were dumpfounded, if they didn't see the scene with their own eyes, no one would believe Chairman Ng who was famous as a loving husband and father was so rude to his wife and eldest son.

"Let him go" Old madam NG said as the granddaughter she used to dote ask her to prevent her father to left. She did her own DNA test so she knew that only two out of five of her grandkids were really his son biological kids. She suspected that her son was after her biological granddaughter.

The traffic was very good that night, he urged his faithful chauffeur to drive as fast as he could. As the result, hee arrived at their usual gathering place faster than usual

"She is fine bro. Just a light burn on her hand but it had been looked after. The problem is it was set deliberately. They waited until most people went out for tge new year celebratio before start the fire so No one could safe her" Cobra reported.

"the culprit ?" Chairman asked coldy

"Leng bastard and that Huang"

"Good. send his minions to police and let them bear cruel social punishment. spread the rumour about Leng old fox tonight, he has touched my bottom line. About Huang, Let him suffer more" Chairman NG sneered.

After that, he went to another room to see his lover. Lin xi was sitring on a sofa, she was pale. He sat next to her "Are you ok ?" He inspected her arm and other parts of her body.

"I am Fine"

"Good, I am gald you are ok. Lets go now" He clucthed her hand as they walked.

"Where ?" He didn't anwer her and just silently got on to the car.

Madam Lin sat quietly on the car while the man next to him was busy on his phone. she didn't understand what he was talking about. He only ended his call when they arrived at a Villa

"You stay her from today. This is for you" Chairman NG held her hand then he directed her to a bed room. It was very spacious and elegant.

"Chairman. I am so sorry to distrube your night" Lin xi hung her head. She knew he was on company new year celebration.

"Xixi, The party is not as important as you" He couldn' t help but caressed her cheek and kissed her lips.

"No ! You are married man. Please don't make me committe same mistake again like I did in the past" She pushed him away.

"You are clearer than everyone else that marriage is fraudulence. I really want to announce it, but I need to wait until we have news about our daughter where about. I am afraid they will plot against her again, if I act now. Xixi, let me pay for my mistake, let me look after you, ok ?" He paused then he kissed her more.

"Chairman !?"

"call be what you used to call me when we did it" he asked playfully

"Sir ?!" her face blushed.

"Yes, sexy"

She was startled. aafter more than 25 years, She never forgot that he always said that word when he needed her body. His tone was also same.

"You ! what did you say before ?" She ensured her ears did not trick her.

" My sexy Xixi. I am old but I am still a man who attract to you"

ah.. scream was heard from inside followed by moans and groans as the new couple enjoyed their new year firework. Man was still a man no matter how old was he.