Pull your self together

Nick walked closer to them and was about to confront the group when his mother arrived with Cacha.

"What happen ? she was fine this morning, how come it's happened" Mrs Feng grabbed her son hand, her eyes were red. she cried.

"I don't know mum" Nick hugged his mother.

"Is there any family of Mrs Alice Feng" a doctor came.

"I am her husband" Nick dashed in front of the doctor. No one realised that Chairman NG stood up as well "I am her father" he said silently on his head.

"Is there any sign of abnormality on her pregnancy? " The doctor asked.

"No" Nick said firmly

"She is fine. I just went with her on monday to do regular check up" Mrs Feng said.

"which hospital does she usually go?" The doctore asked

"NN hospital" Nick and Mrs Feng anwered at the same time.

"She is bleeding quite heavy. If the bleeding is not stop within the next hour, we are afraid we have to performed C-section to save her life. Which means the baby chance of life is 50-50 as he is only 31 weeks" The doctor told them honestly.

"Oh no" Mrs Feng covered her mouth, she was nearly felt down if Mr Feng didn't hold her in time. Nick was paled, he closed his eyes in great agony.

"Mr Feng ?" a nurse came out.

"It's me" Nick opened his eyes.

"Your wife regained her consciousness and she want you. Please come with me"

"Pull your self together, Bro. You have to be strong. She needs you" Sean patted Nick shoulder. Nick didn't know when Sean arrived and how he knew, but he didn't bother to ask. He nodded because Sean was right, he had to be strong for his wife. Nick followed the nurse after he took a deep breath to calm him self.

"Honey" He rushed toward his wife. She was paled and very week.

"I am here. I am here, no one will hurt you ok ?" He clutched her hand and kissed her forehead.

"He is here. He said I am a shame for the family.He doesn't let me go. why ?" Alice sobbed.

"I'll talk to him. ok ?" Nick tried his best to make her calm. but Alice kept sobbing and repeating her words

When Nick went inside, one of the hospital doctor approached the family.

"Madam Feng, please come inside. I believe the patient need her mother to make her stronger"

He then asked one of the nurse to take Mrs Feng in side. "But Sir" The nurse was abit reluctant.

"It's ok. She is Dr Fengs' mother" He explaine. He was the head of emergency departmen and the nurse was familiar with Alan.

Alan often help in that hospital, so he knew some of the head doctor there. He was not able to come to hospital soon, so he initiated to call one of his colleagues there for their assistance. He explained to them that his mother was very closed with all her daughter in law especially Alice.

The nurse nodded and took Mrs Feng in side. Nick saw his mother came, he stared at his mother asked for help. Mrs Feng held Alice hand. She wiped her tears and caressed her. She oberheard what Alice said. She understood that Alice revering to her fatherm

"My poor girl. Darling, You know I love you right? and Your husband love and dote you ? Our family love you. it doesn't matter what people say but we are your family. we love you. You are a mother to be, you have to be strong for your kid, understand ?"

"Mum" Alice cried and nodded. she felt much better after seeing the two. She gradually stopped crying.

A nurse came to check Alice blood pressure then she asked Nick and Mrs Feng to gave space as she needed to check the bleeding.

"Mum, darling !" Alice was scare that those two would left her alone.

"Mam, we just have a quick look. They will be here again in no time" the nurse reassured her.

"Doctor. The bleeding is still heavy but the blood pressure is steady but high" The nurse reported a young doctor who was in charge on the emergency departmen that day.

"Check her again in 15 minutes. I'll look after her" a senior docter came, then spoke to Nick and Mrs Feng.

"we will do our best. we won't disappoint Dr Feng. Just please help us to ensure the patient is calm" He was the head of obstetrics and gynaecology department.

"Do you know my son ?" Mrs Feng was stunned.

"Most of doctor here know him. He is a good man" He smiled.

"Thank you doctor"

After 15 minutes. A nurse came again and did check up the the doctor came to do ultrasound. The doctor smiled to Alice "Mam, please keep you self calm for your own baby shake" then he called Nick to explained Alice progress "The blood pressure is not as high as before. The Bleeding is also getting better. it's very good sign. If her progress is constantly improve like this, we can move her to the normal ward. I have checked her check up record, It is all good. I suspect your wife received a massive mental breakdown. Please keep her happy and calm, don't stir her emotion".

"Thank you doctor. I'll remember what you said" Nick was very glad.

After an hour or so, Alice condition improved very well. So she was moved to in transition ward "We will watch her close in in the next 12 hours. if She is stable, we will move her to normal ward" The nurse said.

"Mum, You go home first. I am here with her. Tell every one to go home as well. I'll call you for any update" he saw his mum was exhausted. It was a long afternoon.

"Ok" Mrs Feng agreed. She planned to shop and cook nutritious food for Alice.

"Mum !" "Wife" The Feng family stood yp when they saw Mrs Feng. Chairman NG also did the same. Every one were very anxious.

"Her bleeding is getting better. They need to watch her for another 12 hour. Let's go home. We can't do anything here."

"eldest bro ?" Cacha asked

"He needs to stay here. Sean, Buy something for your brother for dinner. He can not get sick, his wife need him. Just give the food to the nurse and told them it's from Dr Feng to his brother" Mrs Feng was mentally tired, she was not willing to say much.