She is bleeding

Alice laughed bitterly "Shame ? my moral low ? Thank you very much, Sir. As far as I remember, You never had time to see me. The only time you came to see me was to humaliate me. I do everything you asked, I have nothing to do with you anymore. And now, Why do you still come to find me and insult me again ? why do you hate me so much ?".

Alice was angry, sad and helpless. her shock and despair were enough to cause a sharp paint in her belly. The paint was getting intense and unbearable, it made her subconsciously put her hand on her belly. It was very paintful until she wasn't able to steady her self and felt to the sofa harsly.

Tara just got out form the lift when she saw Alice fell down. She ran as fast as she could

"Alice ! Are you ok ?" She held Alice hand.

Alice heard Tara voice, but her mind was in a mess due to the pain "My belly is very paintfull". Soon after, she felt hot liquid flew on her thigh then to her leg.

"Oh My God ! Alice you are bleeding. Please call ambulance " Tara yelled.

Alice looked down, she saw a red liquid on her leg "Baby, My Baby. Nick, Nick, Mum". She called the persons that she needed the most. Alice vision was blurred and she felt cold Then She lost her consciousness.

"Alice ! Alice ! Please call ambulance! Please" Tara screamed as loud as she could.

"Xinxin" Chairman NG could not believe what happen in front of him. His daughter was healthy in cheerfull few moment ago, but now, she was bleeding and unconscious.

the concierge called ambulance which came soon after.

"I am her friend. Can I came with her?" Tara did not want to leave Alice alone.

"Sure Mam. Can you please contact her family" The paramedic asked while they gave Alice first aid then put her inside the ambulance and transported her to hospital.

Chairman NG anger turned in to a panick state when he saw blood on his daughter leg. He was in shock when he saw Alice lost her consciousness and in daze as he stared at her pale face.

"Follow them, follow the ambulance" He ordered his man and secretary Chin As soon as he snapped back.

Meanwhile, Nick just concluded his meeting when Tara called her "Hey. How was your lunch ? do you wish to kidnap my wife ?".

" Nick ! Alice, she is in danger. we are on the way to hospital. she is bleeding and Unconscious" Tara was panicked, she sobbed.

"which hospital ?" He asked in panick

"Which hospital ?" Tara asked the paramedic.

"Abc hospital" The paramedic replied.

Nick was able to hear it "I'll be there soon. Please stay with her"

He hung his call and rushed to his car.

"Mum, Alice is Abc Hospital. She is bleeding" He called his mother before drove his car as fast as he could.

Mrs Feng was at home knitting the baby hat when she received the call. She was shocked when she heard what her son said.

"Mum, what happen ?" Cacha asked. she just arrived home.

"He said Alice in hospital. she is bleeding. Lets go to Abc hospital" Mrs Feng trembled.

"Calm down" Mr Feng held his wife and let her sat while he got the car key.

They rushed to the hospital in no time, Cacha was in panick but she managed to send message through the family chat group 'Elder sister is in hospital Abc. She is bleeding'

'what happen ?' Alan asked

'No idea. Eldest brother just called and told mum she is bleeding'

'where are you ?' Sean asked

'on the way there with mum and dad'

'ok. see you there soon' Sean reply.

Nick parked his car and sprinted to the emergency unit as fast as he could. He saw an ambulance just arrived shortly before him. He swept his glance to the room and he spotted Tara

"Tara, where is she ? What happen" he asked while he tried to gasp for air.

"Nick ! Alice is inside. I don't know what happen. After lunch, I went upstair to my room to get my bag and she was waiting for me on the lobby. When I was back, she was already in paint. I am sorry Nick, I am so sorry" Tara sobbed.

"It's not your faults. Did she step on something or what ?" Nick asked more.

"I don't know. I really don't know" Tara then held her held up and she notice a middle age man who she met earlier at the restaurant. She just realised that he was also there not far from Alice on the lobby

"But Those guys may able to tell you what happened. They were with her when I was back to the lobby" Tara pointed group of men not far from them. Chairman NG , his secretary and Ming subordinates were there. They just arrived there half a minute before Nick.

"Nick, I remembered that old man asked me about Alice. he asked how I knew Her and asked about her surname as well. Do you think they have grudge againts her ? but why ?" Tara asked.

Nick stared at the group of men. He had no idea who they were at the first time. He stared at Chairman Ng for while who he had impression about. After drill his memory, Nick vaguely remebered who he was. While Chairman NG froze when he saw Nick. He remembered that young man was the one that accompanied his daughter last time. He was sure that man was her daughter man and the father of the baby on her tummy.