Thank you for your time

"Well to be precisely, it's fourth time" Nick took a deep breath.

"Fourth ?" Chairman NG frowned. He tied his best, however he couldn't figure out the other meeting Nick referred to.

"The first time I met you was in country U. You called me gigolo at that time" Nick smiled and he put an envelope on the table.

Chairman NG face was darkend. He did his best to recall what happen on his last time visiting country U. "You are the guy that she brought that day ?" he was not sure as he was too angry to he didn't pay much attention.

"what is this ?" Chairman NG took the envelop and opened it.

"These ?" His hands were trembled then he put them back on the table. He drank his tea to calm him down.

Nick took the envelope then he arranged the photo on the table. Sean, secretary Chin and the two men were 0starled to seeGaz the pitures.

He smiled and calmly took a picture then placed in front of chairman NG "This was the first time I met her. she was drunk and left alone on the street. I took her home".

"why did you help a stranger?"Chairman NG suspected Nick was after something.

"I don't know. Perhaps because I imagined if she was my sister. My father always tell us to protect our sisters well. Or perhaps it is our destiny" Nick smiled then he continued his story.

"A week after our first meeting, she came to see me bringing this picture and asked me to hele her explaining about the pictures to your 2".

"What to explain ?" Chairman NG voice was very cold.

"I am an IT professional. even when I was in high school, I did a lot of trick like this" Nick giggled.

Sean took the pictures and snorted, he shook his head "Damn, who ever did it is very lame".

"What do you mean ?" Chairman NG was confused.

"Have you ever hear about photoshop ? I am sure this picture were taken from adult website. He replaced the girls face with her" Sean sneered.

Chairman Ng didn't say anything, he just stared at the photos. He knew he was wrong to believe the pictures were his daughters' as Mings' subordinates that came with him giggled.

"Why did you keep it ?" Chairman NG was curious.

"this evidents are substantial when a case reopen" Sean grinned.

"My brother is a lawyer. Sir, does any one in your family know about this matter ?" Nick asked.

Chairman NG smirked, he was rather unhappy to hear his son in law called him Sir "Of course no. She is my daughter, I tried my best to conceal it from others".

"But your other daughter know about it. When we met her that day before you came, she mentioned about these pictures" Nick hit a point.

" I don't know what happen back there before you send her away. But I can reassure you that my wife chastity was taken by me on our wedding day. I don't make it up to protect her or by any purpose, it is the truth. Our mother and elders saw the stain on our linen that day. Our family elders are old fashion about that. Not only that, I really want to tell you that since You threw her on the street that day, She stayed with me. I went back here first and she came here few weeks after. when I was not there, our friends can be the witness that she never stayed with others especially old man" Nick was silent after that.

"I believed you. I want to to know that didn't do that"

"Do what ?" Nick asked confusedly.

"I didn't wish to make her homeless and penniless, She is my flesh and blood. I gave that penthouse and double up the money for her. The same b****d that took her house in country T did it. But it's still my fault" Chairman NG closed his eyes.

Nick smiled "But, why didn't you believe her ? why didn't you pay attention to her ? She was alone and helpless. Have you ever want her to be born ?"

Chairman NG was stunned with Nick question "It was very complicated, I just realised people around me plotting so many thinhs. I just discovered some of thier scheme after I met Xinxins' old driver a year ago"

"Since there are many mole in you side. Do you think all of the matters that happen to our sister in law were orchestrated by those ?" Sean instict as lawyer kicked off.

"Perhaps your other daughter and he lover ? Sir, with your influence and ability I am sure it is not hard for you to find out the truth but I can not force you to do it because you served your ties with her, so she is no longer relate to you. I only request one thing for you, please have mercy to us, please don't distrube her until our baby are born. They are very important to me and to our family. You are welcome to visit us after but please call me first so I can talk to her and my parents and we mentally prepared" Nick put his name card and bowed his head.

then He stood up "I am very sory to take your precious time" He said what he wished to say so no reason for him to stay. Sean followed his brother to make a bow them they left.

"Wait" Chaitman NG stopped Nick and Sean . They were about to open the door. They turned aroung to face the old man

"I promise, I'll investigate everything. please look after her well"

"She is my wife, her well being and happiness are my responsibility. I definitely do my best for her without you asking me. Good bye" Nick bowed and left.

Sean sneered inwardly " Our parents love her. don't worry sir"

After they wenr inside the lift, Nick lookad at Sean "Am I being rude ?".

Sean stared back at him and shrugged his shoulder "I don't know. He is her father, you father in law, you should have spoken nicer. But looking back what had happened, it considered polite. Bro, if I met ny biological father today, I might did worst than that".

Nick smiled "But if he loved her and pampered her, I wouldn't be able to be with her. Same as you, if they pampered you, you wouldn't be part of us"

Sean laughed "you are right. two side of coin".