Beg for our love

*** Back to country A***

Alice remained in hospital for another day before she was allowed to go home. However, she had bed rest for the few more days. Tara visited her at home on Tuesday, the day before she went back to country U

"Alice, I am really sory. it was happen because of me" Tara felt very guilty.

"It was not your fault at all" Alice smiled.

"But, who was that man ?" Tara asked.

"My father. How is your meeting with your future mother in law ?"

"Well, I am not sure if they are ok with me" Tara understood that Alice didn't want to talk about her family at all. Tara stayed until Nathan picked her up. She envied Alice that Mrs Feng doted her so much.

Alice was not able to attend the launch of FeFam fashion second collection. It went smothly and the result was much better than their first one.

"Hey elder sister, should we make more for the next one" Josh was in great spirit.

"I suggest you to keep it as It is" Mrs Feng gave the advice.

"I'll go with mum" Alice trusted Mrs Feng.

"Darling, Can I start working on monday ? I guarantee I won't make my self exhausted. ok?" She had to start preparing got FeNiLa Fashion second collection as well.

"Can you stay at home and let them do it" Nick refused her request.

"Let her go" Mrs Feng knew Alice was bored at home.

Alice released her second collections early April. Even before the launch day, she gradually reduced her time in the shop. She more focused on her baby and joined the prenatal education class.

Nick also made a change in his company. He fired his old secretary and replaced her with a new and profesional one and hired a new receptionist as well. He gave more responsibility to his assistant and team leader. He made all necessary preparation as he planned to take few days off after Alice gave birth to support her.

It was mid of april, after he concluded his afternoon meeting, Nick received a call from Cacha. "Eldest bro, please come home now ! Second brother need your help" Cacha was panick.

"What happen ?"

"He and sister Jasmine, Come home hurry up !" Cacha ended the call.

Nick arrived home in 20 minutes. He saw Sean and Jasmine kneeled in front of his parents, while Sasha and Cacha peeping from the kitchen. Sasha was back the day before, her contract in country K was ended.

"We are not on thr same social class as her. Sean, you won't make her happy" Mrs Feng said.

"Aunty, Please give us chance first. we won't know if we can or not before we try" Jasmine begged.

Nick felt De javu. Few years ago it was Alice and him on Sean and Jasmine position, his mother said the same words to them.

"Mum is right bro. Even sometime I feel guilty that I can not buy my wife branded bag she loves. Not only that, I still make her to go to work and earn money. But Mum is also wrong. Alice and me are happy. She smiled everyday and hardly cry then she used to be" Nick sat on the sofa.

"Mum, Dad. You have to be fair to all of us. You gave me and Alice a chance and Now, you have to give Sean and Jasmin as well. You don't want they follow Alan and Michelle foor step, right ? he asked cheekily.

"What do you mean ?" Mrs Feng asked while her husband furrowed his eyebrows.

Nick grinned "I bet you would also made those to kneeling like this if you knew Michelle family status before she was pregnant"

Sean chuckled "He is smarter then us"

"Mum, why do you love to make all of us kneeling to beg for our love ? You made Hans did it under heavy rain as well" Sasha spoke up as well.

"Mum. I remembered you didn't approve eldest bro and eldest sister together. Now you love eldest sister the most" Cacha said.

Those siblings always supported each other since they were kids.

"Alright, Lets them know each other" Mr Feng made decision.

Mrs Feng had no choice other than support her husband decision. Hsr was nodded "Ok".

"Thank you mum, dad" Sean hugged Mrs Feng.

"Thanks my lovely siblings" Sean hugged his sisters then high-Fiving with Nick.

Mr and Mrs Feng shook their head while did their best to hide their smile as they

"Why are you home. do you suppose to pick Alice up from the shop ?" Mrs Feng scolded Nick

"Mum, it's only 4 o'clock. I am going to pick her up in half an hour" Nick checked his watch.

An hour ago, Alice left the shop earlier and went to the bakery to buy some cake. She really wanted to eat egg tart. After that, she went home by her self.

"Hi every one !" She was surprised to see Nick and Sean were at home. But she more or less understood why when she spotted Jasmine among them. She put the box of egg tart on the table and sat next to her husband.

"Alice, how do you get home ? did Josh drive you here ?" Mrs Feng really concerned.

"No. I caught bus, then I walked from the bus stop. It's good for exercise"

"is it a bit dangerous to travel alone with your big belly ?" Jasmine was dumpstruck to see how big Alice baby bump was.

"Not really unless it's raining. Unbelievable it took me 15 minutes to walk now, it used to be 5 minutes" She was so tired.

"Where do you stay now ?" Alice asked Jamine.

"Well. I came to Sean office straight away from the airport. I can not stay in hotel as my credit card has been cancelled and I only have $100 in my wallet. I ran away from my wedding so my parents are very upsat" Jasmine hung her head.

"What ?" Sean was shock, while Mr and Mrs Feng were dumpstruck.

Nick laughed as he massaged his wife back "Sound is very familiar, right honey ?"

Alice giggled "that's right. Jasmine, you remained me about my self".

"Sleep here first until you find a place to stay" Mrs Feng shook her head. She didn't understand why rich people fancied her kids.