Austen Feng

In the middle of the night, Alice woke her husband up "Darling, Wake up. My tummy is very painful". It was late autumn in S city the weather was nice and cool, but her forehead was sweating.

"Are you ok ?" Nick was half awoke.

"ahh.. it's very paintfull. It is getting intense" Alice clenched her hands.

"Lets go" Nick jumped from his bed and changed his pijama in lightning speed then grabbed the suitcase that had been prepared days ago. That suitcase was full of baby stuff and Alice clothes.

Alice put a lot of effort to walk downstair with Nick helped. For few times, They paused when the contraction come. Alice supressed her self from screaming because she did not want to distrube others.

"what happen ? are you in labour ? since when ? How often" Mrs Feng was awoken as well.

"Since the morning ahh" Alice was in great pain. She didn't dare to tell anyone as she as a false one few days ago.

"What ?? Why don't you tell us? Anyway go to hospital now. hurry up!!" Mrs Feng helped to carry the suitcase to the car and urged her son.

Nick was panick as he saw how Alice endured the paint that were getting intense. He hit the pedal and drove as fast as he could. Lucky it was in the middle of night so no traffic at all. In less than 15 minutes, He parked his car and brought her to the maternity delivery unit.

"Bring her in. Let me check" A midwife met them and directed them to a room. She did the blood pressure check and asked Alice few more questions.

"Ok, now we are going to do the internal examination to know your progress" The midwife smiled then her face was paled. She rushed out of the room and came back in no time with 2 nurses.

They wheeled Alice to another room "Come with us, the baby is nearly come out".

Nick mind was blank, he followed them like an idiot and did what ever they said absent mindedly.

"Push, the baby is nearly there" The mid wife instructed Alice when they were already on the delivery room. Alice pushed and screamed for many times. Nick heart was ache as he saw how hard and paintfull the processed were. He didn't know what to do so he let her clutched his hands as hard as she wished to.

"Come on push. we can see the baby head" The midwife kept urging Alice.

"Darling !" Alice was in paint.

"Honey, you can do it!" Nick didn't know what to said.

After less than 10 minutes which seemed like hours, Alice put her last effort, with all her energy. she pushed as hard as she could and she did it.

Her paint was gone away at the moment she heard baby cried.

"Honey, do you hear that ? our baby cry. Well done, you are amazing " Nick held her hand and kissed her head.

"Congratulation, It's a baby boy" the midwife smiled and gave a tiny creature to Alice chest "Let him smell his mother".

Alice touched the baby tiny fingers then she caressed his cheek "He is so cute". She kissed her baby forehead, she was smiled and cried due to happiness.

"Darling, Look! Our baby is so cute" She grinned happily. Nick caresses his son cheek and laughed "He is cute".

He kissed her forehead "Thank you. You were sufferingso much to deliver him. I love you". He could not thank her enough to put all her effort to deliver his baby to this world.

" Try to breast feed him" the midwife helped Alice who had no experience to do it.

After the baby stopped sucking, the midwife put him on a baby box then do few examinations while she asked Alice to have a quick shower to clean her bottom part. Then They wheeled the mother and the baby to a private ward.

On private ward, one person was allowed to accompany her and a spare bed was also available.

"Honey, have some rest. I'll be here" Nick kissed her forehead. It was a private ward, one person was allowed to accomoany her and a spare bed was also available.

After the whole drama, Alice was very tired hence she felt on deep sleep in not time. Nick could not sleep, he stared at his tiny baby "Boy, you are so cute. You have to help daddy look after your mummy. don't be a demanding one, ok ?".

Alice woke up the next day, she smiled when she saw her husband sleep soundly while sitting on the chair. She could see her baby moved his head and wriggled his arm to make them free from the wrap, then he cried loudly. She tried to get up but a sharp pain in her lower part prevent her to move. Nick jumped as he heard his baby and took a deep breath.

"Darling, please help me to bring him here. I can not get up, it's very painful down there"

Nick Chuckled and teased her "See, I am nore gentle than our baby".

Hse giggled "Hurry up!".

He held his son carefully and gave her to Alice. Alice gave the baby cuddle but he cried even louder.

"He must be hungry" Nick said.

Alice nodded and gave her son breast feeding. The baby was indeed hungry, he sucked his mother nipple as soon as it touched his tiny mouth.

"You are a greedy kitten" Nick laughed at his baby.

"Have you told mum ?" Alice asked.

" Of course. I called her right away. she will be here in no time" Nick said.

He was rights, his parents came shortly after. When Mr and Mrs Feng arrived, Alice just finished breast feed her baby. As soon as Those two arrived, Mrs Fengwas busy nourished Alice with home made food and traditional medicine, while Mr Feng laughed happily holding his grandson "Tya, come here. Look how cute is our little one".

"Let me hold him. Have you find name for him ?" Mrs Feng finally had a change to hold the baby.

"No. I wish you both name him" Alice said.

"Lets choose The one start with A like his mother" Mrs Feng gave an idea.

"Austen. it means great and magnificent" Nick had prepared the name.

"Welcome to the world my little Austen" Mrs Feng kissed the little baby cheek.