mutual benefit

** Warning : Mature containt for this chapter***

They finished their dinnier before 9.

"Lets go home" Alice was in hurry as it was Austen milk time.

"Lets have a little walk. He will be fine with mum and dad. Anyway, we haven't had a date for ages" Nick understood very well that his wife really concerned about their baby. Alice then reluctantly agreed.

It was a week day, the harbour was not crowded. Gand in hand, they had a leisure stroll along the harbour enjoying the night view. Thrn they sat on a bench

"Do you remember you kissed on on a harbour while we were watching sunset ?"He asked while staring at twinkled little stars above.

"mn hmn" She giggled.

"Lets have another one under the moon and the stars" he leaned to her and circled his left hand on her waist and kissed her deeply.

Alice was shivering when the night wind blow. She didn't bring her blazer to cover the sleeveless dress, eventhough it was mid spring but the sea breeze at night was still cold.

"Are you cold ?" He stopped their kisses

"A little. You should remind me to bring my blazer"

Nick enveloped her patite body with his "is it better?"

Alice giggled "man should give his blazer to his girlfriend".

"You are not my girlfriend, honey. Anyway, my body heat is more effective then any coat"

Alice twitched "Narcissist"

He pinched her chin "What did you say ?" before Alice could sat anything he punished her with more kisss until they ran out of oxygen.

"do you want more ?" he stared at her red swollen lips.

"Lets go home"

"Sure. We continue your punishment at home"

"Hey. you are getting more and more shameless" Alice punched her husband ligthly.

It was late, so they walked back to where he parked his car and drove home.

"Are you ok ?" Nick asked her on their way back hime. He notice Alicr was sitting restlessly

"I am ok. it's just I missed Austen milk time, my breasts are very full. It is really unconfortable" Alice rubbed her breast lightly

Nick grinned shyly "we will be home shortly".

When they arrived at home, they could not find any one in the living room. So, Alice rushed upstair to check her son while Nick followed her from behind.

"Where is austen ?"

"He must sleep in mums' room. Don't wake tgem up. let me help you to release it" Nick stared at her chest. Her dress of the chest area was wet.

"What?" before Alice could digest his word, he pulled her closer then unzip her dress before undid her bra. He was too tall to reach her breast so he was halve kneeled then caught her right breast on his mouth. He sucked and kneeded to drain the contained.

He replaced Austen to emptied her milk.After he finished with the right one, he moved to the left one and did the same.

"Our milk taste so wonderful. Have you tried it ?" nick transfer the residual milk from his mouth to her and lay her down on the bed. He went wild that night without hodling back. They owned the whole floor that night, Sean had moved out weeks ago and this morning, he told Cacha not to go home at night but stayed with Lana instead.

"Honey, do you like it ?


"Let me hear you then"

"No, cacha is here"

"She stay with Lana. Let me help you"

He went south and licked her canal "Said it loudly if you want it or no"

"No.. nn ah.."

"Honey, so do you want it or not ? say it loudly" He teased her.

he forced Alice to let her voice out and expressed pleasure freely. he loved her moan and shriek, it made him want her even more. their mutual benefit ended with take and give, he emptied her upper part but filled her bottom one with his.

"Honey, lets do differently tonight, ok ?" He asked more. She had to way to reject him as he had moved her around according to his preference. So she had to follow his lead obidiently .

After They both were satisfied and content. Nick took her to have shower. It was their first time to have shower together after long time. During that time, once again, He made sure her milk was really empty and with no trace of discomfort on her chest area.

Alice was deadly tired. she let him carried her back to bed after he helped her dried her body and her hair.

"Are you tired ? is it still still sore and unconfortable?" Nick embraced her on their bed while his hands were massaging her waist then went up to her back and then up to her two bun.

Alice held his hands to stop him "Please darling, they are really empty".

Nick laughed, he knew he did better job than his son. He held her tight on his chest "Honey, do you feel happy with me ?"


"Have you ever regretted your decision to be with me ?"


"But you can have better man than me"

"You also can have better woman than me.

"I love you Honey. My only dream is to make you become the happiest person" Nick kissed her lips.

"I love you, darling. I only need you" She kissed her back. Then she stared at him for while "Darling, Speaking about dream, few days ago I had a weird dream. I saw my dad come and smile to me. It happened for few days"

"He should be fine. If there is something not right your brother will let us know. Lets have a rest, I need to wake up in four hours" Nick closed his eyes.

"Why do you need to wake up very early ?" She frowned

"Austen normally wake up after 4 hours right ? Honey, I won't let you feel discomforts even our baby is not here".

Alice was dumpfounded, she really had two babies. That night, she fed her big baby whose was more demanding that the small one.

Nick really did the job well. After four hours, he emptied her once more and also emptied his hose too. what a night.!