As long as you remember

"Mum, do you mind to look after Austen tomorrow night?" Nick asked his mum when Alice was in their room feeding their baby.

"Why ? will you take her some where ?" Mrs feng asked him back.

"It's our second anniversary" Nick was helpless.

"Ok sure. Go take her out. Austen will be fine with me." Mrs Feng was delighted. Her daughter in law needed free time from her baby plus she could enjoy her quality time with Austen. Austen was 6 months old, he already learn to eat solid food such as mash banana, avocado and sweet potato, so his milk time was less frequent then before.

The next morning, Nick was ready to go to work when Alice came to their room.

"Darling, Give me your left hand please"

Nick did what he asked to do. She held his hand and smiled then she put a watch on his wrist.

Nick chuckled "Did you have another big orders from your customer ?" He pretended to forget their anniversary.

Alice pouted 'ah he forget' She screamed inwardly and left him alone on the bedroom. Alice was a little bit dispirit in the morning but Austen and her project for Sasha wedding drove that unhappy thought out from her mind.

Nick was amazed to see the watch in his wrist. He never tought that she would give her such a precious one the he patted this chest "lucky, I have prepared well this year"

Nick went home earlier that day, he was at home by 4 o'lock. He still had plenty work to do but it was a special day so he would bother about it. When He entered their room, Alice was pumping her breast milk.

"Why did you pump it ?" Nick was dumpstruck.

Alice was also startled "Austen doesn't drink as often as before since he start his solid food. I need to pump it at least twice a day otherwise I feel uncomfortable. Anyway, It's ok to store it for while as long as it's frozen"

"Ohh I see" Nick just now realise why there were few bags of white liquid on the fridges.

"Lets go out for dinner to night" Nick went to their wardrop and chose a blue peppermint knee leng dress "Wear this".

It's nearly 5.30, Nick who was already on his blue informal suit, went back to his room to find his wife. Alice already wore the dress that Nick chose for her. She also put a light make up and tied her shoulder length hair casually. She looked like mature teenager and didn't look like a mother at a all.

"Hon, lets go. we are running late" Nick held her hand.

"Wait ! I haven't change Austens' clothes" Alice grabbed the bag what she use to keep all baby necessities when they were travelling.

"He's not coming with us. Let him stay with mum to night. Anyway you have plenty breast milk stock for him"

"What ? why ? where are we going anyway ?"

Nick didn't answer her, he just dragged her way.

"We are going mum, dad. See you" Nick greet his mum who was with Austen on their living room.

"Ok. Don't worry about Austen, enjoy your night !" Mr feng waived his hand. He focused teasing his grandson.

The traffic on afternoon peak hour was pretty bad, by the time they arrived on their destination it was nearly 7 o'clock.

Alice was tunned that he took her to a fancy high class french restaurant which was located on the S city harbour. "is it the famous restaurant that is just opened last month ? I heard you have to book it first" She was not a socialite but most of her customer were, and a lot of the discussing about it when they were in her shop.

"Hi, sir. Have you made a booking ?" A waitress asked them.

"yes, It's under Nick"

"7 o'clock for two people ?"

"That's right"

"Please come with" The watress directed them to a table.

As soon as they sat, Nick put his order.He seemed very familiar with the restaufant favourite menu.

"How do you know this place ?" Alice asked as soon as the waitress left.

"Will recommended to me. He promosed Mia here few weeks ago"

"Mia ?"

Nick nodded "He broke up with his girlfriend not long after our wedding. He got together with Mia after. Any way" Nick got up from his seat and walked to her back "Happy anniversary" He took of the necklace that Alice wore for the last 3 years and placed a one on her neck.

Alice stunned when she saw it a necklace with a solitare diamond on her neck

"Few years ago , I only bought you a fake crystal one. Now, I only manage to give you this" Nick kissed her cheek

She kissed him back "You don't need to give me one, The dinner more then enough. I don't mind if we only have dinner at normal place as long as you remember it"

"Honey, I may not able to take you to this kind of restaurant every week but, few times a year or once a month I definitely can"

Nick was indeed in better financial position now, he earned more than double that when he worked before.

Alice was the same, few years ago she only earned enough to cover her daily expenses and saved a little bit. But now, She was able to buy her self branded stuff if she wanted. The watch that she gave to Nick this morning was not cheap at all. a special edition of Rolex watch was never cheap.

Nick got back to his seat as he saw the waitress came with their entrée menu. Alice really enjoyed the food, it had been while for her to dine in such a place. She liked the food but she loved her companion most.