Wedding party

The wedding held the next day and went very nice and smooth. Alan and Michelle renewed their wedding vow on the local chapel in the afternoon, eventhough both of them were not religious as all. They just fulfilled the elders from the brides' family wish. It was the same chapel where Michelle parents vowed their commitment and love to each other. The ceremony was followed by the 12 dishes ritual but there was no tea offering ceremony as they did it the year before. where as The wedding party was held at night.

The bride and the groom were very stunning. Michelle was very pretty and elegant in her wedding dress. Her family disbelieve their tomboy became a beautiful princess. Alan was in white tuxedo as well.

"Does He sick of white colour ? He wears white everyday" Sean shook his head.

Feng family invited less people that Nick wedding due to the venue. They didn't invite the family of Alan's parent either. It was Alan wish to let every one know that he was a Feng.

From the Feng family, only grandma that came, Grand aunty wished to come but her poor health prevented her to travel far away.

"Brother in law, I tell you, NG family talent is on her vein. Our grandma was a fashion designer when she was young, grandfather built fashion business unit special for her " Liam said when they sat together waiting for the bride and the groom arrival.

"Hey, stop praising my wife. Just focus on your own woman" Nick annoyed by Liam.

Liam chuckled "My sister is very pretty, isn't she ? Why do choose her ?". Alice was indeed very beauty that night in her violet dress.

"She is very pretty. She was like a fairy on our wedding day. I still don't know the answer why I am really into her, perhaps it's our destiny. I believe in past life we are deeply in love therefore , the love sparked again once we met again int his life" Nick grinned, while Liam was speechless.

The Fengs' young ladies were very beautiful that night, Each of them had their own beauty. A lot of young doctors eyed Sasha but if course they had no chances at all as she had been taken.

The brothers of the bridegroom were also eye catching, unfortunatly they also were not available anymore. For Nick, the was most attractive and beautiful as his wife. Sean was the same, Jasmine was his only focus. Dispite their background differences, they were able to understand and support each other.

Liam took a few pictures of Alice and her small family, and he managed to have one of Angie and him together under Nick tricks.

Sean was the emcee that day with Michelle brother. But He didn't dare to make harsh joke like he did on Nick wedding.

"Don't you think second brother not as lively as he did on eldest brother wedding" Cacha said lowly. Only people in her table which were the Feng's kids plus Angie and Liam.

"I think he still values his life" Hans blurted.

"But today is the safest night in my life. No one will dare to do anything bad while surrounded my policemen, detective and soldiers" Josh giggled.

"Also, we don't need to worry any food poisoning. To many skilled paramedic are here" Angie laughed.

"Ssstt, Lets here Alan speech" Sean Joined them.

"Where did you have your wedding ?" Liam asked Nick

"The wedding vow was on the botanical garden and the function was on the chinese restaurant. It was not as big this, it was only 120 people there. But alot of my mothers' relatives were there" Nick smiled.

"Only 120 ?" Liam was shock. for him, 120 was too small for a wedding party.

"I am different from Michelle. I don't gave much friends, all my friends here are his or Sasha's" Alice pouted, She halted her conversation with Jasmine

"I don't have much friends either. Quantity more important than quality" Jasmine added

"True" Nick chuckled then he kissed his wife before let her resume her conversation with Jasmine.

"Did you parents know about her matters ? did they approve your wedding"

"They knew. It was not easy journey to us, but with her persistent we managed to get their approval. And as you see now, my mother is very found of her"

"who did walk with her that day ?" Liam was very curious.

"An elderly couple that we know when we were in country U"

Liam felt pain in his heart when he heard what Nick said. "They have to pay for it" He swore inwardly that he would make them to pay for his sister pain.

The wedding was conclude around 10 o'clock. After they took family picture, Nick took Alice back to their rented house as Austen was very tired, his usual sleep time had long passed. Mrs Feng and Sasha also went back with them, They looked after Hugh that night to let the newly wedd couple had a wonderful night together.

They were back to S city the day after to resume their daily activity. Alan and Michelle flied to south east asia on the weekend for their two weeks honeymoon. Hugh didn't go with them, he was under michelle parents care for a week and another week under The Feng family.

Liam went back to Uk few days after the wedding as well. He went to the Feng resident to bid his farewel the night before his departure day. "Borther in law, please look after her well. She had uneasy life when she was kids".

"definitively. when is your flight ?" Nick asked.

"Tomorrow morning"

"Brother, good luck. I hope you have a good endding with her" Alice wished he and Angie could be together.

Liam was pleased to hear she called him brother "Pray for me. Oh, I just found out that jerk who dared to take your property has been punished by dad. Your mother foster daughter had become a hocker. She climbed Mr Leng bed. One more thing, That old Jerk is broke now, he had been diagnosed with HIV. I guessed it won't happen by chance, perhaps it was dad master piece. I'll see you again soon". Liam caressed Austen head "See you again boy. JiuJiu (maternal uncle) will miss you".

"If he dares to bully you, give a call" Liam wonked and his sister

Alice was glad she had a brother who was willing to stand by her but she hailed a deep breath and blurted "he won't be able to help me. I can not tell him, I am bullied at night on the bed"

"But you love it. Everytime you ask more, even It'snot unusual for you to initiated the bulling. Let me bully you again to night" Nick whispered seductively.

After his departure, Liam and Nick kept in touch on regular basis. He didn't want to lost contact with his sister anymore.