More surprise

Liam envied with Feng family, it was a warm and happy one. "why my sister was asked to look after the wedding dress ?" Liam asked Angie.

"She is very talented fashion designer. Her wedding gowned was modified by her self. She has her own boutique" Angie explained to Liam eagerly.

Liam was startled, he received to many blow from the couple. First, his brother in law was actually the CEO and owner of NAF technology. Now, his sister was a fashion designer. "well, our NG family blood is really on her vein" he laughed.

From Angie, Liam learned a lot about the family. He was amazed after they knew about Sean and Alan matters. Liam shook his head as he wondered how many more suprises his sister and her in laws had for him.

" I am glad they are nice to you" Liam told Alice at night. He went out side for smoke while Alice just put the rubbish out.

She laughed "Of course they are, otheriwse they would not aloowed us to get together. By the way, do you like Angie ? If you are serious about her, have you considered if your mother can accpet her ? Angie is my friend, I don't want her to get hurt"

"Currently I am sure but I think I like her. Lets go inside" He did not want to think further.

Alice and Liam joined the others inside. As usual, Alice sat on the right side of Nick on the sofa. Liam took the empty seat behind Nick. While Sasha, Cacha and Lana were playing with Austen and Hugh.

Not long after Alice sat, Alan and Michelle joined them.

"Mum and dad are discussing the wedding with Uncle and aunty Jung" Alan told everyone.

"Hey bro, this is for you from all of us" Sean handed a red envelope to Alan.

"What is this ?" Alan opened the envelope then laughed

"do you like it ?" Nick asked

"Thanks bro" Alan laughed while Nick and Sean just nodded.

"Thanks girls" Alan hugged the girls then Josh, fred and Hans

"what ? honeymoon to south east asia for 2 weeks ?" Michelle stunned.

"Alan, made sure you visit your grandparents. That'd the reason why we added your parents hometown on the trip" Sean winked.

"Oh I forgot. Please put this on our parents trust account. I have recieved enough for them, I can not take it anymore" Alan gave nick a red envelope.

"This ?" Nick puzzled.

"Mum gave Michelle betrothal gift. But, I have no right to accept it. They educated me and looked after me for years and They spent a lot for my wedding. It's more than enough for me" Alan smiled.

"What trust account ?" Sasha asked.

"Last year, We set up account for their retirement fund to provide them luxury holidays evey year" Sean said.

"why didn't you tell me ?" Sasha was unhappy.

"You can join us now. By the way Lana, have you prepare the report as well" Nick said.

"Oh, I have transfered their dividend from eldest sister businesses yesterday. I'll send Josh and sister in law part next week" Lana told.

"Dividens ?" Sasha had another blast

"Dad and Mum gave me the fund to start my boutiques" Alice said honestly.

"Gosh. My parents in law are the greatest investor. Should I ask them to put share on mine as well ?" Hans admired the Old Feng couple.

"It's austen sleep time" Alice said, "Hugh too" Michelle added. Then soon the mothers took their son to their room. The male were still there continue the chat , while the girls moved to their bed room except for Jasmine. She was still not too close with the girls.

Josh knew Liam was not really outsider so he tought it was a good change to discuss about business.

"Bro, a textile company from country T put a proposal to be our supplier. Sister in law rejected it, she said they are not good. She is happy with our current supplier, it's a small business from country T that Ed recommended. But they argue that they are supplier for Prosper group, a prominent business group in country T"

"What is the company name" Liam asked.

"Han textile"

Liam twitched "The quality of their product is very bad, they can maintain the contract because of their scheming. They are very bad person. Few years ago, they lost a tender from a small company, do you know what they did ?"

Every one stared at Liam with anticipation.

"They bribed one of the factory worker to sabotage the company until it was nearky bankrupt. It owners sons named is Andrew Han" Liam paused and looked at Nick " Do you familiar with that name ?"

"Yes" Nick and Sean said on the same time.

"How do you know ? " Josh was stunned.

"I was in country T at that time" Liam answered simply. He did not have any intention to tell them who he was and Alice was

"well the quality of the sample was not really good but they said they can make it special" Josh was smirked

"Lets teach them lesson" Sean smirked.

"No. I am afraid they will hurt my wife gain" Nick objected.

"Based on what My mother told me over the phone, chairman of Pr0sp3r int group is investigating them. I believe soon or later he will take action. when the time comes, I am confident that they will let her in peace. why don't we put some trap as well rather than wait for them to hurt her ?" Liam laughed coldly.

"Bro, Liam is right. Do you think they will keep quiet if they know about sister in law ? Lets me draft the proper international business contract,we teach them in lawful way" Sean added.

"Wait, hold one ! I am on lost here. why will Alice be targerted ?" Hans interupted.

"that's also my question" Josh nodded

"That Han family did bad thing to her years ago. our father is the chairman of Pr0sp3r int group" Liam had no choice but to give them a bried explaination.

"What do you afraid of ? with your brain and supported by Lawyer, doctor, detective. we should do it, I guess" Alan was agree.

"Lawyer ?" Liam asked with disbelieve.

Jasmine gigled "Liam, have you heard International lawyer Sean Feng ?" then Liam nodded.

"It's him" Jasmine exclaimed proudly then she kissed Sean cheek.Liam was speechless.

Nick thought about it for sometime before he was agree.

"Well, I need to go now. Tomorrow is my wedding" Alan was the first one.

"me too. My wife is waiting for me" Nick laughed.

"Lets go Fred" Josh followed Nick lead.

"Lets go Babe. Don't distrube me and my girl ok ?" Sean warned Hans who was left behind with Liam.

"I need to take my girl as well"

Liam was left alone, but not long after Angie came to accompany him.

Every one had they own partner except for the little girl. But only one couple who was able to enjoy the night.