
On Saturday morning, the place where the Feng stayed was getting crowded and lifely with the arrival of few more people. Mr and Mrs Jung were the first to arrive, followed by Fred and Josh. The last one to come were Angie and Liam who were there before lunch.

They had an ourdoor lunch party to celebrate Hugh first birthday. Mrs Feng made fried noodle, meatball soup and beef rendang. Beef rendang had been prepared from S city the day before so they practically only cook 2 dishes that day. While the Richardson organised BBQ and salad. Josh and Fred were the one who bought the birthday cake.

Nick, Sean and Alan were not the chef that day. Michelle brothers and male cousins were mpre than enough to look after the meat on BBQ grilled.

"Boys, this is Liam. your sister in law brother. Liam, there are my brother Sean and Alan . And this is Hans, My best friend and also my sister boyfriend. these two girls are our sisters Cacha and Sasha" Nick introduced them.

Liam nervously said hello but soon after he was stunned by the family warmth. He amazed how cute and friendly the girls was especially Cacha.

Hans did bot focus on their confersation, then he excused him self from the group and went somewhere.

"what's wrong with Hans ? he looks very nervous today ?" Sean asked to group.

"He looks lost" Nick added.

Hans weird behaviour was not unseen by the brothers at all.

"Is it because we are to harsh ?" Alan asked. .

Before anyone could respond, Hans reappeared and pulled Sasha from her group. He dragged her to the middle before he was kneeling in front of Sasha while holding an old ring"Clarissa Feng, front of all your family, I want to say something to you. will you marry me ?".

Sasha was startled, she didn't believe that he would propose her.

"No don't" Nick was the first one to respond. Alice who was next to him, pinched his waist to stop him.

"Find guy who better than Him" Sean added, then he received a slap on his arm from Jasmine.

"Hey, you two please ! We are sworn brother not sworn enemy" Hans shouted.

"I oppose a chauffeur become my brother in law" Alan joined the fun.

The crowd were laughing at those men, whilr Liam was dumpstruck.

"Don't take them seriously. Those siblings and Hans are very close. They love bully each other" Angie whispered to Liam.

"I see" Liam nodded and chuckled.

Sasha giggled and sobbed. then she nodded "ok" She said it at last.

"Yay !" Hans put a ring on to her ring finger.

"Hey ! why do you ruin my son birthday ?" Alan pretended to get mad.

"Well, it's better rather than they steal your thunder tomorrow" one of Michelle brother joked.

"I am glad, you didn't do this way when you proposed me" Alice smiled and nestled on Nick embraced.

"How did he do it ?" Angie asked.

"Secret" Alice sealed her mouth.

"Sean, Can I have a low profile one when it come to our turn" Jasmine asked earnestly .

"Why ?" Sean asked back.

"Too embarrassing and no privacy" Jasmine pouted.

Alice noticed that her parents in law was not suprised at all "Mum, did you know about it before hand ?".

Mrs Feng nodded " he told us yesterday on the way here".

oh and ah were echoing before Josh opened his mouth and being sarcastic "Become a chauffeur for purpose. He is very guinean"

Nevertheless, All of them gathered in the middle to congratulate the couple. Eventhough they teased Hans earlier, They were actually happy for the couple.

"In law, lets have the wedding in december. we will have the party in country K but if you want to have one here, we support it as well" Mrs Jung started a discussion straight away.

"December ? don't you think it's to fast ? is there somerhing happen ? Do we have time to prepare it ?" Mrs Feng was shocked.

"We still have 4 months, it's definately sufficient time to make all preparatio. Anyway, I really don't like the idea that they give us grandkids

before their wedding" Mr Jung smiled gently.

Mr and Mrs Feng eyes were widen. Mr Feng roared "It's all because these boys show bad examples". then He macked Nick, Sean and Alan in turned for new time.

"What did I do wrong ? why always got blame when any of my siblings want to marry" Nick protested while rubbed his sore arm.

Mr Feng ignored Nick protest "Because you gave us short notice for your wedding" he gave his first born another bitting but Nick managed to dodge it and ran to his wife side . Nick plan worked brilliantly, his father didn't dare to hit him again as he was afraid to hurt Alice who held Austen in her arm.

"You are same. you show them a sort cut" Mr Feng focused on Alan Now. After he saw his brother trick worked, Alan did the same. He flew to his wife side and held hugh.

Mr Feng has no choice but refained his mood to Sean. "Dad ?! I didn't do anything" Sean protested as well.

"You infected Alan. and Now, that boy".

"what ? Me ?" Sean was stunned

" I didn't do anything. I never made any woman pregnant. It'd all pire their initiative, I am clean " Sean blurted.

It was fun time as those three boys plus Hans blamed each other. It became more lifely when Josh and Michelle brothers put more flame.

"In law, we have organised every thing. You just need to tell us how many people from your side. Alice hads agreed to look after the wedding gown as well" Mrs Jung sais after Mr and Mrs Feng calmed down.

"Hans just asked me few minutes before He purposed" Alice said honestly.

Nick threw a deadly look at Hans While Sean made a comment "He did it by purpose. see !He aimed disharmony of our family"

"I didn't. Hey bro, we are one family now. I won't do that. I know you just envys that I give Sasha big diamond ring while you used recycle" Hans sneered.

"What recycled? this was belong to mum and dad bought it. I like it" Alice glared at Hans.

"He is not part of the family but dare enough to look down at his father in law" Michelle brother was in an awe.

"Hey, I didn't mean that way. It was Nick that I looked down at, not father in law" Hans stood for him self.

Then bickering resumed once more.