On the right track

two days after new year, They were back home and started their normal activity.

Only Mr and Mrs Feng came back a week after. Everything went smooth as they had planned and expected, nothing major happened in the family but all in the right direction. With Alice helping hand, Mrs Feng and Jasmine relationship was getting better. They were closer then before now Mr Feng was retired however, he still spent his time in the shop for few hours a day. It was enough to kill his time. The shop now was managed by Nick and Sean with Alice and Jasmine helps

Jasmine had changed. She used to to be a pampered and spoil lady who never do any work and house chores, but now she was able to clean her apartment and started to learn cooking. She also earned her own money from translating documents and became Sean assistant. She was a great help for Sean who had more international client than local.

Nick and Sean career went from good to better. Nick however limited the project that he would taken. He tried to maintain his business scale as it was. He did not want to have big company to maintain his work and family balance. Sean had two associate work together with him. His objective was still the same to help disadvantaged people. He did not hestitated to provide free service for those who could not afford to pay legal fee

Alice fashion companies did very well. She was ready with fourtg collection release. Taking maternity leaves for six months did not reduce hee creativity at all. In fact, during that periode she was able to made more impressive design.

"Darling,Some one approached me to sell my online business. I am going to sell the online business. I want to concentrate to the fashion and our son" She had made her mind.

"I support what ever decision you made" He did not mind at all. He had fix and stable income to support his family anyway.

"Thank you" Alice pounced at his embraced. Buy once Alice touched his chest, Nick shrieked.

"Are you ok ? do you hurt some where ?" Alice asked.

"I am ok" Nick patted her head then rubbed his chest

Alice frowned then she unbuttoned Nick pijama to check "Let me see. I know you hide something from me". She suspected that Nick had accident and hurt his chest. She was wrong, his chest was in pain but nut due to accident.

"This" She was stunned when she saw a tatto on his chest. He just had her name craft on his chest beautifully.

"ouch.." Nick shrieked again when She run her finger on the fresh tatto.

"When did you do it ?"

"This morning"

"is it painful ?"

"A little. Do you like it ?"

"I loves it. Darling, I love you. Can I have one for you as well ? " She laughed.

"No" he refused it firmly.

"Please ..., Can we have a match one for our token of love ?" Alice begged.

"No. The artist tatto is a man. I won't let anyone to see and touch your body"

"Darling, If I can find a female tatto artist, can we do it ?" Alice asked.


"Yay !" She leapt

On other Lunar new year followed closely. they had a big dinner on the weekend two days after. Mr and Mrs Feng did not have much wishes for their family. They only wished their children happiness. It was only grandma and Mr Feng who nagged at Alan to have another kids

"Dad, give me one more year. Michelle and I are taking course now. Just ask eldest brother to have one" Alan made excuse.

"My son is not even a year old and he is still breast feeding. Ask Sean to get married and have baby soon".

"Ok. I'll think about it" Sean stared as Jasmine. He was asking her opinion silently.

"Mum, dad. My graduation ceremony will be on 8 of march and I will fly to Switzerland on the sunday after" Cacha had prepared everything.

"Our baby sister is grown up now and going to embark her journey" Nick hugged his little sister

"I wish she is still a little girl who followed be all the time" Sean also hugged her.

Alan laughed, he pinched Cacha cheek "I hope no one steal her from us".

"speaking about boy, Did you still in relationship with that boy ?" Nick asked Cacha.

"We argued. He doesn't want me to go, but I really want it" Cacha pouted.

" If you have chance to explore the world so for it. You will find better man" Alice winked

"That's right. Once you become mother like us, you have no chance" Michelle agreed.

"Thank you all".

"I want to tell you one thing" Nick held his wife hand

"What is it ? " Mr Feng asked curiously.

"I have bought property. Now, it is still under contruction. It will be completed in early April" Nick smiled.

"Where is it ?" Mrs Feng was excited.

"Behind us" Alice giggled.

"What ? Ah.. I missed the inspection day when I asked the agent it was sold.so you are the one who bought it" Sean groaned.

"I'll tell you it next door wish to sell their" Nick laughed.

"Good ! Sean, have you buy your own office ?" Mr Feng asked.

"Done" Sean winked.

"Sean, Can I speak with you personally after this ?" Mrs Feng asked.

"of Course"

"Alan, how about you ? Have you bought property? " Mr Feng asked.

"No dad. We are not sure yet. We may back to this city. After Michelle finishes her course, we will decide"

"Lana, have your parents know about you and Ed ?" Mrs Feng asked.

"I told them already. They are coming here next month" Lane was shy.

"That's good" Mr Feng was glad.


"I am ok mama Feng. don't worry about me. You know me if I have problem, I express it rightaway" Josh grinned happily.

"Good , good. Nothing more I need" Mr Feng laughed.

"Lie, you want more grandkids" Nick sneered.

"You know it, so do it" Mr Feng shook his head. He went with his wife and Sean to the other room.