First warning

Back in country T, Chairman NG did not attent the lunar new year banquet. He used his health as an excuse to spend a quite one with his woman and supridingly Liam was williang to come. This was the time they spent lunar new year sincr Liam was 15.

"Dad, is there anyway to speak with grandma so she won't give the fashion business to them ?" Liam asked after dinner. Only both of them on the study room.

"Why ?"

"I don't want them use it againt my sister"

"What do you mean ?"

"She is a fashion designer, she built her own fashion brand with her own capability. Of Course, brother in law and his family help her. They gave her betrothal gift that she used as start up capital. here is her website"

Chairman NG took Liam phone and was stunned "She has given me so many surprise. She is brilliant, she inherited your grandma talent"

"She is. But I am sure that she would not be able to do it without him. He is her light and courage. Angie told me on her wedding day, she confessed to everyone how much he meant to her. He make her smile and give her courage" Liam smiled.

"I know. He is good man. It is her luck to meet him, also My luck" Chairman NG was really please with his son in law.

"Dad, I just let you know that Han coorporation approached her company few months ago. I told brother in law to accept it. I want to trap them"

Chairman Ng was startled "Do they know about her new identity ?"

"I am not sure. Probaly no, but soon or later they will find out"

"I think I need to make preparation from now. About your grandmother, I'll do my best to persuade her but I don't think I will work. She knows Xiaxia and Xiuxiu are not my children but she chose them over Xinxin" Chairman NG resent his mother for not accepting Alice.

The next day, he visited his mother to wish her a happy new year. He tried to persuade her about the fashion business but she insisted with her decision. After that he went to living room where many people had been waiting for him.

"Brother in law, Happy new year" Director Meng bowed.

"Father, Happy new year" Patrick, Xiuxiu amd Xiaxia turned.

"Hubby, happy new year"

Hans family and Xia family were all there.

"Happy new year. new year is a great time to gathering. I just wonder why your face are brighter then usual, Do you hide something from me ? Do you do any wrong doing against me or my daughter ?" He asked while stared at each of their face.

"Of course no. I don't" Every one werr echoing the same.

"If you change mind, please come and see me. I may forgive you and give you chance to make redemption" He said firmly.

After he gave them his first warning, he left the house without further ado.

Two weeks after lunar new year, the company held an urgent meeting in the morning. There was a leak of customer information to public.

"We found out that it was customers of our hotel in N city which was Vice president NG looked after before. we also managed to suppress the news" The public relation director informed the board director.

"I have stared the investigation who leaked the information to public. Vice president NG, should you take responsibility as this is part of your project ?" Patrick said with confident.

"You are as the president, should it be your responsibility ? It was his project before but he left this company for a year and only back for 2 months. He is not his fault" on of the senior director said. it well known that he was very vocal and was not Patrick side.

Chairman NG was very calm, He had experienced a lot of thick and thin in business as well as witnessed many tricks. With his connections and power, yo find out the culprit was just a piece of cake. However, he had another plan in his mind. He suspected that the accident was orchestrated by certain people. He could smell their intention was to discredit Liam and made him looked incompetent to be the next successor. Chairman NG wished to use this opportunity to see his son capability to resolve problem as well as drag those mole down.

"Customer information is very crucial, it relate to privacy issue. This issue will not only affect our hotel business but also can drag down other business unit within our group. we have to brace with the consequences. I'll investigate this matter. Give me 4 weeks to get to the bottom and put our customer confident back on us" Liam was confident.

"I give you four weeks as your request. For the time being Patrick is suspended from his position. it is indeed his responsibility, he is the one who was volunteering to take over the operational of the project a year ago" Chairman NG decided then left the meeting room.

On his office, he sneered inwardly. When he asked Liam to replace him on the end of year party, he had predicted those mole would make a move to elimate his son. But they actually were not as smart as he thought. He hope Liam could do well, so he had chance to put him on higher level as well as execute his next plan.

At night, he stood in front of the window in daze

"Brother Fu, what happen ? any bad thing happen ?" Madam Lin asked.

"There is a problem in the company. I just wonder how Ah Chen going to resolve this. I really hope he can pass this test"

"He is smart like you. I believe he will do well"

"I hope so. I really put my trust on him. am I really smart? "

"Yes. back then I admired you when you led meeting. you are very cool and awesome"

He smiled and pulled her on this embraced and he said silently "I was stupid, I should choose you instead of her. If I made the right decision, our daughter would not be suffered. Why could I not see ? and you say I am smart. You are just mocking me".

"No, I am not. You are really smart and handsome" Madam Lin bit her lips while the man next to her laughed.