Wild personal life

Next few days after Austen Birthday were just normal peaceful days for the entire Feng family. Everyone were back to normal activity. The only one who was under pressure was Sean. Mr and Mrs Feng kept asking him when he would decided to get his future parents in law approval.

On the wednesday, Nick was on the way back to his office. He just came back from his client after conducting regular meeting.

"Bro, I really have head ache. Mum and fad make me sleepless. Help me please" Sean called Nick just to find someone to speak with.

Nick laughed, he knew how Sean felt as he once experienced it as well "Just do it as fast as you can. No use to challenge them".

"I know. By the way I have filed a case againts Han textile in country T. I collaborate with lawyer firm there" Sean said.

"Don't tell me It's Ed family legal company again" Nick laughed.

"Nah. They are more to entertainment industry. You know, they look after all celebrity sensation. I have new one that more on criminal charge" Sean laughed

"Thanks so much bro" Nick was really greatful to his brother.

"Just help me with in law matter please" Sean meant it.

On Thursdays morning, They started they activity as normal. In the morning, Alice was very restless and unsettle with no reason.

"Honey, are you ok ?" Nick asked before he went to work.

"I'm fine but I don't know why I feel very nervous and My heart keep beating fast" Alice frowned.

Nick laugeded "why ?"

"No idea. I just don't feel right"

" Just stayed at home if you feel unfit today" He kissed her goodbye then left home.

Alice stayed at home at day, she spent her day leaned up and tidied up the second floor of the house which was technical belonged to her and her little family since Cacha departure. She let Austen played with his grandparents as usual.

Before Lunch time, she went downstair to prepare for lunch. She missed the moment, eversince she had her shop, she hardly cooked for lunch.

"Mum, I am going to cook today" She smiled. But she wasstartled as she saw her parents in law stared at Mrs Feng phone blankly.

"Alice, come here. Explaint to us what does it mean" Mrs Feng voice was trembled and very hostile.

Alice furrowed her eyebrow as she came forward and took the phone. someone posted in social media a link to a news. The head line was 'FeNiLa Fashion designer wild personal life'. Her heart sank, she breath with all difficulties. She gathered all her courage before tapping on that link with tremble hands.

She read The article with agony. It said that she was a lier, her name was actually Mary Lin and they wrote about her shameful past how she slept with her ex boyfriend best friend then eloped with old man. There were also pictures below the article.

Alice eyes were darker, her lips and her hands were trembled as she way familiar pictures. There was a picture of a girlwithonly her underwear, it was her pictures when she was just 19. There were more pictures as she scrolled down, there were exactly the same as the one that her father brought to country U. All the pictures clearly displayed her face.

"This, this ..." She couldn't say anything. Her mind was blanked, her world was crumbled. They did it again to her. m

"explain it to us ! How dare you !" Mrs Feng roared while Mr Feng tries to console his wife .

"No.." Alice shook her head frantically She was crying and run upstair. She locked her self on her room "Why .. why they do this to me. what should I do ? Mum is very angry, they hate me now" Alice cryed and mumbled.

Meantime in Nick office.

"Bro, check this out. I am heading home now" Sean gave Nick a call and hang up rightaway.

"what's wrong with this guy" Nick told to him self and sneered inwardly. He tapped the link and froze.

"Damn, Those b****d" Nick slammed his desk and run out of his office leaving behind his staffs who were dumpstruck

"What happen with him ?" They asked among them.

"No idea".

Nick drove back home as fast as he could and ignoring all call. By the time he arrived home Sean, Jasmine, Josh, Lana and Ed were already there. Josh, Ed and Sean were standing in front of Mr Feng who closed his eyes. While Lana and Jasmine were next to Mr Feng who was sobbing while hugging Austen.

"We have explain everything to mum and dad" Sean stared at Nick.

Mr Feng opened his eyes and walked towards his son Pak. He slapped nick hardly on his face "How come you play with fire like that ! don't you ever consider our feeling ? forget about us, how about your wife ?"

"I am sorry. I didn't expect they did this. Where is she ?" Nick bowed his head.

"Upstair, She locked her self. I can't persuade her" Lana said.

"I'll see her first. Sean, call Liam please" Nick threw his phone to Sean who successfully caught it and went upstair.

"Honey, it's me. Open the door please" Nick knocked the door. He kept trying for 10 minutes.


Nick went downstair again "Ed, Josh. Help me please"

Josh and Ed absent mindedly followed Nic who went out side. He observed his room window before he went to storage room to get steel ladder.

"Hold it for me. She locked the door for inside, I can't open it she lock it with security door lock as well" Nick climbed the ladder and went to his room via the open window.

He swept the room to find his wife. Alice curled her body to a fetal position in front of then door. Nick was glad he didn't broke the door otherwise she would get hurt.

"Honey " He hugged her.

Alice lifted her head, Her eyes were puffy and red and tears were flowing on her cheek "why ? why did they do it again to me ?what should I do ? I don't want you to leave me and I don't want Austen to be taken away from me" Then she suddently grabbed his his wrist "Please Darling, don't take him away from me, don't leave me ! Ok ?!"

Nick heart was ache, He hugged her and kept her on his embrace. Alice loved his warm and board chest, it was so comfortable and made her safe. all of suddent she imagined that she would not she did without him. She was sure, she was rather be death than lost him.

"Please.. I can't continue with you!" She could not hold her fear any more and cried heavily.

"I am here. I won't leave you and no one will take away Austen from us. We are always be together. Ok ?" He kissed her forehead.

"Really ? can we really together for ever ?" She choked.

"Definately. No doubt" Nick tightened his embrace.