Overwhelm support

Nick did not prevent her to cry, he just Cuddled her and caressed her until there was a knocking door sound.

"Bro, open the door please" it was Sean.

Nick helped Alice to stand up before reached the door handle, unlocked it and undo the security door before he opened the door. It was his mother who was standing on the door, But he could see most of his family were there behind Mrs Feng. Mrs Feng took a deep breath and stared at Alice who tried to hide her face on his chest

"Tell me what these pictures mean ? did you cheat behind us ? did you as what they said in the article? " Mrs Feng asked coldly to Alice. While Alice lifted her head and stared back at her mother in law in horror.

"Mum" Sean and Nick shouted at the same time.

"Shut up you two ! I am not asking you. I ask her" Mrs Feng glared at her sons and stared at Alice again.

"You answer me " Mrs Feng commanded Alice again.

"I didn't. I didn't" Alice yelled.

"They frame me. They did it years ago. I don't know why they hate me so much. I never do such a thing like that, never " She yelled and cried.

Mrs Feng smiled as she walked toward Alice who was still on Nick protection.

"Good. When Someone asked you, answer them like that. Understood ?" Mrs Feng swept Alice tears then she swept her as well.

"Mum" Alice sneaked out from her husband embrace and hugged Mrs Feng.

"Don't cry anymore. Look at your eyes, they are red and puffy" Mr Feng coaxed her.

"I am sorry mum" She sobbed.

"It's me who was sorry. I shouldn't have doubt you. I should've know that you would not do that. I am sorry, I was very shock before" Mrs Feng and Alice sat on the bed.

"Mum" Alice was speechless. she was swamped by gratutite and happiness. She only hugged her mother in law and cry as laud as she could.

Mrs Feng did not say anything either, she just caressed her and patted her back affectionately.

Nick inhaled a deep breath and smiled before he left his bedroom.

"Lets talk downstairs, Let the ladies confort her" Mr Feng said then he went downstair while wiped his tears.

Lana and Jasmine went inside after they made sure there was no trace of tears on their cheek.

"Eldest sister, you have to be strong. Our brothers will take care this issue in no time" Lana hugged Alice.

"That's right. Sean has taken legal action" Jasmine squatted down and clenched Alice hands.

"You have neglected Austen the whole day" Mrs Feng smiled.

"I am sorry. where is he ?" Alice hung her head.

"He is having nap. wipe your tears, then wash your face. You look like female ghost, You'll scare Austen" Mrs Feng combed Alice hair with her hands.


Downstairs, The male were sitting on the living room.

"Liam asked to give him 3 days. It will be resolve on monday but mum said it is too long." Sean told nick

"Your mother is right. Monday is too long. It has to be done as soon as posible. I think It's time for me to meet her father. This is the second time their side cause calamity to her" Mr Feng paused then smacked nick and Sean shoulder hardly "It is also your fault. Why don't you tell us earlier or plan better way"

"Sorry Dad" Nick and Sean bowed.

"Lets go to country T. Book tickets for tomorrow ! Jasmine family is in country T as well, right ? Lets we solve both of your problem now" Mr Feng said.

"No dad. we don't need" Sean said.

Mrs Feng arrived on the living room with Alice, Lana and Jasmine. Nick smiled when he saw his wife was not as bad as before. he patted empty seat next to him. Alice walked over and sat next to Nick and leaned on his shoulder. Nick grinned and kissed her forehead and hugged her. Mrs Feng watched the comole interaction and smiled before she sat next to Mr Feng while Jasmine chose to sit with her fiancee.

"Your father is right. lets put all drama to the end as soon as posible. Don't delay" Mrs Feng was with her husband.

"Ok, we will do" Nick agreed. he also though the sooner they resolved it was the better.

Nick phone rang, it was Cacha.

"Eldest brother, How is your wife ? she doesn't answer my call neither you did".

"She is with me, Wait a second" Nick handed to Alice "It's Cacha. she is worry about you. Alice took the phone, she was engulfed with their little sister concern "Cacha, I am fine"

"Eldest sister, don't worry. our brothers will resolve this. Don't cry ! I love you" Cacha sobbed.

"I know. I love you too" Alice smiled but her eyes were waterly again.

"Ok. I need to work now. I'll call you again during my break. Muach" Cacha sobbed.

"ok, Don't forget your breakfast".

"Yes mam!" Cacha hung up.

Nick and the rest giggled, they were amazed that she still reminded Cacha for breakfast at her curreny state. Lana came to living room with a small mug of warm cocoa drink. "Eldesr sister, Drink it first".

"Thank you" Alice took the mug and had a small sip. She felt much better after that

After Cacha, it was Sasha who called to confort Alice then followed by Angie, Lisa, Tara and the Mo couple. Hans and Lisa parents also called Mrs Feng to console her and Alice.

Nick was glad when he saw smile was showed on Alices' face again. he opened his social media and starled that Cacha was the first one to updated her social media to support her sister in law 'My lovely sister in law Alice Feng is a good lady. I love you, please be strong'.

He was very greatful to his little sister, then and uploaded a picture of her and him together and put caption 'My love Alice feng, I love you dearly'.

After him, Sean also updated his social media to support Alice. Before Josh, Sasha followed. Lisa, Angie and all of their friends did the same as well. They openly displayed their support in public.

"Meal time" Josh and Ed came with food. They bought chinese takeway from the restaurant closed by.

"Thank you. actually I haven't had my lunch yet" Nick stomach was grumbling.

"Me too" Sean and Jasmine said.

"I don't think any of us have any meal" Mrs Feng laughed.

"Lets eat" Lana attacked the food.

"sorry, I supposed to cook today" Alice hung her head. She felt guilty that shrle had neglected the whole family.

"this is your favourite sweet and sour pork" Mrs Feng handed a container to Alice.

"I am not hungry" She did not have any appetite.

"Eat some. we still have alot of thing to deal with. you need a lot of energy" Nick scooped a spoon of rice and fed Alice.

When Nick was just about to put the food on his mouth, his phone rang again.

"Oh no" He groaned while the rest giggling.

"Hey bro, is everything good ? I just check my social media" Alan spoke.

"She is better now."

"I am going home to night with Michelle and Hugh"

"Ok. I need to have meal now, I am starving"

"Thank you all" Alice Said lowly, she was overwhelmed with the support she had.

Years ago, she faced everything alone by her self , It was so difficult for her.

But this time, she had full support from her family and friends. It was much more easy for her. without she was realising, her tears fall again.

"Sister in law, does the food need more saltiness ?" Josh teased.

Alice giggle "No, it's sweet and sour pork. not salty pork".