
Meng family laughed together with Han mistresses and Xiuxiu "good job, she deserves it, she asked for trouble" then they opened their champagne and did a toast. Ian Meng just watched at those people while he tried to figure out what he should do then he stared at Alice latest photo "Xinxin, you are getting pretty. I should have you".

Meanwhile in Pr0sp3r int group hradquarter. Byron got a call from. his mother "Byron, have you seen the news about the girl that you fancy. It us lucky that I can get you engage with Debbie. otherwise, we will be the one that is very lucky to get all the embarrassment". Byron did not listen to his mother words. He was too shock when he found out that Alice Feng the fashion designer of FeNiLa was actualy Xinxin.

"Did Liam know about it ? did chairman know as well? is it the reason Why they warned me before?" He muttered lowly.

He snapped and He sprinted to the chairman Office like a mad man. Since he could not find the Chairman, he rushed vice president office and of course he also found no one there. He tried to call Chairman mobile phone but it was turned off. In his agony, he closed his eyes "Xinxin, I am sorry. I'll find a way to fix it. I need to find chairman"

Back in Han corporation office, Andrew Han was stood up and slapped his desk angrily, he just read the article. "It must me Suzie and mum. how come mum is so stupid to follow that b***h plot".

then he closed his eyes and sat down before he chuckled "Xinxin, Xinxin no wonder I couldn't find you, you are hiding in country A. Don't worry sweetheart, I'll take care about it and you will be mine"

on the other side of the city, Charlie Xia froze to see the pictures that he created were there on the article "It must be her that B***h, Xiuxiu"

Then he was relax and laughed "it's ok, she is actually helping me . what I need to do now is to find Xinxin. After that I'll just confess that those pictures are belong to her and me. we intimated for few times and we aredeeply in love. so, I'll take responsibility. Xinxin, I'll marry you. You will be mine"

The Chin family shook their head as they also watched from TV their food stall

"Don't believe them. Miss is nice girl, I worked for her since she was six. she never do that, They slender her because they jealous of her. She is pretty, talented and daughter of rich man" Exdriver chin shouted angrily.

"I think so too" The villagers were more objectives where Netizen scolded Alice. even some of them joined others to slenderd her. Few netizen defended jer but they were scolded badly By the one that dislike her.

"Dad, we should take action now. Public react badly toward her. We can't let it too long. She may..not be able to hold it. We also have to consider her in law point of view" Liam showed his father the netizen respond.


'Shameless', 'Shame on you miss Alice', 'Go Die Alice or Mary Lin', 'Disgrace for woman' read louldy few of the comment.

He spatted bitterly and threw the phone, he could not continue anymore "Ok. do it now".

Liam picked up his phone, he was about to complain about his father treatmen to his belonging but he decided to let it go. his sister mattee was much more important.

Little tiger nodded. He used a fake account to upload Alice picture that had been circled on her head part with caption 'is the picture had been edited ? Why don't I feel I have seen similar picture some where'.

Few moment later a netizen put comment on it 'It's similar picture at XXX website. But the girl face is different people Here is the link'

this post slowed down the bad sentiment towards Alice. even some made a positive reply to the post.

"Wow, that's pretty good one. But don't make too obvious and let netizen made their own judgment" Liam was satisfied. While Chairman NG nodded.

Few men came their were Mings' subordinates who had been sent to monitor all the culprits "Sir Meng family including Madam NG and Ladies of Han family are holding party now to celebrate"

"Celebrate their falldown. Don't address her Madam NG She doesn't has any relation with me" Chairman NG was very angry.

Liam just finished checking his voice mail and laughed "Dad, Byron is looking for you"

"Forget about that stupid boy. How about Charlie Xia, Ian Meng, Andre Han ? what are they doing ?" Chairman NG asked.

"No movement yet but we are monitoring them" Ming subordinates reported.

"If they try to run away, catch them and bring them to me. Get everything ready for monday. Remember, we have to br bery flexible. If they made any action, we need to adjust the plan accordingly. Tooth for tooth, eye for eye is not enough" Chairman NG said coldly.

"Will do bro, will do. And you guys back to work. No mistake should be made" then cobra asked his subordinates to take the recording and gave it to little tigers' man.

"I just wonder how she is going now ? poor girl" Ming furrowed his eyebrowns.

"Let me check" Liam called Nick.

When Liam called him, Nick was enjoying his meal and fed Alice on the same time. He forced her she to eat more. Of course, his action led the rest to teased them, but he did not mind because it made her smiled.

"Finish the food, I'm taking call first ok ?" He stood up and walked a bit far away from this family, they were too noisy.

"Hey bro"

"How is she going ?" Liam asked to the point.

"She is better. Most of My family members are here, they do a great jobto make her smile" Nick smiles as he heard Alice rebuked Josh teasing.

"I can hear from here. Bro, listen to me, don't let her access internet until monday" Liam did not want her to fell down again.

"I try my best. Can you guys make it faster ? can the police there arrest them tomorrow ?" Nick was impatient.

"Jail is too light for them. They need to get more than that" Chairman NG spoke.

"Well, I hope this drama will be ended soon. By the way, Can you let me eat first ? I skipped my lunch and I have got so many phone calls. I need to replenish my energy to keep my wife happy" Nick blurted.

" ok, bye them" Liam chuckled.

Aa soon as They ended the call, Liam tummy was grumbling as well.

"Lets we have late lunch too. We also need energy to face those rats" Little tiger stood up.

"Yes. I can not fall sick until it all resolve" chairman NG also stood up.

Then They went for late lunch before went back home.