
Alan and Michelle arrived at late afternoon. They brought Hugh with them. Two boys were effectively made Alice and Mrs Feng cheerfull.

Everyone decided to stayed over night in the Feng resident that day. They wished to support Alice and their parents to face this calamity. More or less, Mr and Mrs Feng were affected by the scandals, their relatives in their hometown were also aware about the articles and gave mrs Feng calls to clarified. Mrs Feng asked them to wait until monday and not to mention it to their elders.

The family held their hand together and faced the hard time together. They had a nice afternoon and evening. Her family supported her and made her forgot her calamity temporally.

"I contacts my friends who has travel agency. There is a flight to country T tomorrow night" Sean told every one.

Nick made his decision rightaway "Alright, here is the plan, 6 of us will go there and also you Lana. We need your help to look after Austen in case something happen. we will stay there for a week. Josh, you are stay here to look after the business. Don't make any statement or response. Keep it quiet until monday morning. Alan and Michelle, we need help from you two to monitor dad shop."

"Roger that" Josh nodded.

" is a week enough ?" Alan asked

"It should be. I am confident her fanily will be able to solve it in no time. But I am not sure about Sean matter" Nick nodded.

"Sounds good for me. I'll call my friend now to book the tickets now" Sean called his friends and book 7 tickets to country T.

"What happen with Sean ?" Michelle were here with Hugh while Alice held Austen.

"Oh. he needs to see my family back in country T" Jasmine was shy.

"Are you going to country T with Sean ?" Alice asked as she sat nex to nick. She did not pay attention to the conversation earlier.

"Mum, dad, you, me and Lana is going there as well. We fly tommorrow night" Nick caressed her.

"why ?" Alice puzzled.

"We have to put this to the end. we should talk to your family since the beginning, it has been delayed too long. we also need to do the same for Sean and Jasmine" Mr Feng explained.

"Can I not come ?" Alice did not want to see any of the people from her past.

"You have to face it bravely, Understood ?" Mr Feng said firmly.

Alice nodded. She could not challenged her father in law decision, eventough she was strongly disagreed.

Early on the evening, Cacha sent Video call to Alice. Alice mood was lifted very high

"Hello, our baby " Alice waived and smiled happily at Cacha.

"Eldest sister , I miss you. I miss you too mum, dad. please don't be sad, you have to be strong " She was very cheerfull as usual.

"You are the one that need to be strong and stop crying" a man voice heard.

"who is next to you ?" Alice asked and the family huddled together to find out the owner of the voice.

"Oh it's Keinichi oniichan. do you remember him ? he is grandma Yamaguchi grandson. He is working here as well" Cacha moved her phone.

"Oniichan, say hello to my family" Cacha voice rang. While a face of a atteactive the man appeared on th screen. He waived his hand to the camera.

"Oh.. I remember. Thank you for look after our baby sister" Alice waived.

"Hello. please say hi to uncle and aunty. Sister please be strong" Keinichi said few words before moved the phone back to Cacha.

"Thank you. Sweatie, I am really fine now"

"I know. I am relief now after I see you personally. I'll call again, my lunch time is over. bye" Cacha ended the call before anyone could say anything.

After Cacha, Sasha was the next one.

"Hey Alice, please be strong. It was all your husband fault, the karma goes to you. He used to edit our photo and made prank, me and Will were the regular victim" Hans joked.

"Hey, how dare you!" Nick roared.

"It's true. And I warn you Sean. You too have to be ready to get your retribution as well, you were even worst than him when you made prank at us. Alan is the good boy " Hans Laughed.

"You are cursing me, how dare you ! Do you think you won't get any ? you flirted with so many girls" Sean turned to attacked Hans.

"Stop it, let me and Sister Lisa talk to elder sister. you boys make anothe call !" Sasha took over the phone.

While the Ladies had nice video call, Hans and Mike also had nice conversation with Nick and Sean.

"What is the plan ?" Mike asked.

"Her family said they will put the scandal to the end on monday. Buy we are going to country T tomorrow" Sean said.

"yeah. We are going there for Sean as well. he is going to see Jasmine family for first time" Nick explained more.

"How are they do resolve it ? the scandal is world wide now" Hans asked.

Sean shook his head "Not sure. But her father is one of powerful businessman there. Their conglomerate is one of the biggest"

"I also have no idean. I'll let you know once I have confirmed what action they planned" Nick said.

"Ok. We are here to support you two" Mike smiled.

"thanks heap guys" Nick was overwhelmed.

Lisa was saying the same thing to Alice as well "Girl, we are here to support you. you have to face them bravely. Mrs Michelle the directive, please give your courage to her".

"I am doing it" Michelle laughed.

"Thanks. By the wwsy, When is the baby due ?" Alice asked

"Ah.. it's actually due today but he doesn't seem want to see us yet. I am very nervous about labour" Lisa said

"I can't help you. I skipped that part. Mrs designer is the guru" Michelle laughed

"I forgot already" Alice laughed. she momentarily forgor her problems.

Before bedtime, Nick stared at his phone while lay on his stomach.

"What are you looking at ?" Alice asked.

"come Here" He turned his body and pulled her to his embrace. Then he showed her pictures when she was 19 that had been circulated online

"Your body is better now, especially after we have Austen. This part is bigger and more juicy. this part"

"Stop it !" She yelled angrily at him.

"Why don't we take one like this" Nick grinned.

" eww, It's disgusting" Alice glared at him.

"Lets do it. Give me a change to blackmail you to do it every day" He laughed then flip her over "Honey, I love you".

"I love too. But Darling, I am on my periode"

Nick groaned. He kissed her goodnight and closed his eyes. An hour later, Nick slept soundly but Alice was still fully awake. Her mind was full of anticipation, and fear. But, all of those feeling was disappeared at the moment she saw him. her smile appeared as she recalled how everyone in the family and her close friends supported her, cheer her up. She knew she could only have those support because of him, because he loved her deeply and brought her to this family. All of suddent she wanted to express her gratitude toward the man next to her who was unconditionally loved her, she wanted to show to the world how mcuh he meant to her. She took her phone and uploaded their photo that was taken on december and she put a caption on it 'You are the reason I believe in love".

She grinned and put her phone away. She kissed his cheek before sneaked back to his warm embrace. He subconsciously enveloped her in his arm. "Night night"she smiled and closed her eyes.