Heart to heart conversations

Charlie Xia was not the only one searching for Alice that day. Byron Li, Andrew Han and Ian Meng were the same. As soon as they read the saw the posting on social media, They went to airport as soon as posible. However, the could not beat Ming quick and neat plan. When they arrived Alice had been sitting on the car and driven away from the airport.

With their connection in business world, they tried their best to find out where she stayed. Each of them raced against each other to be the first one who found her. They wished to be her knight who protected her and accompany her during this hard time. For sure, their effort was just a waste, There was no way for them to meet her as she was shield by her father.

Byron tried few times to call chairman NG but it was switched off all the time. He did not give up,he called Liam. Liam who was having his lunch took a peek on his phone to find out who called him, but he did not answer his phone. He only sneered inwardly, he knew that Byron might try to find out where Alice was about.

Few other group were also looking for Alice. One group was the reporter and another group was them who want to harm her.

Back to The Villa, after Feng family members were inside their room, Chairman NG asked all of them to come to his study room including Ming and Cobra subsordinate

"update ?"

Cobra was the first one "that Xia jerk is really delusional. How dare he think that your princesss is willing to sleep with him. But I have got all the evident"

"Good ? any other movement ?"

Ming subordinate sneered "Sir, they are all searching for Miss".

"I bet Byron called be before to find out about Alice" Liam sneered.

"Is everything ready for monday ?" Chairman NG asked.

"I just sent notification to all media for monday press conference" Liam grinned.

"All good from my side" Ming put his thumb up.

"Me is the same" Cobra grinned.

"I have compiled everything in one file" Little tiger gave a USB.

"Keep it with you until monday morning. who knows there is more to come" Chairman NG nodded.

"Chen, have you contact the police as well ?" Chairman NG asked his son

"Done. I can't wait for monday. It's the first time I love monday" Liam shook his head.

"Bro, son in law is really good man. He really loves and protects your princess very well" Ming blurted. while every one nodded with agreement. They saw how he reacted when She was broke down earlier and how he protected her when Chairman NG nearly lost his control.

"He is indeed a good man" Chairman NG smiled.

"And handsome" Madam Lin giggled.

While the rest could not help but snorted.

"Ok, I need to go now. My family is waiting for me at home" Little tiger stood up and left.

"Me too. I have to go"

Chairman NG, Liam and Madam Lin were the last batch to left the study room. they were stupefied to see Nick was standing on the living room, looking through the windom in daze. Earlier, Nick tried to have a nap but he couldn't. So, he walked out from his room and went to the living room to get a fresh air. He saw how big and luxury his father in law house was and he became even clearer the gap between him and her family. It made him looked down at him self, he was not worth to stand next to her.

"My house is not one tenth this house. My monthly income is only enough to buy one piease of this fine italian leather sofa. Am I be able to hold my head up in front of them ?" He asked his self alot of more questions.

Chairman NG cough brough Nick back from his daze. He turned his body and bowed as he saw his parents in law and Liam.

"where is Xinxin ?" Madam Lin asked.

"She has nap with Austen" Nick smiled.

"Have a seat. Do you drink tea or coffee ?" Chairman NG smiled as he sat.

"I don't mind both. We often drink tea with our parents at home" Nick smiled and set down as well.

"I'll bring some tea" Madam Lin went to the kitchen.

"do you have something to discuss with me ?" Chairman NG asked

"You guys have a nice catch up. I need to go" Liam rushed to his car and left the villa.

"I know I'm lack a lot of things and not a prefect macth for her" Nick talked nervousely with his father in law

"Such as ?"

"I am financially far away from your family. I won't be able to shower her with gift and luxury stuff. I am just able to provide her with humble place to life. On top of that, she has to look after our son by her self and works at the same time"

Chairman NG laughed "Are you afraid I look down at you and your family ?"

"I" Nick was unable to answer it. he just hung her head.

Chairman NG smiled. He knew very well what in his son in law mind. He waa glad because it demonstrated the young man affection toward his daughter was still pure as before. " os my daughter very gorgeous ?" Chairman NG aske while Nick nodded.

"Is her smile very sweet ?". Nick nodded again

"I never saw her stunning side of her before. In my memory, She was dull and gloomy. She never showed her talent at all to me. I am greatful that you help her a lot during her most difficult time. I really thank you to stand by her all the way long. As long as you are able to make her smile, I am fine. But if you dare to bully her and betray her, I am going to destroy you. Do you Understand ?" Chairman NG look at Nick coldly.

"I fully understand. Thank you father in law" Nick smiled.

Madam Lin came with tea and poured it to the cup "have some tea" she handed one to her brother Fu and one to her son in.

"Good" Chairman NG smiled and sipped his tea.

"How is your business ? do you want to make it much bigger than now ?" Chairman NG continued .

"It's good. I have around 50 people working for me now. I think It's more than enough for me. If it's to big I am going to struggling to divide my time for work and family" Nick smiled and he sipped his tea.

"Is some of them take benefit from your due to this case ?" Chairman NG knew his son in law lost few contracts, he tested him.

"Yes. Buy I got one on friday. It is a small project but very interesting for me"

"You will have more to come, take it easy" Chairman NG was confident that Nick would have one without his help. However, if he did not get any, Chairman NG already had his own plan to support him.

"Thanks you. father in law".