Heart to heart conversations part 2

Nick and Chairman NG halted their conversation and turned their head as they heard food steps getting closer. It was Mr and Mrs Feng who were coming to the living room.

"Oh In law, please come and join us for tea" Madam Lin got up and walk to Mrs Feng. She held Mrs Feng hand and asked her to sit, Mr Feng sat between his son and his wife. Madam Lin then instructed the house maid to bring more tea and hot water as well as few more cups.

"I am sorry that time I did not introduce my self" Chairman NG started the conversation.

"It's also our fault that we didn't come earlier" Mr Feng bowed his head.

"No, It is better like this. If I met you that time, I wouldn't have face to meet you again like this. I am really sorry. I also very greatful that you look after my daughter very well" Chairman NG was ashame of him self.

"We really hope you can accept our son. We know he is far away from acceptable" Mr Feng giggled awkwardly.

"No, You are wrong. he is the best for her. I am very satisfy with him to be my son in law" Chairman NG laughed.

Nick and his parents were grinned shyly.

"thank you" Mrs Feng was very awkward.

Sean went to the living room with Jasmine."Bro, your wife is looking for you frantically. She is better when she saw me. I askad to accompany her"

"Please excuse me " Nick went upstair in a rush.

"Hey ! This boy really has no manner" Mrs Feng frowned.

"That's fine" Chairman NG did not mind at all. He was delighted that Nick adored Alice.

Nick entered his room to find Lana was coaxing Alice who held Austen.

"eldest brother is here. I am going out now" Lana left the room.

"Hon, what happen ?" Nick sat on the bed next to his wife.

"I tought you left me"

Nick smiled and pulled her to his embrace "No way, I have caught a rare fish, How could I let it go" .

Alice giggled "Where were you ?"

"Down stair, I have chit chat with my father in law. Go have shower first. Come on boy, come with Daddy" Nick held Austen.

Alice took a quick shower and felt much better. Then she asked Nick to have shower as well. When Nick came out from bathroom, Alice was an daze while staring on the wardrobe

"What's wrong ?" Nick asked.

"There are so many clothes, they are very expensive and brand new" Alice blinked

"wear these one" Nick chose a blue simple dress and thin blue knitter blazer for Alice. Then he chose a blue long sleeve shirt for him. It was end of spring in country T but the weather was still a little bit cold.

"I am a fashion designed. You don't need to choose my clothes" she glared at him, but she still took it and wore it.

Just after they put their dressed on, someone knocked the door. Nick opened the door and stunned to see his father in law "Can I come it ?"

"please come"

Chairman NG sat on the sofa. Nick and Alice bedroom was very spacious, there was a set of sofa in front on of king size bedroom. He was happy, he nodded as approval when he saw they were wearing the clothes that he prepared.

"Does Xinxin like this room ? Is the cream color suit Xinxin ? if Xinxin doesn't like it Daddy will ask them to change it"

"I am fine with it" Alice was not used to with her father new way spoke to her.

Chairman NG frowned as he saw an opened suitcase full of woman and man clothes the he scolded Nick "Did I tell you that I prepare everything? ".

"It is not his fault. I insisted to bring them" Alice defended her husband.

"Why ?"

"I was afraid the clothes here would not suit me" Alice hung her head.

"Come, sit here with Daddy"

Alice looked at Nick, she expected him to stop her but he urged her to go to his father instead. reluctantly, she did what she was told and let her father caress her hair "If Xinxin doesn't like it, Daddy will buy more. Anything Xinxin wish to have, just let daddy know. Daddy will buy everytthing"

"No thanks. My hubby will buy them from me"

Chairman NG laughed "Fine, fine. But if he doesn't do it, let daddy know, Ok ? Boy stay here, don't go any where" Nick was about to left his room to let the father and daughter talk.

He changed his mind and obidiently sat.

"Xinxin, Daddy was wrong. I caused all this messy thing. your Mummy actually loves you so much, It was me that she hated. Please don't get mad at you mum, it's me you have to blame and angry at" He inhaled a deep breath and his eye looked far away

"Your mummy worked in my company was office girl, she was very cheerful and warm. At that time, I had bad relationship with my wife and my own mother, Home was a hell for me. During that hard time, I was charmed by her personality. she gave me a lot of care and attention, She made my life brighter and easier. That night, I was drank, My self control was very low. I had not touch any women for long time combined with my attraction to her, I slept with her. She was 19 at that time and she was secretary Huang girlfriend. After that night, I was slept her for many time. But, I didn't treat her well. I left her when she was pregnant with you. I didn't know she was disowned by her family because I slept with her. I gave her money and I asked her to abort you because I thought she deserved better life. At that time, I though she would suffer if she stayed with me. I did not know our break up plus Liams mother and My mother pressure, gave her no way to find job and had no friends. As the result, she suffered from depression. After she gave birth to you her depression was getting worst. post natal depression led her to abuse you. Secretary Huang approached her with bad intention, he knew she longed a friend. your sister is your mummy foster daughter not her daughter with him , You are the only kid that she has ever bored. She also never sleep with other man other than me, she only has me in her heart eventhough she hated me. Your Mummy was nice to her because of her dad scheming".

"Is her depression better now ?" Nick asked.

"Yes. I took her to psychiatric few times. they declared her fit and well"