Heart to heart conversations part 3

"When you were born, I decided to let your mummy looked after you as I hadn't officially divorced with Liams' mother. At that time, I was infatuated with my ex girlfriend. I didn't realise she schemed behind me. I admit that I didn't love you when you were kid. It was because you look very gloomy and your reputation was not good at all. I just found out last year that some people deliberately did it. Some were to hide their fault and some had planned since the beginning to make me abandon my own children so they could enjoy by wealth. Daddy was wrong, Daddy caused both of you to suffer. Your mummy was the one who supported me during my hard time but I treated her unfairly. Xinxin, Daddy promise, from now on as long as Daddy is still alive, Daddy will always protect you and your mummy. Daddy will trade everything to make you happy. Ok ? is Xinxin willing to give mummy and Daddy redeem our mistake ?" Chairman NG wiped Alice tears with his finger. Alice nodded weakly

"Thank you, Xinxin is daddy good girl. Daddy loves Xinxin the most" He hugged Alice. She toughed that he was dreaming, she could not believe that her dad would tell her that his wish was to make her happy.

Nick smiled at them, he knew his father in law would adored and pampered his wife.

Austen spoiled the scene with his cryed, the infant didn't want to be ignored.

"Austen, come here with Lao Ye"

Nick brought Austen to his father in law who held him him. It was Chairman NG held a baby in his live time. He laughed and teased the baby when Austen hit chairman Ng face with his small hand.

"Austen, don't" Alice glared.

"It's ok. Austen is upsad because Lao ye was bad to mummy, right ? Yes yes, Lao Ye was bad, Lao Ye made austen suffer as well. Lao ye is so sorry, lao ye loves Austen so much" Chairman NG kissed the infant cheek.

"How old is Austen now ?" chairmam NG was playing with his little hand.

"He turned 1 last week" Nick answered.

"Oh. We should have party for him. Lets have dinner party on monday"Chairman NG laughed.

"Austen, Lets meet Lao lao, nainai and GungGung" Chairman NG laughed happily. He took Austen away with him and left the other two behind.

After his father in law left, Nick moved to sit next to Alice and he stoke her head.

"Ah.. Why does Xinxin love to cry ? Does hubby need to make Xinxin happy now ?" he imitated chairman NG way of speaking.

"Shut up. Don't speak like that. you give me goosebump" she puched him lightly.

"But you love it, am I right ?"

Alice smiled. He was right,she was happy with her father affection "yes. But I don't want you to be the same as him. I like your normal way"

"Ok Milady" Nick kissed her lips

"Not now please, lets go downstair" She pushed him

"double tonigh, ok ?"

She chuckled "No still not clean yet" then dragged him away.

At 8 o'clock at night, Nick was very tired. He kept yawning when he and his family had conversation with their in law.

"Nick, have rest. You are very tired" Madam Lin felt sorry for him.

Nick nodded and when back to him room.

"Xinxin, do you breastfeed Austin ?" Madam Lin asked.

"Not anymore. He drinks fresh milk now".

"Xinxin looks tired as well, go upstair and have a rest. Let mummy and daddy look after Austen your mum will help mummy" Chairman NG shooed Alice.

"Have a rest, I will help your mum to look after Austen" Mrs Feng reassured.

"Mum, you need to have a rest too. You and Dad will go to Jasmine place tomorrow. Remember to wear the clothes that I have prepared, ok ?" Alice said to Mrs Feng before she went to her room.

Nick was just about to sleep when Alice entered their room. He was startled.

"They will look after Austen. I suspect they will take him away from us" She pouted. Her parents monopolized Austen since the afternoon.

Nick laughed "Let them have a bonding time. and you too, have chat with them. ".

"I am not use to. I really don't know what to say. Just let me here with you, ok darling ? "She pouted.

"Give your self a time" He pulled her to their bed and he closed his eye before he felt to deep slumber.

She smiled as she watched him sleep.

"Austen sleep habit is same as you" she muttered while carressed him with her finger. She suddenly wanted to express her gratitute to him openly so she took her phone and unlocked it. She updated her social media without checking notification on her phone. she wrote 'My dreams come true because of you my love Nick Feng. you are the reason I believe in love' and she attached a picture of their little family.

Alice was woken up at 11 PM and felt very thirsty . She went down stair and walked to the kitchen, She was stunned to see her mother was there.

"Xinxin ? do you need something ?"

"I am thirsty"

Madam Lin got a warm water and handed to her.

"Thank you mummy" Alice drank and went to the sink.

"Leave it there. The maids will do it in the morning" Madam Lin said, Her voice was trembled with excitement

"Ok. good night mummy" Alice left the kitchen.

"Xinxin ! " Madam Lin chased Alice. She held her hand "Mummy was very sorry to make you suffer. Mummy should've looked after you but Mummy didn't. Mummy is bad"

Alice froze and turned her body around to face her mother. "Xinxin, Mummy is bad. sorry" Madam Lin hugged her daughter thightly. She had been wanted to do it since she saw her in the morning, but she was afraid her daughter would rejected her. Her courage raised as she heard she called her Mummy.

"Do you love me ?" Alice asked

"Mummy loves you. Loves you"

"But Why did you do that before"

"Mummy was wrong, mummy was not good. if Mummy looked after you well, Daddy must dote Xinxin years ago. it was all mummy fault"Madam Lin kissed Alice cheek and hugged her tightly then both crying together.

Chairman NG was there and had been watching them for while, He came forward and hugged both ladies "don't cry. You two made me sad".

Nick was awoke and he noticed she was not with him and her spotted was cold. so he got up, he checked the bathroom first but she was not there. So, He got out from his room and went to downstair to check her. He just watched those two from the stairs. He chuckled when those two were cuddling and crying together and about to leave when he saw his father in law conforting the ladies

"Boy come here!" Chairman Ng noticed nick presence.

Nick had no choice but to obey

"Take your wife upstairs, she cry to much"

"Son, come. Let mummy hugs you. I am sorry I did treat you very bed too" Madam Lin hugged Nick and cried again.

Nick hugged madam Lin back and conforted her "If Mother in law feel sorry for me, please just cook breakfast for me tomorrow"

"sure. What type of breakfast do you like ? western or oriental ?" Madam Lin asked enthusiasticall.

"Any will do"

"Darling, it's late. lets sleep" Alice tugged Nick sleep robes.

"go to back to your room. Son, don't made her cry again" Chairman NG laughed.

"She loves it" Nick winked.