Expose a secret.

Nick body clock woke him up at 6.30, it was his normal wak up time. He jogged around the villa for an hour, when he was back, his parents the rest already had their breakfast.

"Mum, dad. are you living now ?"

"Yes, Jasmine said it takes two hours from here. You just stay here with Alice" Mrs Feng said. she want Nick to stay so he could have buddying time with his in law.


"We will be fine" Sean grinned

"I have prepared car and some guys to go with them, don't worry" Chairman NG appeared.

"Ok, take care" Nick was sweating, he did not give his mother a hug, just a light peck on her cheek.

"Call me if any problem" He told Sean and Lana. They nodded.

"do you normally have exercise in the morning ?" Chairman NG asked Nick after they were back from sending those five people away.

"Not everyday. Sean and Me normally go swimming, play tennis or badminton on weekend. Mum nagged us to do exercise since we are teens"

"Good. It will make you healtier and stronger"

"Do you want breakfast now ?" Madam Lin came to find Nick holding Austen as she heard his voice.

"I'll have shower and wake her up first. Please help me look after austen" Nick kissed his boy.

"sure, Mummy will prepare your breakfast then" Madam Lin was very comfortable with Nick now

Nick went upstairs and had shower before he woke Alice up.

"Hon, wake up, It's already 8 o'clock" Nick kissed her lips.

"Morning" Alice smiled sweetly as she saw her handsome husband.

"What time is it ? we suppose to go with them" Alice jumped and dashed to the bathroom to have a quick shower to clean her body.

When she finished, Nick was on their closet room.

"Darling, What are you looking at ?"Alice came inside only wore her bathroom robe.

"Your parents are very understanding. Look, what they have prepared for us" He shows her sexy lingerie.

" Not only one but three. Hon, it will be a waste if you don't wear this. Please wear it to night, ok ?" Nick kissed her and let her change her clothes.

She was dumpstruck and shook her head. She did not undeestand what in her parents mind was.

Nick sat on the sofa on his room and took his phone to check his email. He was stunned to see an email from one of the big bank in Europe. He went through the email and he was thrilled as they were proposing a collaboration with him. He decided to read the proposal attached next day as he was wondering why he had so much notification on his social media. He decided to read the proposal later and checked his social medis.

His face was darker but he laughed the next second.

"Darling, what happen ?" Alice sat next to him.

"see this "he held her waist and let her sit in his lap so they could read it together.

It was a post that Will tagged Nick about Charlie Xia confession on friday night.

Alice ignored the original posting, she was interested with the comments. Nick's friends made alot of comment to tease him, Alice only knew some of them.

Nick tapped on Will last comment, it said "Bro, where are you by the way ? You didn't reply anything'

Then Sean replied that comment about 20 minutes ago 'He is busy with her. She still cried until midnight'

Sean comment made everyone mind went wild and dirty. Alice laughed then she used her own phone to add comment 'I just woke up. It has been a long day and night for me. My husband is really awesome'

'Mrs Feng, why did you still have time to post an update night ? Did he pass out before you ? what a weak man ' Hans replied.

Nick frowned and replied 'She expressed her feeling while we had a rest before the next cry'

"You are shameless" Alice punched her husband chest.

"You started it" he laughed.

"Lets go, they are waiting for us. We are going to Jasmine house" she dragged him out.

"They left few hours ago" he told her half way.

"why didn't they wait for me" Alice pouted.

He shrugged.

After Breakfast, They sat on the living room. Austen was playing with Madam Lin happily.

Alice glanced at her parents all the time while she was clinging on Nick arm.

"Does Xinxin want to say something ?" Chairman NG was aware.

Alice was hestitated first "Did you say yesterday that you love me ?".

Chairman NG laughed " does xinxin think it was a dream ? It wasn't, It is real.Daddy loves Xinxin so much"

"Mummy loves Xinxin too"

"Oh.." Alice was speechless. she was very delighted but she didn't know how to react.

"Why did you choose her instead of Mum ?" Alice asked her father.

"Xinxin, it was in the past. Don't mention it anymore" Her mother said.

"I knew her when I ran away from home. She was a nice and kind girl. I didn't expect she change because of money"

"Sir, Madam Ye and Director Ye are here" the house maid came.

Behind her, a middle age couple came. Alice was not familiar with them so she chose to left them "I am going to clean up our room"

"Sit there, let the maids to to it. Xinxin just stay here. This is s ah chen mother and her husband" Madam Lin said.

"Hello Madam" Nick and Alice bowed slightly.

"What do you call me ? Madam ?call me aunty" Madam Ye was not happy.

"Hi aunty, uncle" Nick and Alice regreeted them.

"XinXin is so pretty" Madam Ye was stunned with Alice beauty. It was the first time they met face to face.

"Also thank you for the dress. It is very beautiful, I love it so much"

Alice startled, she never sent clothes to them, she glared at the culprit next to her.

"It's son in law who sent it to you" Chairman NG said.

"oh right, Mummy likes Xinxin dress as well. Mummy is very greatful to Nick " Madam NG added.

"It's our pleasure" Nick grinned as he tried to avoid Alice pinch on his ribs.

"This young man is ?" Director Ye asked.

"Our son in law. And this is our cute little Austen" Chairman Ng said proudly.

"Where is Brother ?" Alice asked.

"We don't know, he lives by his own and he doesn't answer his phone since last night" Madam Ye Signed.

"oh.. he must be busy. She is coming today I guess" Nick blurted.

"Nope. She arrived yesterday, She told me few days ago"

"she ? you mean Ah chen girlfriend" Chairman Ng asked.

"What ? he has girlfriend? how do you guys know her ?" Madam Ye shocked.

Nick and Alice froze, they exposed a secret that they did not supposed to reveal.