Delusional and greed

Chairman NG nearly laughed when he heard Ted Tong statement. However, He was agood actor, he put a sad face mask on easily .

"President Tong, I respected you. you are our business partner and viewed you as a good business man. We trust you with our advertising and we never have any conflict. hence, I really don't get it why you are very eager to descredit my poor innocent daughter.

Chairman NG paused. He acted like a wise and very forgiven "I hope you also have emphaty to my daughter. She didn't do anything wrong but you and your team published untruth about her. About your daughter behaviour, I am so sorry. I am a father too I know how you feel but about your daughter behaviour, I can control other people kids " ".

He smiled as it was perfect time for him to crush Ted Tong and his people "I hope in the future you won't do any low act like that anymore. My advise is to ensure to hire competent people in their area, not cheaters who have low morality who sell their body and profesion for money and sexual pleasure. I also hope in the future, public won't easily believe to the unreliable media"

Ted Tong sneered "We have solid prove. you have to pay for it, I'll sue you. I sue you"

"You should apology to me and my daughter. Anyway, See you in court" Chairman NG smiled.

Ted Tong phone rang, it was one of his director who managed his tabloid called him. "Sir, Chairman NG showed on the conference all the evident that his daughter is innocent. We are in trouble, your agreements with Patrick and Mrs NG caused backlash. Our share is plunged. many business partner called to cease collaboration with us".

not only one, others director who managed his other business called and told him the same. He just realised that his position was in peril. But it was too late.

Another commosion erupted as Policemen came to arrest many people. Xiuxiu, Mrs Han senior and Suzie for threatening Alice. Director Meng, Ian Meng and few others were charged againts privacy issue and corruption. Ted Tong was also not spared. He was also taken into custody. It looked like a coincident but it was planned well since 3 days ago.

Chairman Ng smiled then he left the auditorium. Jane Meng who was known as Madam NG, Xiuxiu mother, Han family and Charlie xia chased him. Jane Meng and Xiuxiu mothers screamed chairman NG name while running. But He ignored them until they reached the lobby. He looked around and noticed that the huge crowds gathered there. He stood there and watched how they all tried their best to approach him but stopped by the body guard.

"Let them, I wonder what they want to say" Chairman NG ordered. He didn't dismiss the crowd that getting larger. It was what he wanted, a huge crowd to be witnesses.

As the bodyguards loosen their security .

Jean Meng was the first to hold his hand. with tearly eyes, she kneeled and beg pitifully. "Husband, please don't do that to Patrick, he is your favourite. He loves you, you are his only father. Please spare my brother and nephew, it was just their impulsive moment. They have been in your side for years. Please, just take it as your gratitude for our love"

Actres Yang Mei, Xiuxiu mother was next "Sir, please help Xiuxiu, you loves her. she is not that kind of girl. we have been framed. you must not listen to them"

"Brother, Please. our Han family did not mean thay way. you are mistaken. It all had been setup to frame us" Andrew father wished to held his beloved wife.

Meanwhile at the Villa, Alice was very moved with what her father did to her. She was inundated and sobbed "Thank you daddy".

Nick patted her head "You should said it directly to him. Not on his back".

Because he tough all was revolve and his father in law now has a free time, he took his phone and dialed his father in law number "Say something to him".

Before Chairman NG could say anything, His phone rang.

"Hello" Chairman Ng answered his phone.

"Daddy, Thank you so much" Alice sobbed

"ah. Does Xinxin happy with what daddy did ?" He intentionally asked with loud voice so many people could hear.

" Yes, Thank you" Alice said.

"If my princess likes it than don't cry. Now Daddy still has something to do now. Wait for me to come home, also tell your mummy that daddy miss her already. Daddy will be home soon. Daddy loves both of you so much" Chairman NG ended his call and stared to those people..

Jean Meng was dumpstruck. "you love that woman ?! your princess is Xinxin ?! No way ! Hubby, it's me that you love. Your princess is Xiaxia"

"Don't call me hubby, we don't relate to each other. Why should I make other child to be my princess ? I was kind enough to take you out from poverty and raised you son. Should you repay my kindness by treating me and my daughter well ?" He pushed her ruthlessly.

"Dad, please don't trust that slut. She did it on purpose to make our happy family apart. Brother won't sell company information if that bastard didn't come back" Xiaxia rushed to hug chairman NG.

Chairman NG laughed and he circled his hand on her neck "how dare you ! Who do you call as slut and b****d ? They are my children, my flesh and blood. and you ? do you know who your biological father is ?"

"No, please sir, Don't say that ! Xiaxia is your daughter. You love her the most" Jean meng did her best to prevent Chairman NG told the truth.

But, it did not work. He laughed " I am not your father. Your father is your chauffeur. I treat you very well but You spread all bad gossip about my princess" he pushed her. He had mixed feeling toward her. He used to adore that girl and gave her everything but she was not his but other man and she caused Alice hardtime as well.

"No, please. I am sorry, He threatened me to tell you about my first husband. He asked me to be with him, you hardly stay at home. When I was pregnant, I really wanted to abort it but mother found out about my pregnancy. She was very thrilled so I could not do it."

Chairman Ng sneered "You should have tell me honestly by then. And about Patrick, I am sure he know who his biological father is, so you and him made the useless man as the head of factory in N city and let him made so many problems. Don't you suppose to thank me instead of distroing my company ? You and your family are really ungreatful, greedy people. Do you think I don't know that you and your Meng family set up a drama and framed my daughter as a thieve just because Ian Meng try to rape her. "

"Daddy, we did it because she is not worthy for cousin" Xiaxia screamed

Chairman Ng was provoked by Xiaxia words. "Hahahaha, every amusing. you uncle was just useless unemployment, he can not do anything. He was in his position because of me. Your mother, she was just a country bumbkin who worked as cleaner to fed her son. And Your biological father was just another unemployment before. My daughter is not worthy for your family. Cuih.. She is my daughter, NG family princess, you are not even worthy to mention her name" He said it out of loud while the crowd were sneered. There were agreed and knew that family was delusion and full of greed.