Press conference part 3

"Chairman, It was not true. That b***h lie to you, she did not break up with my son. She really had affair" Andrew Han mother spoke confidently.

Liam laughed coldly "My sister personalty at that time was subdued, she was silently endured the accusations by her self and left this country. However, we are realy thank to our adopted sister and brother to raise this matter again and posted the evident. At that tume, Our family did not allowed to keep the pictures back then. I also would like to praise netizens kindness to show us some clue. these picture were not taken when My sister slept with particular man, it was taken at lingerie shop fitting room, you all may notice the brand" liam paused as the picture was zoomed to a name just right above Alice head.

"At this picture, you could see clearly on the reflection the a lady took a snap using a camera" Another picture showed with red cirled on far right corner, the slide zoomed the red circle part .

"We also have another proof"

a video played on the screen. A man sat on a bar bench half drank "Did you and Miss NG really have relationship back then ?" a girl asked

"Nah, I wish I had. She is pretty, I really want to taste her. But she was hard to approach different from Suzie. Suzie loves Andrew. If she was able with him, I can can get benefit from him through her. which I do"

"he is your best friend"

pfft the man laughed "He is stupid, he is only lucky that his father is closed with Chairman NG mother. other than having a connection with that rich family, he is useless. He doesn't even know his woman scheme him. he marry her and adore her like a goddess. but she is a b***h. I slept with her for many time since she was 19. Not only me, some friends in our circled did that as well. see these pictures, I took them everytime we did it" The man laughed. then the video ended.

Before anyone was able to come out from their shock another video played. It was conversation between middle age lady and a man

"where are you going ?" The lady asked.

"I am looking for her. She comes home, she is here"

"Andrew stop. you are married now"

"Mum, it was us who framed her at that time. You and Suzie took her to lingerie shop that your friend owned and asked the shop assistant to take picture of her. I admitted that I didn't love her at that time so I acted with you to get benefit for our Han family. I hated her because she dared to dump me first. But it's different now, I fancy her" andrew said

"But those pictures"

"It is not her. It's charlie work" Andrew left

"Not a bad idea. We can gain more benefit from NG family. furthermore, she is famous designer, we can use her" The middle age lady laughed slyly.

Then the recording ended

"Initially, I did not have intention to open this shameful scandal to public since we value those people as part of our big family. In fact, I love and trust them more than My own flesh and blood. But, they tarnished my daughter reputation publicly. As a father, I only can show to public that my daughter is innocent"

There was people who forgiven and some was not. When Mr Feng was from the forgiven one, Chairman NG was from the other category. Not only that, he was guy who held grude and was loan shark type would get back the principle plus higher interest.

"Chairman NG, did you said you only have 1 biological daughter" a reported asked.

"Yes. I was in relationship with my daughters' mother for years. At that time, we could not expose our relationship since I and my ex-wife were not officially divorced. But there was missunderstanding between us so we broke up when she was pregnant. I was willing to adopt my second daughter as repayment to her mother who was helping me as our company ambassador. I adopted my first son and youngest daughter and give their mum status since their mother was helping me and she saved my life when I was young prior I took over our family business. I let people address her as my wife even we are not legally married. I never imagine that my affection toward them bring calamity to my own daughter. My daughter is very pitifully due to her status in the family she had been bullied since she was little kid. Now, she is able to prove her self but she is slendered again" Chairman NG closed his eyes. He hid some truth due to his dignity, he could not tell how stupid he was to fall into his second wife trap.

"Sir, you and Madam NG is not married couple ?"

"we don't. She married her first husband 33 years ago and never divorce. Patrick NG is not my biological son. I treated him like my own however he" Chairman NG inhaled a drep breath and acted disappointed.

the screen showed DNA test result and Madam NG married certificate.

Ming and Cobra snorted lowly at the back "Monkey is still sly as ever"

"Yes, never admit his own weakness and fault"

" Except in front of his princess"

A different reported asked "Sir, FeNiLa fashion just released their statement few minutes ago. Is it true that it is owned by Miss Alice Feng. is NG family behind her fashion company as well ?"

Josh just released the statement on their website 'We really appreciate all support from our loyal customers and public to our fashion designer, Vice director and co-founder Mrs Alice Feng"

"It is purely hers and her husband business. I never involved with it. We just amended our relationship not long ago" Chairman NG smiled.

"So, is she married ?"

"Feng is her husband Family name"

"Is he the man that was spotted with her in the airport and in the market ?"

"When did they married ?"

"How is she now ?

reporters bombarded him with endless question before a reporter who used to worked on business review asked a question.

"Sir, are you satisfied with Mr Nick Feng from NAF technology as your son on law ?" he asked bluntly.

"Did he said Mr Nick Feng from NAF is Chairman NG son in law ? is he married to Alice Feng ?" others Reporters and audiences were asking each other.

"He is the most suitable man for My daughter" Chairman NG laughed then he stood up. Before he could move, A loud sound starled every one.

"Chairman NG, You sly man" Ted Tong opened auditorium door with a bang. He was released few hours ago by Cobra subordinates.

"it's him who ordered to leak my daughter pictures. His man kidnapped me, one of my editor and my journalist. We didn't do anything wrong, we just presented the truth about his sameful daughter" Ted Tong continued. He did not know aboutthe evident that had been presented.