Press conference part 2

"help your own parents is a must" Mr Feng said. while Sean laughed and teased"Being used by father in law"

"Don't laugh at him, you may face the same or even worst, remember politian has many faces" Ed chuckled.

"True" Nick and Lana were agree while Sean was speechless.

"Ssshhhh, don't be so noisy" Jasmine said. She had been translating her perents in law soon to be, so they would fully understand what had happening.

Back to the conference,

"If there is no other question, We will move to next section. it will be hosted by Our Vice president and Chairman directly"

Few body guard took away father and son director Meng and the finance director and held them at the back. Liam sat next to his father and another guy came with his laptop.

Chairman Ng took the microphone "This section is not related to the company. it is my family private matter. As you all know that for the last few days there was a news about scandal involving My daughter Mary Lin. Public know I have 5 children, but not many peoplr know that only two of them are my biological kids. Mary Lin was not using My sure name but her mother instead, But she is my only biological daughter. Currently, she is known as Alice Feng" Chairman NG stressed out last part very clearly. It made a huge blow up to public.

Meantime at the Villa, Nick stopped his work. He sent a message to Josh 'send out statement now' and he sat next to Alice then wrapt her shoulder with his hands.

Alice smiled as she felt the warn and familiar body scent, she nestled on his board and warm chest.

"Daddy is cool" she admired her father, but it was only Nick who was able to hear it clearly. He patted her head "How about me ?".

"You are the coolest"

"You two, please be quiet" Mr Feng glared at Nick and Alice.

Liam signaled Uncle little tiger then took over , the slide was changed to the pictures " About these pictures, We have investigated for long time as these picture made my father and my sister were in coldwar for few years. Today, we declare that these are not belong to My sister. This pictures were taken from certain indecent website and edited with my sister face. In fact, It wa taken from her picture back in high school year that went missing long time ago. Her mother had reported to our father, but we never imagined that it was missused by someone. We have gathered enough information to know who behind it. We are very despress when we found out that the culprits is someone that close to our family. We tried our best to resolve this issue within our family. However our good gesture was paid with creating a public scandal. Therefore, we have an obligation to clear this matter to public as well. I sincerely the society to make a judge" Liam nodded to Uncle little tiger then a video display. In sort periode of time, he learned to be a sly man, twisting some words to make some people looked worst.

On the screen, it t showed Charlie Xia and Karen NG second daughter of NG family were arguing. During that argumen was revealed that Charlie Xia edited the pictures and stored it in his laptop, then she took the file and asked bulletin editor to publish it. After the video ended, there were display of agreement between actress Yang Mei which was Karen NG mother with bulletion editor to publish it. Public could see the actress offered a lot of benefit to the editor. It was not the only prove, there was also another document which was an agreement between Patrick NG and director of the parent company of the bulletion to publish the scandal.

"we still have last evident, but I warn you this is not suitable for those who is still underage" Liam smiled.

A video recording played Charlie Xia was very clear on the screen, he was half naked. he undressed a lady and kissed her "Xinxin, ah.. I am sorry. I really like you. when you were away, I miss you so much"

Then he took the lady on the bed and kissed her fiercely "Sorry, I slept with your step sister to get your picture. I kiss it every night. I really want you so I put your face on that pictures" Then there was disqusting moan and pants "It's your sister Xiuxiu who took the copy from My laptop. she forced me to be her boyfriend. But I only like you, Xinxin" Then Charlie Xia rocked the girl savagely "I declared to the world we had done it because I really want to be with you, I have been looking for you for years. Xinxin, Marry me, I'll make you happy" He groaned and collapsed on top of the girl.

Charlia Xia who was on the room was shock. His foolishness and desired to Alice made him lost his clearmind. He stood up and spoke as load as he could "Chairman NG. Look , she was with me on friday. I slept with her so let me take responsibility on her. I'll marry her".

Chairman NG threw Charlie Xia a disgusting look and ignored him.

"Delusional, My sister just arrived here on saturday morning. how come she was with you on friday night ? Here is the proof" Liam sneered as there was a boarding pass named as Alice Feng showed.

"You forged it, the boarding pass is fake" Charlie Xia shouted.

reporters shook their heads helplessly while the netizens were uproar.

'I clearly saw her on the airport. Shameless jerk'

'I was on the same flight as her. he was really delusional'

'B****d, he was really shameless"

"Charlie Xia, you are the disgrace of mankind'

"Lets we meet in court to prove it. We have taken legal action again you" Liam did not argue.

"Now, lets move on the the other picture" It was chairman NG who spoke. He stared a row of pictures of Alice who was only wore her underwear. He just realised Alice face on the picture was full of fear. He signed and closed his eyes "I remembered certain family showed these pictures on my birthday banquet about 10 years ago. Mostlikely most of the guests at that day still remember that incident. That family claimed that my daughter cheated behind their son with his best friend then they asked their son to break up with her and demanded justice from me. They accused my daughter to cuckold them. Since then, that family gain more financial advantages from our company eventhough they don't perform well. Not only that, they positioned their self to be part of my NG family." Chairman NG voice was cold and domineering but very bitter.

"These pictures succesfully jeopardized our father and daughter relationship. I sent her away from this country the day after the incident, I ignored her existence. Only few years later I found out the fact that my daughter actually had initiated her break up with that boy before my birthday banquet" He smiled then glared at the Han family.