
In the evening after the press conference, Chairman NG held a banquet. It was a welcoming party for his daugther and also Austen birthday celebration. It was a private function, he only invited his secretaries, his sworn brothers and their subsordinates, Liams' mother and step father, last but not least his future daugther in law. As he promised to his mother, he arranged his people to pick up her and brought her to the venue.

Chairman NG was startled when he saw crowd gathered in front of the venue. It was a high class seafood restaurant but he booked three quarter of the capacity so it should not be many people there.

His face turned ugly as he saw most the people on the crowd were journalist.

He called Ming who was his chief of bodyguard to ensure proper security in place. Nick, Sean, Alice and Jasmine travelled in same car, Where as their parents were in another car with Lana and Ed. their car arrived after chairman NG.

"Why is there so many people here ? daddy said it is a private function" Alice was confused

"Bro, it doesn't seems right" Sean said when he saw the crowd.

"I know. Sean, help me to carry Austen. Let me and Alice get off first, if possible get inside without attracking their attention. I don't want Austen and our parents on spot light" Nick put his son to Sean lap.


When the car was stopped, Nick got off from the car first then Alice. Tge moment they saw Alice, The journalist started pushing and splashing their camera, but the body guard were fast. They block the reported with their body. Alice was nervous, she subconsciously clung to his arm but she still smiled.

But all of sudden someone screamed "Hey you slut. How dare you ruin my family"

It was Xiaxia. the crowd were froze and turned their head toward the girl who walked closer to Alice.

All off sudden she raise her arm and Nick saw a silvery thing on her hand.

with reflect, he pulled her to his embrace with his hand and shield her head with another.

Alice didn't know what happened all of suddent some people shrieked and she heard his father frightening voice "Hold her and take her away".

She really wanted to see what was going on but she could not as Nick blocked her head. He only let her off from his shield after all noise gone.

"Darling what happen ?" She stared at Nick.

"It's find" He smiled. But Alice saw his left sleeves was cut and fresh blood flew.

"Oh no, you are bleeding" She held his hands

"I am fine. It just a small wound" he dragged her into the restaurant.

"Is there any first aid kits ?" She asked loudly as she pressed the wound.

Cobra got a box of first aid kits very soon.

Alice cleaned Nick wound with and put alcohol to disinfected the wound. "Should we go to see doctor ?" Alice asked.

"No. it's fine. I got worst then this before. Just put the antiseptic and wrap it with gauze" Nick smiled.

The Banquet was delay for due to the incident. Chairman NG came to the room then he spoke to his mother "why did you bring her here ?".

"She begged me" Madam NG answered arogantly.

"If my son in law was not fast enough, could you bear the consequences? Xinxin is your granddaughter, your blood is in her vein. she inherited your fashion talent. But you still don't accept her" He asked coldly.

Old Madam Ng was speechless but she maintained her arogance. She knew that she was wrong but she did not admitted. there were hardly to find eldest who was willing to admit their fault, especially a woman liked her who was a head of prestigious family.

"Bother Fu, please don't get angry. I think everyone are hungry now. Our in laws are here and Ah Chen girl friend is here" Madam Lin tried to calm him down.

He closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Bro, lets start the meal now. We deal with them later. we have brought them to a save place" Cobra came.

"Alright, send my belove mother back home" Chairman NG turned his body. He took his beloved woman and ignored his mother.

Liam just arrived with Angie. He found out about the incident from the bodyguards.

"Bro, are you ok ?" Liam came in rush.

"It's fine" Nick smiled.

"He is a man not a girl" Sean chuckled.

The banquet was started as a cute blue birrthday cake with octonauts decoration brought to the room. It was second time for Austen to blow up the candel.

On the middle of the banquet. Chairman Ng asked an unexpected question to Alice "does Xinxin think mummy and daddy is a perfect match ?".

Alice stared at him then to her mother and blinked her eyes before nodded.

"Good. We spent many passion nights until we had Xinxin on her belly. For the last one and half year, Daddy has spend most of my night with her. What do you think if Daddy and mummy become a legally married couple ?" He asked enthusiastically.

Every body halted their activity in shock.

Alice opened her mouth and close it, she didn't know what to say. She stared at Nick who was grinning.

"oh it's up to you" She said absent mindedly

"Xixi, lets get married this friday. Xinxin has prepared your wedding gown" Chairman NG laughed then he kissed his liver who was still in daze.

"Bro, please don't make your grandson has uncle that younger than him" Cobra snorted.

"I won't. One son and one daughter are enough for me" Chairman NG laughed.

"Dad, aunty hasn't say yes" Liam chuckled.

"she may say no" Madam Ye said innocently.

"I do" Madam Lin blurted.

"Lin xi ! Why don't you make a little bit hard for him to catch you ? Forget it" Madam Ye was helpless. This woman was easy to be pleased by someone dear to her..

every one cheered for the couple while Liam shook his head helplessly.

"Is it a tradition in our family that some one has to steal other people thunder ?" Lana laughed. Nick and Sean gazed at each other "suppose so".

"By the way, In laws, may I borrow your two outstanding sons tomorrow afternoon. I need help from those two to resolve my problem" Chairman NG was a high profile businessman. He knew how to win a deal.

"Of course, of course " as there was no way for the Fengs couple to refuse the request, neither Nick and Sean.

"Monkey is still monkey, no matter how old is he. He even uses his in law to get benefit" little tiger shook his head.