Submitted her self

The party finished not too late because it was on weekday. By the time they went back to the villa it was 10 O'clock. Nick help Austen and put the sleeping toddler to his cot on his room before when to his room.

"Have showe first. But don't let your wound wet" Alice instructed.

"How can i do that ?" he frowned.

"Ok fine. I'll help you" Alice pushed him to their bathroom. She help him to take off his shirt first after that She put soap on her hands and rubbed them to his body. It was a hard task for her since it was her first time to do it.

"Down there needs to be cleaned as well" Nick eyes pointed at his manhood and winked.

Alice blushed, but she did what he asked her to do then she rinsed the soap from his body. During the whole process, Her dress got wet. Nick aroused as he saw her wet dress stick on her skin outlineing her body shape that was still well maintained.

After he was done, she pushed him out from the shower.

"Get" Alice pouted as she shyly undressed her self and took shower.

Nick chuckled and went out side. He was playing with his phone thanking his friends, colleagues and staffs for their support for the last few days when the bathroom door was opened.

But it took few second for her to come out. Nick jaw dropped then he put his phone and walked toward his wife who stood in front of the bathroom shyly.

It was her second time wore revealing lingerie. Nick throat was very dry, he sized her her and started kissing her while his hands roaming around.

"Let me take a lead" Alice said while her thin long finger unbutton his pijama then pushed him down to the matress. She submitted her self to him. After all that he had done for her, she only could give her heart and her body to him, her love and her guardian angel.

He let her do what she pleased with his body and enjoyed her caressed.

"Honey, you haven't taste it for long time. please"she knew what he wanted, them she smiled and did it for him

"Ah.." He groaned.

"Do you like it ?" She asked naughtyly

"Honey, ride me"

She was very obedient that night.

He went very wild that night, he only let her take the lead of the first round because she was to slow. he did what ever he pleased, he mauled and nibled her. No inch in her body was spared.

She did not complaint or refuse what he asked and what he did. She totally gave her self to him and enjoyed his work.

She did not know what time she woke up but her tummy was very grumpy. when She moved her body, it was sore and sticky.

"Honey, Letshave breakfast" Nick kissed her.

"I want to bathe first. It's sticky" She wrapt a linen around her and went to the bathroom. She opened the tab to fill the bathroom with hot water.

"Let me help you, rinse your body first" Nick pulled her and pushed her shower and did what she did to her last night with some extra treatment.

They finished the shower and moved to the bathtub. It took more then an hour to finished.

By the time they went down stair, it was nearly lunch time. Mr Feng who was playing with Austen grinned happily when he saw his eldest son and eldest daughter in law "Austen is going to be elder brother soon" he muffled.

Alice asked for first aid kits and change his wet gauzed.

"Bro, the chauffeur has been waiting for sometime" Sean said as he put his suit.

"ok" Nick smiled as he buttoned his sleeved then out his suit.

"I am going now" He kissed her forehead.

Alice nodded.

Before Nick got on to the car, Alice came out "Darling, Have some sandwich. You haven't had any meal"

She handed him the sandwich and pecked his lips. Nick smiled and kissed her back

"Hurry up" Sean popped his head out and shook his head.

"Good morning, how are you uncle" They greeted the chauffeur in Mandarin.

Chauffeur Wang was stunned, he did not expect those two could speak fluently.

"Good morning young master. Miss is really beautiful" Chauffeur Wang smiled awkwardly.

"Young master, pftt" Sean laughed

"Please ignore him but please don't call me young master" Nick slapped Sean arm.

"This young master is ?"

"He is my younger brother. the second kid" Sean laughed "I am adopted son"

Nick phone rang, It was his secretary "Boss, company N is asking if our collaboration offer with them is still valid ?"

"Of course. Prepare the contract and send it to my lawyer. I'll sign it on moday afternoon. Made appointment at 2 O'clock" Nick shook his head.

"Bro, I am on holiday mood" Sean annoyed.

"Don't you need money for your wedding ?" Nick smiled shyly


An hour later, they arrived at Pr0sp3r int group headquarter. They both were in an awe.

"Bro, your father in law business empire is far more larger than Jung. Did you know that ?" Sean blurted.

"Who care. Don't you know your father in law is very powerful politician" Nick said indifferent.

"Who care"

then both of them laughed.

Chairman NG left home earlier but just arrived to his office at the same time as Nick and Sean.

"Chairman" Their employee bowed and greeted him.

Nick and Sean paused to wait for him

Chairman NG smiled gently at the two young man "oh you are here".

"Yes, We just arrive" Nick smiled.

"We are so sorry to come very late. it is due to certain people who had a wild night and woke up very late" Sean smirked.

"It's completely fine. Young couple need more time doing it" Chairman NG laughed and patted his son in law back proudly.

the employees were stunned to see how friendly their chairman Was to the guys that just arrived.

"Have you guys had lunch ? "

"Not yet"

"Lets go to our cafeteria and have lunch there. I have never been there either"