Love each other deeply

"Slut" Debbie Meng rushed toward Alice with her mother when they saw her.

Debbie threw her bag toward Alice who held Austen.

"Honey, watch out" Nick ran and pulled her to his chest while his hand was hit by the bag.

Sean held those women hands and pushed them "I never hit woman, but I don't mind if you insist".

Alice was shock. The bag missed her narrowly. if He did not dodge the bag with his hand, it would hurt her and Austen. Austen was crying laudly due to shock

"Are you ok ?" Nick asked.

"I am fine" Then she tried to sooth Austen when she suddently realised that the hand that blocked the back was the same one that blocked the knife.

"Jas, please hold Austen for me" she gave her baby to jasmine then she grabbed Nick uninjured hand "Open your suit" and helped him.

Once the suit removed, every one could see that the sleeve of this white shirt was red soaked with blood "Oh no" She shrieked.

"Asked the doctor to come here" Chairman NG frowned then he glared at the ladies who caused the trouble and roared angryly "Throw these people away, who did let them in ? I have no relation with Meng family at all. Her cousins are using NG as their family name buy, I have removed them from my family register book. If you think they are innocent, prove it in court. If Lawyer Li wishes to defend them, he must resign from this company. But keep in mind, his license is under this company not his personal" Chairman NG sneered then he stared as old lawyer Li.

"Lawyer Li, you had worked for me for long time and never made wrong doing and your son is pretty good too, I hope he can work for me. But, if you want to be on your future in law side, I am sorry, your son has no place here"

Alice helped Nick to sat on the sofa and unbuttoned his shirt then stared at his chest before rebottoned it "Daddy, Can I borrow your office to check his wound ?" Alice asked.

"Of course, just follow secretary Chin" Alice dragged her husband rightaway.

Jasmine grabbed one of paper bag and was about to followed them when Sean chuckled and held Jasmine hand "you can not go in. she doesn't allow any woman admire her husband body. nor I allow my woman see my brother naked body"

"Shameless !"she ignored him and dashed to Alice and gave her a bag.

Chairman NG swept his glance at the female there. Their face was red. He knew that They managed to peek CEO Feng body, it was really well build wtih her name tattoed acrossed. He was umhappy but he could not blame them, so he just dismissed the crowd.

"You two wait in my office it is just next door" Liam winked to Sean while took Austen from Jasmine.

It was a female Doctor came to Chairman Office and checked Nick hand. She kept peeping on his chest and muscled arm as he was shirtless.

"How is my husband wound ?" Alice asked

"A very mild sign of infection. I'll give him a shoot of antibiotics and clean his wound"

"I'll clean it. just give him the shoot now" She said coldly.

Nick giggled then he kissed her lips eventhough the doctor was still there "I am sorry to make Missu worry"

Alice kicked the doctor away as soon as she gave him the injection. After that she cleaned his wound and applied new gauze.

"Put your shirt on . I am waiting outside"

"help me please"

"No" She bit her lips. It was on her father office, she was worry that he would do unnecessary thing after he kissed her openly infront of the doctor.

"Ok, but no excuse for tonight." He grinned.

Alice ignored him and went outside to wait for him.

"Xinxin" some one called her.

She turned her head to the voice direction, It was Byron with his parents behind him. Alice did not say anything, she just stared at them with no emotion.

"Sister in law, he finished his bottle but doesn't want to sleep" Jasmine came out from Liam office with cranky Austen.

Alice ignored the Li family and took her son. She patted Austen gentl for less than two minutes before the infant fell asleep.

Nick came out and sat on the armrest and kissed her forehead "Lets go" He took Austen gently from her. She saw her father came closer with some of his staff and the Li family was still there.

Alice nodded and sneaked her hand on his.

"Daddy, will you join us ? mummy is coming with mum and add" She asked Chairman Ng sweetly.

"Daddy will, but later on. Xinxin goes first." Chairman NG caresed her and kissed Austen. The employee was dumpfounded . Their chairman had never spoke that soft and intimate even with his previous favourite daughter.

"Brother, will you come too ?"

"Mm, but a bit late, I'll pick her up first. Enjoy" Liam smiled.

"Ok. See you later"

"Chairman, that little boy, he is" The new President was not sure.

"My grandson. My daughter has given me a grandson. you lost, you haven't had any" Chairman Ng laughed.

"the boy is more to his mother" The other director said.

"No, my baby has to reassemble his dad. I hope he will help his dad to look after his mum. My princess is very pitiful, I didn't dote her when she was young. it is lucky that she met him. They love each other deeply. he is very good man, he loves her unconditionally. His parents dote my daughter so much even without my wealth, not like others" Chairman Ng sneered as his eyes narrowed at Lawyer Li and his wife.

He remembered that woman was one of those to always criticize his Xinxin in every occasion.

Nick and Alice walked together and left the building. They did their best to look compose and ignoring the employees that peeping and whispering to each other.

"she is pretty and CEO feng is handsome"

"A perfect match"

"she is very down to earth, not like other Miss"

"Yes, her clothes is just normal but perfectly fit her"

"oh gosh, she look like a teenager"

"They already have a little boy, how long have they been married for?"

"My friend managed to investigate through their social media , they married two and half years ago"

"Did you see that she expressed her love to him in social media ?"

"They are so sweet"

Byron stood there and watched her flew away. His eyes glued at her all the time. He admired how beautiful she was, how gentle she was when she held and cuddled the baby and how sweet her smile was. He imagined that he was the one that she cared, the one that kissed her openly, the one that held her hand. If only he was hers instead of that man and the toddler was his and her. He signed then closed his eyes Before he stared at his mother. His mother opened her mouth and close it and she stared at miserable Debbie and her mothers. she was speechless.