Down turn

For the next few days, Alice and Nick become trending topics in country T. It started by A lot of employees of Pr0sp3r int group expressed their amazement to the couple on the social media. Then, Netizens posted and shared what ever news they had about the couple. There were pictures when we were on the night market, pictures Alice and Mrs Feng shopped together at wet market, when the family had lunch and many others occations.

"Bro, you are very famous now" Sean teased him when he saw his brother and his sister in law pictures on newspaper and magazine.

"Darling, you are very handsome" Alice pecked on his cheek.

Nick chuckled, he turned his head and he accidently saw a teenager taking their picture, He grinned and kissed her lips "my wife is very pretty" then he spoke on her ear softly "also very sexy, especially"

"Stop it" she blushed while he giggled.

"These kids are really to much" Ming shook his head helplessly. He had to eat dog food eveyday since he was assigned to guard the princess upon their arrival.

Nick and Alice just enjoyed their time as normal. However, different from the couple, downturn had only began for certain peoples.

Meng family acted like peacocks before, they were arogant and looked down at others. Without Chairman NG backing them up, people started to reveal their wrong doing. Ian Meng was unfamouse at all, he was a playboy and loved to abuse people. His victims began to come forward, some of them were family that had been made bullied, also girls that had been raped or harass. His Father was no different, he actualy had many mistress outside and fathered few kids with them. Some of his mistress were younger than his daughter. They came forward to claim his fortune. Deddie Meng and her morther lost their face in society. The father and son scandals made them become a big joke. They only could stick with Lawyer Li family to climb back.

Li family was more or less affected. People within the company lost their respect to Byron. Not few of them suspected he was part of Patrick cronies and began to avoid him. His mothers faced dilemma. She did not know what to do as she did not want her beloved son to marry Deddy but she could not cancell it either. it was her who propossed the marriage and it was also her who proudly announce their wedding to her social circle. On top of that hee socialite friends started to make a distance with her. They all heard how she was badmouthing the girl who turned to be the real princess while praised her future daugther in law highly.

Patrick was engaged to one of prominent family in country T. However, the engagement was annulled after Chairman NG sever tie with him. The enggagement was based on mutual benefit. The other party clearly knew that he had many woman outside, but they did not mind because his position as the strongest successor candidate. When there was no benefit, the other party moved very fast to safe them self.

Xiaxia was not excluded. She used to have plenty friends but most of them be friend with her because of her money, one by one they left her. She and her mother was not able to socialise with their circle anymore, they did not have much money left to fund their previous life time. It was true that they got alot of compensation when Chairman NG served his tie with them, however, large part of it had been used to bail her out. They also needed money to hire lawyer as She would face court in few weeks for harming Alice on monday. They left behind by those who used to stick with them.

Andrew Han read all the news regarding Alice. He just smiled bitterly when he saw her pictured. Since monday, his company lost most of their projects and faced legal battle with FeNiLa. His lawyer told him that noway they could win againts FeNiLa as the other party had solid evident. Their only option was to agree with their request. It was simply to return the money that they had recieved plus the fine for breaching the contract and legal fee. However, the amount was not small and they did not have much cash. Their company money has been spent by the women to finance their lavish life style.

Han family problem did not stop there. His mother and his wife faced legal charge. Sean had reported them and they were in custody for threaten Alice. He managed to bail them out, but it worsened their family financial position. Han Family situation went from bad to worse as some one leaked his wife scandal, someone upload her s*x video of her and Mr Leng which just happened recently. After that there were more video circulated only about her with other men who were Andrew friends. Suzie was labelled as Han young master shareable woman.

"B***h" Mrs Han was angry and slapped her daughter in law who was currently pregnant.

"I doubt that the fetus in your belly belong to my son"She spatted.

"He is belong to this family. I can reveal to the public that you are the mastermind who were plotting Xinxin back there" Suzie talked back, she would not give up easily. Since then women began to fight eachother fiercely in every minutes.

Andrew Han was speechless. He and his family were not able to face anyone, even their relative distanced their self from them. He regretred that he chose her as his wife and pampered her for years. If only he did not betray the princess, he would be a happy man.

"Son, lets talk to your uncle and Xinxin. Mum believe she still has feeling towards you. You are her first love, it was very hard for girl to forget her first love.

Hubby, lets speak to Aunty NG so she can put a word for us. Also lets speak with brother in law, he trust you so much" Mrs Han begged. She did not mind being shameless and had no dignity as long as they could be back in what they were before.

They knew it was nearly imposibble but in desperation they tried once again to approach NG family.

"Mum is right. She still has feeling for me" Andrew told him self under his delusion.

The approach old madam NG first. Andrew paternal grandmother was old madan NG best friend. So they expected that she would help them.

"Aunty, it was relly not out fault. We are framed. please aunty" Mrs Han begged.

"I really can't help you. He doesn't talk to me after that day, nor even answer my phone" Old Madam NG was amazed with Han family brazen, they did not adminted their fault as all. She felt sick of them, Eventhough she disliked Alice, she was still her grand daughter who inherited her talent and her blood.

Old Madam NG had her own difficulty as well. Her son estranged from her after the incident. It was getting worse as she was still defending Xiaxia. she was lonely and helpless. Nearly every night she stared at her late husband pictures and muttered "Hubby, did it really made mistake ? but that girl has been in my side since she was born. I am the one that look after her eventhough she is not blood related to us. I didn't expect she could do such a thing. It was lucky that boy blocked the knife. Otherwise. I wish I didn't bring her, probably ah Fu still forgive them" Old Madam NG actually blamed her self for that incident.