Birthday surprise

Chairman NG did not angry at all. He knew what Nick did back there was for his own daughter good. She was penniless at that time, in order to help her survived, he had to teach her how to earn money. He was gratefull that his daughter met him, otherwise she might go for worse to worst.

"Why did you choose her ?" Old Madam Ng asked.

"I don't know. The first time I saw her, she was very rude. But, I felt sorry for her, my parents doted the girls more then us boys. But she" Nick dicontinued his sentence because he did not want to bring the unhappy memory back.

"Then, without realising, we fall in love with each other. I am glad that I chose her, she is a good wife, a good mother and she has good relationship with my mother" Nick smiled happily.

Austen suddently came "Daddy, mummy is looking for you. She is upstair on your room"

Chairman NG laughed, he knew that Xinxin was very demanding wife "Go, look after your big baby".

Nick smiled then he caressed Austen head "Have a chat with Lao ye and Tai Lao lao".

Nick went upstairs to see his wife. Alice was sitting on the edge of their bed and just ended her call. He got onto the bed and pushed her down "Honey, I just left for less than half an hour and you already miss me" Then he kissed her fiercely.

She let him kissed her, when he went to her neck and collar bond, she stopped him by holding his face "Darling, tomorrow is daddy birthday. I have ordered the company cafeteria to prepare special meal and I've paid for the cost. I also order birthday cake. Can we have lunch there first before go the resort ? I think mum, dad and Nai Nai can go first with the kids" She felt bad about her self, she did alot of thing to celebrate her parents in law but she never did anything to her father. It was true that she did not know when their birthday was, even her father birthday brought discomfort in her memory.


"I use the money from out join account" He always told her when he gave some to his parents or other, so she did the same.

"Of course. use it, I earn the money for us to use" He grabbed her hands and pressed the down and continued where he was before.

"Should you tell Sean that we change plan ?" Alice asked.


He did call Sean after, but Sean did not anwered his call. So he just sent him a text message.

The next morning after breakfast, every one was ready to go to their holiday destination, However, Liam called.

He told his father that there was an urgent matter in the company that He could not resolve. He asked his father and Nick to come to help.

"Xixi, take mother, in laws and the kids to the resort. Let Ming and cobra go with you. I need to take Nick with me to the company"

"I am going with you" Alice held his husband arm.

"How old are you ?" Old madam NG shook her head helplessly. She was to clinging.

Alice did not dare to rebuke her grandma, she just hung her head and pouted.

"She is coming with me. The children normally very well bahave when we are not around, especially with uncle Ming around" Nick did not want tp rui his wife plan.

At 11 O'clock, Chairman Ng arrived at the company headquarters. He took Nick and Alice to his office. The receptionists were new so they had not meet Alice before but they recognised Nick since he came there the day before.

"Who is the lady with Chairman ? why is she holding hand with CEO Feng ? She is very pretty" They asking with each other.

Byron coincidentally listened to the conversation, then He froze as only one possibility about the girl identity. "Xinxin ?" He muttered lowly.

Then the reseptionist got a call for upstair "Every one should be in cafetaria in 15 minutes, Include us and the security. The door will be closed. Lets go"

Every one rushed to the cafetaria, no one excluded.

Meantime on the highest level of the building.

"Tell President That I am here. Ask him to come as soon as posibble" He instructed secretary Chin.

"Yes sir"

"Wait, can I talk to you in private" Alice stood up and went out with secretary Chin.

"Have the cake been delivered? " Alice asked him.

"Yes Miss"

"Oh, congratulations for the boy. I hope uncle Ming and his daughter don't bully you" Alice smiled and went to her father office. Secretary Chin was married to Mings's daughter three years ago. She was used to work in the company as well years ago.

5 minutes later, Liam arrived in front of his father office. Before he entered the room, he grinned and put his panick mask on. As soon as he opened the door, he told his father "Dad, we need to go to the cafeteria".

"What is happening ?" Chairman Ng startled. Liam face changed as could find a good excuse

"Lets have a look, daddy" Alice sized her fathers' arm and dashed out of the room. She had to take action and her brother face was unconvincing.

Nick poked Liam shoulder and giggled, then both of them walked behind the a pair of father and daughter

"Man, it was very hard to act" Liam shook his head.

Chairman NG frowned as he did not see any one on the floor, the office was very quite like a cemetery. However, he could not angry in front of his daughter so he just kept walking with serious face. He was stunned as he saw the cafetaria was packed. All of The company employees were there. He glared at Liam "What's happen here ?"

Most of the employees were not familiar with Alice. She had not been to country T for 5 years.

"Who is the lady next to chairman ?"

"Oh Gosh, she is a goddess"

"Don't tell me she is chairman New mistress !"

They were whispering amoung them self.

Alice only wore a red V-neck with flounce sleeveless blouse and black skinny jeans and put a light make-up but it was enough to make her natural beauty became more radiant