Birthday surprise part 2

Behind their Chairman, they spotted their president director with a gentleman. That day, Nick wore a dark plump color polo shirt with black jeans instead of his business shirt. He was more attractive on his casual clothes as it showed his well tone body very well which attracted the female employees attention.

"Is it Director Feng from NAF tech ?"

"Oh my gosh, his body is amazing"

"I can't believe he is in his late 30's, he looks very young".

"But why is he here ?"

Not many employees knew Nick connections with the NG family.

"Chairman" They all greeted.

"Miss" Only few of people there greeted Alice.

Alice smiled "Don't call me Miss. I prefere to be called as Mrs Feng".

Liam snorted while elbowing Nick arm. Nick did not say anything, he just chuckled but he really liked her attitude.

The directors and manager who heard Alice were dumpfounded . Before they was able to respond, Secretary Chin and Secretary Ong came while pushing a food cart with three tier cake on it.

"Happy Birthday, Daddy" Alice kissed her father cheek while Chairman Ng was startled

"Happy birthday Dad" Liam smiled.

"Happy Birthday father in law" Nick bowed his head and came forward to give the birthday man a hug.

Chairman NG smiled then he glared fiercely to his son. Liam shrugged and pointed at Alice "Don't blame me. It's all her idea".

Alice ignored her brother, she instructed the secretary to light the candle of 6 and 8 "Come on Daddy, blow the candle" Alice smiled.

Chairman Ng laughed "Thank you. My Xinxin is the best" then did as his daughter said.

"It's clearly showing off of favouritism" Liam complained while giggled.

Among the crowd, Byron eyes glued at the the lady in red. He could not take his eyes of her. She was more beautiful and elegant by days, her smile were more dazzling. He came forward to wish chairman NG a happy brithday, he hoped to see her and spoke to her even just a 'hi' but by then Alice was no longer next to her father. She was on her husband side who were circling his hand on her waist.

Chairman NG had luch their with every one. He was on the same table with the directors, while Alice and Nick chose table of two behind him. They enjoyed their lunch without paying attention to their surrounding.

"Secretary chin, who is that woman?" finance manager asked.

"She is Alice Feng, Chairman Daughter" Secretary Chin said.

"She is wife of CEO Feng" Manager Luo said proudly.

"Are they really couple ?" Marketing menager asked.

"Of course, they have been married for 10 years, I think. And they have three children" Secretary Chin said.

"Oh my gosh. They must married when they are very young" Other said.

"Not really, Miss is 35 now and her husband nearly 40" Secretary Chin shook his head.

After everyone got their food, Chairman Ng stood up and gave a quick speech.

" Thank you all for your birthday wish. I am old now, I am sure this is my time to retire and enjoy my life. By the end of this year, you are going to have a new chairman" After that he left the building with Alice and Nick. The empoyee were dumpstruck, then they stared a Liam to asked for confirmation. Liam was also shock "what ? don't ask me. I didn't know either".

After left the building, they got on to the car and went straigh to the the resort.

"Daddy, are you really going to retired ?" Alice asked.

"Yes. I want to enjoy my life. I am 68, I am not sure how long I can live for. So, I want to travel with your mummy and enjoy live like your mum and dad do"

"Father in law, you are going to live for long time. But I think it's good for you to enjoy your time peacefully" Nick supported his decision.

Alice smiled then she looked at outside the car. The car was stopped at traffic light when she suddently caught a glimpse of a lady there. It looked familiar to her but also different. She stared until the traffic light was green and the car drove away but she was still in daze.

"what happen ?" Nick squeezed her hand gently.

"I think I saw someone that I know but she is not the same" She smiled and leaned on his shoulder.

"Have a nap, I'll wake you up when we are there" Nick kissed her forehead.

Alice closed her eyes, but she could not sleep. She was distrub by Nick and Chairman Ng conversation which was endless.

2 hour later, they arrived at the resort. I was on the costal area. their bungalows complex was the biggest one and closest to the beach. it had a main bulding that had 5 bedrooms and there was another 6 small one. The kids room were in the main bungalows with their grandparents while the parents, ming, cobra and little tigger took the small one. September was autumn in country T but It was still warm and going to beach was a good idea.

In the afternoon, Madam NG prepared another birthday surprise for him, an out door dinner and cake.

"Lao ye, Happy birthday" Austen, Aldo and Archie hugged their grandpa.

"Grandfather NG happy birthday" The rest of the kids chorused together.

"Can we have the cake now ?" Archie said. he had been eyeing the cake for long time.

"No,Lao ye has to blow the candle first" Nick glared at his youngest one.

"ok.Lets do it now"chairman Ng laughed. He blew the candle for the secondtime in a day then he cut the cake and asked Alice to let the kids have it.

"Actually, I didn't like to hold a party for my birthday" Chairman Ng said while dranked his wine.

"Why ?" Ming asked.

"I was afraid that it will remind Xinxin about that night"

"Don't worry. She is good" Little tiger laughed as he pointed at Alice. She and Jasmine were were busy putting meal to the kids plate.

"Archie, sit there and finish your meal" Alice yelled at her youngest son.

Old madam Ng watched the little boy and chuckled "He is little trouble like his grandfather".

"Really ? was brother Fu a troble maker when he was young ?" Madam NG asked excitingly

"He was a headache since baby, that's why I didn't want to have more children. Your father wanted more so he" Old madam NG discontinued her words. She just watched her great grandkids run around with their cousins and screaming happily.