What you plant is what you will harvest

The next day after breakfast, Nick and Sean were waiting for the children and their wife outside the bungalows. They were going to have a morning walk to enjoy the scenery and the resh air. The resort was on the remote area so it was still free from City noise and air pollution.

They did not wait for long time, the children and their mothers as well as their Nai nai and Gung gung were coming.

"where are you going ?" Chairman Ng asked.

"Have a morning walk. Come with us daddy" Alice held his father hand and dragged him with her.

"I need to do something" He tried to run away.

"Lao Ye, why are you so Lazy ? Nai Nai and Gung Gung walk with us every morning" Aldo shook his head.

"My teacher said exercise is good for your health grandpa" Jordan added.

"Yes. Mum and Dad said the same" Archie said.

"Ok ok, I am coming" Chairman Ng reluctantly joined the group. He never did much exercise other than playing golf.

"Daddy, look at mum and dad. They are healtier than you. They always walk the kids to school. Your heart condition is not very well, you have to exercise more. ok ?" Alice warned her father.

"Alright, Daddy will do it" He smiled awkwardly.

He walked at the last row with the Feng old couple while the kids were playing catch and run with their parents. After while, he enjoyed the activity, It was fun and refreshing.

They walked for about an hour and went back.

"Daddy, can we swim now ?" Aldo asked.

"Later in the afternoon. Lets go the food market now"

"Ok" The kids cheers. They were foody like their little aunty.

"You all have fun, Lao lao stay here with Tai lao lao" Madam NG was not convinced to leave her mother in law alone with her nurse.

"You go with them, I am fine here alone" Old Madam NG said. She felt ashame that she used to hate her daughter in law and made her suffer. But now, she was the one that looked after her. Fairly speaking, Old madam NG was party to be blame for what Alice experienced when she was young.

"It's fine. I am staying here".

The market was very crowded It was really hard to manage the boys who were very exiting to run here and there.

"Lucky we have many people here" Nick shook his head stared at the kids who enjoyed their ice cream

"You know, My men said guarding high profile person is easier than following these little rascals" Ming chuckled

Sean laughed and glared at Jasmine "Can you imagine if each of us has 5 of them ?".

Jasmine and Alice were speechless. They looked at each other then giggled. Sean was right, If each of them had 5 kids, their home would be like war zone.

"I am glad, My lau gong will not be able to impregnant me again" Jasmine said first.

"Me too. Otherwise My Darling would not have time for me" Alice added.

After their belly were full, the children asked to back home, especially Archie who reminded his father about his promise to swim. At 2 o'clock they went back to the resort.

They just enter their bungalow front lawn, when they saw a man and a women pulling Madam NG.

"Mummy !?" Alice shrieked.

"Sean, Bring the kids inside !" Nick instructed. With The body guards and his parents helped, Sean managed to get the children inside without noticing anything wrong. While Nick and Alice rushed to follow their father who already run to safe their mother.

"Lin Xi, you have to take your responsibility. If it wasn't because of you, my daughter won't be at this stage" The lady tried to pull Madan NG hair.

"Stop it !" Chairman NG shouted then the bodyguards came to hold the lady and her male companion down.

"Chairman NG, you have to be fair to us. Our daughter is suffer because of your daughter and that b***h" The lady was still barking.

"Mummy" Alice run and hugged her mother.

"I am ok" Madam NG shook her head and walked to her husband side.

Chairman NG sneered "Fair to you ? Let me ask you, who did asked her to climb on that jerk bed ?"

"It was because your daughter didn't do what she suppose to do"

"Who are they?" Alice asked but before anyone could answer, she was a familiar face "Secretary Huang ?!"

"You wrench, you ruined my daughter life" The lady tried to attack Alice.

Nick pulled Alice to his embrace eventhough he knew that the lady would not be able to break free from the body guards.

"why is it my daughter fault ? It was your husband who arranged the agreement so it was only fair for him to take responsibility. To be fair with you ? Fine, for more than 20 years, your daughter enjoyed all my daughter fortune. If you want a fair treatmen, should you return all what she enjoyed back to my daughter" Chairman NG sneered.

"You expected my daughter to suffer but heaven has heart. Gods protect my daughter and let the bad people get their retribution. It was that Leng b*****d that ruined your daughter life, he was the one that made her become prostitute. By the way, you put a big share too, I clearly remember that you proudly announced to public that your daughter is his mistress".

"What happen to her ?" Madam NG asked. She still concerned about her adopted daughter, she used to have closer relationship to her than to Alice after all.

"She is infected with AIDS. She is dieing"ex secretary Huang cried.

Alice was dumpstruck when she heard the news. She clapped her mouth and hugged Nick waist.

"Don't feel sorry for her. if their plan worked it was you on that woman position. It was you who might become a prostitute and infected. Don't be too soft otherwise people can milking you" Cobra said to Alice.

Nick closed his eyes as he imagined what would happen if Alice did not chase him to country A. Cobra was right, most likely it was her on that woman position. He stared at the ex secretary Huang and he was sickened by him. He knew he had to feel sorry of him but he was just a human who held grude. He gave then a disgust looked and tightened his and on her waist "what you plan is what you will harvest. Lets go inside. The kids are waiting for us"